how can i send data to server interval times - flutter

it's my code
class TrackingManager {
Location locate = new Location();
Future<Map<String, double>> trackOn() async {
LocationData getlocationdata = await locate.getLocation();
Map<String, double> locationdata = {};
locationdata['latitude'] = getlocationdata.latitude ?? 0;
locationdata['longitude'] = getlocationdata.longitude ?? 0;
return locationdata;
if controller(user) call TrackingManager and initialize object,
and use trackOn so Stores the location information of the current user.
class LocateApiRequest {
final _networkManager = NetworkManager();
final _trackingManager = TrackingManager();
Future transmit(String accessToken) async {
final locationdata = await _trackingManager.trackOn();
final response = await _networkManager
.send(ApiRequestFactory.transmit(locationdata, accessToken));
final statusCode = response.statusCode;
if (statusCode == 200) {
final responseBody = jsonDecode(response.body);
return responseBody;
throw statusCode;
and Send the data to the server by requesting a post
But this action is carried out only once.
Starting with when a user clicks a specific button, I want to do this on the server with a regular time (background, foreground status is not important)
how can i solve it?I've thought about using a repeat statement, but this doesn't seem reasonable

using location callback
location.onLocationChanged.listen((LocationData currentLocation) {
// call network api
// Use current location


How to Save List in SharedPreferences in Flutter

Hello all at first I want to mention that I've tried a lot of solutions here but it didn't work for me.
I bring the list from the database through the following code:
var listCat = [];
Future getdata() async {
apiURL = '***************.php';
var response = await;
var responsebody = jsonDecode(response.body);
if (responsebody.length >0){
for (int i = 0; i < responsebody.length; i++) {
listCat.add(responsebody[i]['name']+ ':' + responsebody[i]['image'].toString());
return responsebody;
As is obvious in the code above I am trying to get the name and image and this is not a problem right now I want to store this listCat in SharedPreferences until I recall it from all pages of the app
I have the following class to save SharedPreferences:
class APIPreferences {
static SharedPreferences ? _preferences;
static const _keyMuinCat = 'MuinCat';
static Future init() async => _preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
static Future setMuinCat(String MuinCat) async => await _preferences!.setString(_keyMuinCat, MuinCat);
static String? getMuinCat() => _preferences!.getString(_keyMuinCat);
Then I save what I need to save by the following line:
Then I can bring pre-stored data from any location where I need it through the following code:
CatList = APIPreferences.getMuinCat() ?? '';
I tried to do the following thing now to save the list in the first code above:
var listCat = [];
Future getdata() async {
apiURL = '***************.php';
var response = await;
var responsebody = jsonDecode(response.body);
if (responsebody.length >0){
for (int i = 0; i < responsebody.length; i++) {
listCat.add(responsebody[i]['name']+ ':' + responsebody[i]['image'].toString());
return responsebody;
But it didn't work. I don't really know how to deal with it.
How can I save it and then bring it to use with ListView.
instead of:
_preferences!.setString(_keyMuinCat, "some string");
_preferences!.setStringList(_keyMuinCat, ["some", "strings", "in", "list"]);
So in your code, the setMuinCat method needs to be:
static Future setMuinCat(List<String> muinCat) async => await _preferences!.setStringList(_keyMuinCat, muinCat);
and then you call it like this:
APIPreferences.setMuinCat((listCat as List).map((v) => v.toString()).toList());
To save the list in shared preferences you need to pass as jsonEncode(yourList data) and when you will fecth the shared list you will again jsonDecode(your list)
await prefs.setString('YOUR KEY', json.encode(YOURMAP()));

