SendGrid webhook returns 404 to ngrok - sendgrid

I am using a webhook to listen for Mail Send events (open, click), and I keep getting 404 being returned to my ngrok URL. If I use a webhook tester URL, it works.
Is there a configuration issue that needs to be set with ngrok and SendGrid?

My bad, I was calling the wrong route. This fixed it for me, I changed from /event to /api/v1/event.
I initially called the route like this /api/v1/event but, I did not get any trigger from SendGrid then I removed it. I realized that it takes time for SendGrid to make a post request to my route because of the queuing system.


Gmail modifying a href link

In a scenario where mailgun sends an email to a customer that includes a PayNow button, the a href link gets scrambled. I am using my full domain however gmail changes this link in the email to
The email.mail is a property in my DNS file I had to make it setup the mailgun server.
Why is it doing this? How do I prevent this? If I can't, can I get my server to register that link and redirect it to my intended target?
I have my certificate on my server through LetsEncrypt if that means anything to the situation. https works fine with normal http traffic blocked.
Mailgun, through link tracking, is actually the one causing this issue. I have not read any documentation on link tracking or how to set it up properly after walking through the default setup, but disabling this resolves this issue.

Ionic 2/Typescript Mailgun API sends with success but no email ever seems to be sent

I have an Ionic 3 app that has some code that fires an email to a recipient once a certain action is triggered. When I test this in the browser, I get the preflight issue and so I get around this using a Google Chrome plugin that allows me to enable CORS and when I actually execute the function, I get a success that looks like:
Headers {
_body:"Mailgun Magnificent API"
However, an email is never sent to the address provided. It's not in spam or anything either. Does anyone know what might be causing this?
Check these three things :
1) Your URL seems very strange, with nested https://. It should be simply<my-domain>/messages
2) Make sure you validated your Mailgun account before trying to use it
3) Are you in sandbox mode ? If yes, did you add authorized recipients ? If not, you can't send any email.

Retrieving Delivery Steps for SMS/MMS via Twilio REST API

Is it possible via the Twilio REST API to retrieve the Delivery Steps (like you can see on Message Details on the Message Log)? If it is not possible via the REST API, is there a programmatic way to get it (apart from screen scraping)?
I'm using the C# Twilio NuGet package, but I can also hit the REST API directly if necessary. I didn't see Delivery Steps in documentation for either or by visually inspecting JSON results. I also cannot get the Delivery Steps in the CSV export.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Whilst you can't get that detail from the REST API, messages in Twilio can notify you of their status as it changes.
When you send a message, just set a StatusCallback parameter and Twilio will send you an HTTP POST request when the message status changes into any of the following states: queued, failed, sent, delivered, or undelivered.

sendgrid email via X-SMTP

I am trying to figure out how can I make it possible to send an email from my
application to Sendgrid and have it come back.
I want to use coldfusion to send an email using X-SMTP API. I found a documentation
online here but still wondering if there's any documentation available other
than the web API one?
SendGrid's Event Webhook is the only way to get email reads on an individual basis. This will POST an event to your server every time an email is read (among several other events).
The only "pull" based solution to get individual email events from SendGrid is the bounces endpoint, which will tell you when an email bounces (and is certainly not read), but nothing else.
If you want to retrieve individual read events from SendGrid, you'll need to connect the Event Webhook to an external service like, and then leveraging their API to get individual events.

Strophe & Ejabberd: problem with reauthentication after sending message

Im using Strophe attach method to connect to ejabberd (2.1.6) with external authentication. Everything works fine after attaching, but when I'm trying to send a message stanza to some user, that user does not recieve his message. Message stanza is stored in spool table in database. I don't know why the message isnt delivered directly to the user.
The only thing I see in ejabberd log is that after sending message ejabberd is testing user to whom I sent the message with external isuser call, and after that ejabberd reauthenticates me.
I don't know if that reauthentication is normal thing or there's something out there that I do wrong.
Do any of you had this type of problem before? If so, how did you managed to solve it?
Is it the sender that is getting reauthenticated? If so, it's possible that you're sending XML that is not well-formed, and the server is disconnecting you.
It appears that there was a problem with my app and htaccess file which sent all requests to index.php if the resource was not a directory or a file, which caused my app to once again run GET request if there was an image that did not exist on server, but was included in html.
And because I was connecting to ejabberd on every request (except for ajax) reauthentication was taking place.
Than you for your interest.