Gmail modifying a href link - email

In a scenario where mailgun sends an email to a customer that includes a PayNow button, the a href link gets scrambled. I am using my full domain however gmail changes this link in the email to
The email.mail is a property in my DNS file I had to make it setup the mailgun server.
Why is it doing this? How do I prevent this? If I can't, can I get my server to register that link and redirect it to my intended target?
I have my certificate on my server through LetsEncrypt if that means anything to the situation. https works fine with normal http traffic blocked.

Mailgun, through link tracking, is actually the one causing this issue. I have not read any documentation on link tracking or how to set it up properly after walking through the default setup, but disabling this resolves this issue.


https link showing in outlook where preview should be

One of my customers mentioned to me that the way they have out look set up, allows them to see a short email preview in the form
Hi, this is a message preview
However when I email, the get a big long https string and at first they thought that the email might include a virus so were dubious about opening it.
I am keen to find a way to stop this happening.
My email displays as
I use Thunderbird to send my emails, I shouldnt think that my email client would cause this though.
Also I use an smtp relay mailersend and their details are included in the https link as you will see from the pic.
I have also used socket labs and when I send using their relay, the link is still there but changes slightly
So I think that it may be something to do with the fact I use an SMTP relay
I have noticed though that it only seems to be outlook that shows this, Gmail, thunderbird and others that I have sent testemails to do not display in this manner.
At first I thought that it was because my logo in the header contained a link to the website but I have removed the link and there is no change
The part at the top circled in yellow is what they see when I email, the bit below circled in red is what they see from everyone else
The problem is not related with Thunderbird but with MailerSend which is a transactional email service.
According to mailchimp:
Transactional emails are automated emails sent from one sender to one recipient, usually related to account activity or a commercial transaction.
The URL shown in the Outlook preview is a tracking URL. You can solve this problem by removing tracking or by asking support to MailerSend.

How to Track an Email properly and Prevent the user from opening the tracking link?

I have a question about tracking email. I've made a server that tracks an email by the inserting the target URL into <img>.
Until now all is good, but if the user (the sender) opens the email, the server gets a GET Request from the Google image proxy. Now this is bad, because this tracking URL was targeting the recipients and not the sender.
I've thought of changing the URL in the sender's side like does, but don't know how.
Use a mail client that doesn't preview the image. I believe what is happening is that your current mail client is previewing the email for you and tripping your tracking link. Another option would be to use a service like Mailchimp, which will add the tracking code for you. I also believe certain versions of outlook have this feature but I'm not sure how much mileage that will get you.

Keycloak is sending HTML code inside password reset link

Yesterday I started noticing that the keycloak emails for required user actions are containing HTML characters inside the URL that is being sent for the required action.
example: /auth/realms/EasyDox/login-actions/action-token?key=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiI
This of course gives me an error on the keycloak page
If I change the characters &#61 to = in the URL, it works fine and I am able to do the password reset.
Note that we are using mailjet to send emails through our custom domain.
I really don't know where the issue is since before yesterday everything was working fine, and I'm kind of lost on what to look for.
If anyone has any suggestions what to try since we have customers that are connected to this keycloak, and some of them can't log in since they forgot their password.
I managed to solve this by moving our mail sending from Mailjet to SendGrid. It had nothing to do with keycloak.

How can I redirect my website without messing up the existing mail server setup?

This is the situation I am facing right now. Hope someone can help me out with the circumstance. Great thanks.
I am trying to redirect my existing website to another website. I can be able to do it by changing the DNS setting from my domain holding panel. But the problem is that there is mail service setup on the old website (e.g., once I change the DNS setting to redirect the old domain to new domain, the mail service is dead. However, I want to keep the mail server using the old domain.
Anyway that I can redirect the domain but keep the mail server at the old domain. I am newbie to this server setup procedure. Thanks for any help provided

Serve images in emails from http or https?

Does it make a difference at all whether I serve the images in an email campaign from an encrypted domain? Will this make emails less likely to end up in a client's spam folder?
Using http insteadt of https will most likely not affect the spam/ham classification.
However, it could throw warnings in older browsers, which may confuse your recipients. The reason is because most webmail services - like Gmail, (former Hotmail), or Yahoo! Mail - default to SSL when the user logs in. Loading images from non-secure sources now is a possible security leak. This blogpost and the screenshot below illustrate the problem and the resulting browser behaviour.
Furthermore, you'll miss referrer information of a recipient who opened an email on https, when the tracking pixel is located just on http.
Finally, if you use https, make sure the certificate is valid and up-to-date. Otherwise email clients like Thunderbird throw warnings.
It doesn't make a difference. Almost everyone uses http:// without any spam hit, so there is nowhere for https:// to improve on that, even though spam filters are an accumulative score.
If there was something in either your content or reputation flagging you as spam, having https:// linked images wouldn't award you any 'bonus points' to save the day.
I second #lukeA's answer and would like to stress that the impact of using images served over http:// connections has certainly increased, even in web-based email clients.
See for example Google Inbox in Chrome (48.0.2564.109), before and after looking at an email which includes an image served over http:// (in that case, a spam email). Note the green lock is gone until you refresh the page!
Gmail's image proxy serves all images over https:// - however, it is unclear (to me) for which images the proxy is really used. For that particular spam mail that I opened to create the below snapshots, it certainly isn't.