Flutter await for another method complete

I want to check if new update is available for my application or not. if update is available redirect user to UpdateScreen and if update is not available get the user info and redirect to HomeScreen
_check() async {
await _checkForUpdate();
await _getUserData(token);
_checkForUpdate() async {
print('check for update');
var url = Uri.parse(Endpoints.mainData);
var response = await http.get(url);
var jsonResponse = convert.jsonDecode(response.body);
var data = jsonResponse['data'];
int lastVersionCode = data['lastVersionCode'];
if(lastVersionCode > Data.versionCode){
redirectToScreen(context, UpdateScreen());
_getUserData(String token) async {
print('get user data');
var url = Uri.parse(Endpoints.accountInfo + '/?token=' + token);
var response = await http.get(url);
var jsonResponse = convert.jsonDecode(response.body);
var data = jsonResponse['data'];
//setup user data in my app
redirectToScreen(context, HomeScreen());
When I run my application two methods( _checkForUpdate, _getUserData) get fired and in output I the get following message that i printed:
check for update
get user data
and i see Update screen for 1 second and then user is redirect to HomeScreen.
i want to skip running the other codes after _checkForUpdate redirect user to UpdateScreen
return a bool whether there is an update available and use it to skip other methods:
_check() async {
bool needsUpdate = await _checkForUpdate();
if (!needsUpdate)
await _getUserData(token);
Future<bool> _checkForUpdate() async {
print('check for update');
var url = Uri.parse(Endpoints.mainData);
var response = await http.get(url);
var jsonResponse = convert.jsonDecode(response.body);
var data = jsonResponse['data'];
int lastVersionCode = data['lastVersionCode'];
if (lastVersionCode > Data.versionCode) {
redirectToScreen(context, UpdateScreen());
return true;
return false;

Save local string from a function inside shared preferences and use it in other pages

I wish to save the userid string that am getting from a function that parses and decodes JWT token , and be able to use it in other pages in my Flutter app . I tried to save it inside shared preferences but doesn't seem to be working .This is my function and how I used shared preferences
String userName;
dynamic authenticator;
String _decodeBase64(String str) {
String output = str.replaceAll('-', '+').replaceAll('_', '/');
switch (output.length % 4) {
case 0:
case 2:
output += '==';
case 3:
output += '=';
throw Exception('Illegal base64url string!"');
return utf8.decode(base64Url.decode(output));
String _userid = '';
Map<String, dynamic> parseJwt(String token) {
final parts = token.split('.');
if (parts.length != 3) {
throw Exception('invalid token');
final payload = _decodeBase64(parts[1]);
final payloadMap = json.decode(payload);
if (payloadMap is! Map<String, dynamic>) {
throw Exception('invalid payload');
addStringToSF() async {
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
_userid = payloadMap['user_id'];
prefs.setString('stringValue',_userid );
return payloadMap;
getStringValuesSF() async {
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
//Return String
String _userid = prefs.getString('userid');
print (_userid);
return _userid;
void initState() {
authenticate() async {
// keyclock url : key-clock-url : example : http://localhost:8080
// my realm : name of your real.m
var uri = Uri.parse('');
// your client id
var clientId = 'helium';
var scopes = List<String>.of(['openid', 'profile']);
var port = 8080;
var issuer = await;
var client = new Client(issuer, clientId);
urlLauncher(String url) async {
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url, forceWebView: true);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch $url';
authenticator = new Authenticator(
scopes: scopes,
port: port,
urlLancher: urlLauncher,
var c = await authenticator.authorize();
var token = await c.getTokenResponse();
var userInformation = await c.getUserInfo();
setState(() {
userAccessToken = token.accessToken;
userName = userInformation.preferredUsername;
//return token;
I wish to use the userid variable here instead of the static string (id) am passing , in a way it dynamically reads the value from the function then use it inside the link to show the user's info :
final response = await http.get('');
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
// If the server did return a 200 OK response,
// then parse the JSON.
return User.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));
} else {
// If the server did not return a 200 OK response,
// then throw an exception.
throw Exception('Failed to load user');
The second function is in another page (profile page), if anyone knows how I can save the userid from the function , then pass to another page (using sp or any other way) please don't hesitate to help thank you in advance
In my experience, when it comes to simple key/value storage, GetStorage is easier to use and less finicky than Shared Preferences. Try this:
Put this in your main before running your app.
await GetStorage.init();
Then your addStringToSF method would look like this:
addStringToSF() async {
final box = GetStorage();
_userid = payloadMap['user_id'];
box.write('stringValue', _userid);
Then from anywhere in your app access the stored value by
final box = GetStorage();
final newString ='stringValue');
That should work for you.

