Unity Terrain Glossy with White Patches - unity3d

I am new to Unity and I am having difficulties applying the terrain tools. How can I fix glossy terrain with white spots within 2021.3.5f1 Unity? I'm unsure why this is happening to all of my terrain layers.
The textures are from the Unity Terrain Tools asset
I even deleted the terrain I created above and created a new 3D object > Terrain (without any adjustments). I painted the new terrain with the Unity asset textures used in the world above.
Then I started raising the terrain to create mountains, but this caused it to create white spots on the scene. See the image below:
What am I doing wrong? What would be the correct way of importing assets or textures within assets?

Convert Rendering Pipeline in Unity 2021.3.5f1's verison


Unity URP not applied, Sprite Lit Default shader not turning pink

When you insert a pipeline asset into graphics like this, the existing sprite default material should be pink, but it is the same.
Even the Sprite Lit Default material is not pink. Does anyone know a solution?
The current project is a project converted from 3D to 2D, and 3D URP was applied well in the past.

Unity Terrain Texture Stretching

I am new to Unity's terrain system and was trying to create a terrain for a game. I finished my terrain and then wanted to begin texturing it, to my dismay the textures that I'd try would become extremely stretched due to the height I have some parts of the terrain set at. I have been looking for a solution to this problem and I tried to do the Triplanar Shader mapping but it seems to not work either or I did it wrong. All of the floors look fine its just the sides of the terrain that get stretched. What should I do to try to fix this issue? Am beginner

Dark texture when importing .FBX from Blender to Unity

I'm trying to import an Blender object with texture to Unity.
I did a simple cube with smart UV Projet unwrap, i added a texture and then exported it as .FBX file.
When in Unity, even if the cube has the right material with the right texture, the cube has a dark version of the texture.
Unity cube with dark shadowed texture
Blender cube with bright texture
Here's what i tried:
Flipping my normals in or out in Blender.
Change normals and tangents settings in unity to calculate.
Trying to change pretty much all Model settings in inspector in unity.
Just as a guess, it looks a little bit like you have no light source in your Unity scene. If you want the texture brightness constant without factors like scene lighting you need to change the material to some unlit variant in unity.
Also, check the albedo tint of the material. It seems that sometimes when extracting, it automatically adds a gray tint to it.

Sprite shadow in 3D world

I am trying to project shadows from sprites on 3D objects, i followed some tips here and there but i still have issues.
I created a material that use Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse and add it to my sprite, i also enable ShadowCastingMode and receiveShadows on the SpriteRenderer.
The result is that my sprite actually cast a shadow now, but the sprite itself is also shadowed, which is not the result i am looking for.
Without the shader:
With the shader:
I know absolutely nothing about materials and shader so this is me just walking in the dark.
Also this is a brand new project and i am using the template 3D with extra if it makes any difference.

Import blender textures on Unity 3D are always black

I have the next simple Blender Texture:
This is a simple png file, imported to blender add added in the Image Texture component (at the left of the first image), with a transparent background.
I exported this texture in two format, the first one in .blend and the second one in .fbx format.
But, when I export this textures to blender (both formats) are a black rectangle and the spheres hasn't any texture, are totally gray.
What I'm doing wrong at the moment to import the textures?
You are supposed to bake the material into texture.
I use Maya so I don't know the steps in Blender. You can google Bake Materials in Blender.When you bake the maps, you will get a Texture that is supported in Unity.
Usually, you create a simple flat plane, attach the material to the plane, position the camera in front of it, then bake it. For what you are doing, you only need the color map. You don't need normal maps and others.
Here are important links to learn that.