How to Concatenate Strings & fetch data flutter

I have problem in api calling i getting a geolocation of current place,i am passing the latitude&longitude
but i having a problem is i need to pass the latitude&longitude to certain format like this lat_11.3054724$75.8744252 so i can't try to concatinate the $ sign along with it,Also i am not getting any data when i pass latitude&longitude data i cannot use in api it throws
unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'latitude' was called on null.
E/flutter (27500): Receiver: null
E/flutter (27500): Tried calling: latitude
But i can print the data to Text but not pass to api
Future<String> getMainbanner() async {
var latitude=_currentPosition.latitude.toString();
var longitude=_currentPosition.longitude.toString();
var response = await,
headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
body: json.encode({
"banner_type": "Main_Banner",
"location": "lat_"+latitude+'$'+longitude,
Map<String, dynamic> value = json.decode(response.body);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var resp = response.body;
Map<String, dynamic> value = json.decode(resp);
var message = value['msg'];
var banner =value['bannerapp'][0];
for (int i = 0; i < banner.length; i++) {
var data = banner[i];
CustomDialogs().showErrorAlert(context, "Main Banner Image NotFound");
Code for fetching Current location
_getCurrentLocation() {
final Geolocator geolocator = Geolocator()..forceAndroidLocationManager;
.then((Position position) {
setState(() {
_currentPosition = position;
}).catchError((e) {
Edit: The problem is, that _currentLocation is still null when you call _currentLocation.latitude, because _getcurrentLocation() needs some time to set it. There are different approaches to make it work, depending on how your architecture looks.
Change _getCurrentLocation() to an async function
Future<void> _getCurrentLocation() async {
final Geolocator geolocator = Geolocator()..forceAndroidLocationManager;
try {
final position = await geolocator.getCurrentPosition(desiredAccuracy:;
setState(() {
_currentPosition = position;
} catch(e) {
And await on it inside getMainbanner
Future<String> getMainbanner() async {
await _getCurrentLocation();
var latitude=_currentPosition.latitude.toString();
var longitude=_currentPosition.longitude.toString();
var response = await,
headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
body: json.encode({
"banner_type": "Main_Banner",
"location": "lat_"+latitude+'$'+longitude,
Map<String, dynamic> value = json.decode(response.body);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var resp = response.body;
Map<String, dynamic> value = json.decode(resp);
var message = value['msg'];
var banner =value['bannerapp'][0];
for (int i = 0; i < banner.length; i++) {
var data = banner[i];
CustomDialogs().showErrorAlert(context, "Main Banner Image NotFound");
The problem is the $. $ is a special character in dart strings for interpolation so you have to add an escape \ before it.
See here:
And you can make use of this string interpolation to build your string:
var latitude=_currentPosition.latitude;
var longitude=_currentPosition.longitude;
Also, you don't need the toString() for latitude and longitude

NoSuchMethodError the method was called on Null

in this code below WeatherModel tried to get current location of android phone,
my problem here is once I start runing it show NoSuchMethod Found, and it says reciever is null,
as I tried a lot of debugging just to see where is my problem.
I now understand that my problem is when I create instance of Location() in WeatherModel, longitude and latitude are null, it never gets value and I dont know why...
Sorry for my bad english :(
const apiKey = 'e3653190f2b1d4803287b3074ecfe618';
const apiWeatherURL = '';
class WeatherModel {
Future<dynamic> getLocationWeather() async {
Location location = Location();
NetworkHelper networkHelper = NetworkHelper(
var weatherData = networkHelper.getData();
return weatherData;
class Location {
double latitude;
double longitude;
Future<void> getCurrentLocation() async {
try {
Position _position = await Geolocator()
.getCurrentPosition(desiredAccuracy: LocationAccuracy.high);
longitude = _position.longitude;
latitude = _position.latitude;
} catch (e) {
class NetworkHelper {
final url;
Future getData() async {
http.Response response = await http.get(url);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var data = jsonDecode(response.body);
print(" Sarkawtua $data");
return data;
} else
print("Error ${response.statusCode} keshay Internet");
Because you instance fields are not updated, so they are null. You have method for getting current location but it's not fired in getLocationWeather.
Future<dynamic> getLocationWeather() async {
Location location = Location();
await location.getCurrentLocation();
NetworkHelper networkHelper = NetworkHelper(
var weatherData = await networkHelper.getData();
return weatherData;
Edit: You also must await networkHelper.getData() method to get not Future Object.