By drop-down choices and time-interval some services do not have data or do not exists.
Are there ways to not show those panels in grafana dashboards?
I would like to generate Grafana URLs with a predefined search of a dashboard name.
Something like leading to the search result page with all dashboard containing this name.
Is this possible ?
Use different Grafana approach, e.g:
I want to create a "dashboard list" in grafana and show only dashboards that have an alert in "Alerting/Firing" state.
A alert list is not working for me, as it has no more a link to the dashboard. (Ok you see the dashboard id, but I need something to klick)
I try to do it with a query but I dont find any documentation for the query syntax in the dashboard list.
I have buildNumber filed (type is integer) as X-Axis in Kibana 6 visualisation, it looks like this:
How can I make it clickable?
E.g. if I click on #5 I'd like to get to event's data:
You can get what you want by creating a dashboard with:
The graph you show above
The saved search you display in the picture above (without filtering). First
save the search you want and then add it to the dashboard. From ES forum How
to Visualize Discover data in dashboard
When you add a visualization to a dashboard, there are two tabs: one for a list of visualizations and one that shows available saved searches.
When you click the buildNumber a filter will be automatically added to the dashboard which will filter all the items on the dashboard, so you'll see the buildNumber details as you want.
I have several dashboards in the Grafana, when I log in to the Grafana, I encounter with the Dashboard Not Found error.
I want to set one of the Grafana dashboards as the home page (default page) when I log in to the Grafana.
Grafana v4.6.3
In grafana click on the Grafana Menu, got to > Profile and under preferences you can set the Home Dashboard for yourself. For you organization you'll need to logon as an admin and under Grafana Menu > Main Org > Preferences you can set the home dashboard for your organization. This is for v4.6.3, but it should be the same in previous version.
Update for July 2020
Seeing as this answer is still getting up votes I've decided to update it to cover later versions of Grafana
Grafana versions 5.4.5, 6.7.3, 7.1.0
The same method works for all of these versions.
As ROOT says below: To set a dashboard as a default, or include it in the list of dashboards that can be used as the default, you need to favourite that dashboard as follows:
Open the dashboard you want as the default
Mark it as favourite dashboard
To do this click on the star icon in the dashboard header (in version 7+ the start is on the right-hand side)
Setting the default dashboard for yourself
To set a default dashboard for yourself do the following:
Select Preferences from the Profile menu (you'll find this toward the bottom of the Grafana menu bar on the left side of the screen)
In the Preferences view, under the Preferences group select the Home Dashboard you want as your default
Click on Save
Setting the default dashboard for a team
To set a default dashboard for a team you need admin rights. To set the default dashboard for a team:
Select Teams from the Configuration menu on Grafana menu bar
In the Teams view, select the team you want by clicking on it
In the Team view, select the Settings tab
Under the Preferences group select the Home Dashboard you want as your default
Click on Save
For an organization
To set the default dashboard for an organization you need admin rights, and you need to be in the Organization profile. You can set which organization profile you're in on the Profile menu.
To set the default dashboard for the organization do the following:
Select Preferences from the Configuration menu on the Grafana menu bar
In Preferences view, under the Preferences group select the Home Dashboard you want as your default
Click on Save
You can set via preferences, first login with admin user and then set home dashboard to whatever you want. Make sure you have starred it first before setting default one.
you should star a dashboard first ,then at preferences you can choose one you like!
The recent grafana version(v9) of configuration is to:
go to Preferences in the menubar.
select your dashboard in the Home Dashboard dropdown.
this will updates the home dashboard to the whole organization.
I have a dashboard where a map is one of the panes - is it possible for the search box within the map to become an action filter?
For example, if the user typed in Atlanta, Georgia and then the rest of the dashboard would refresh to show the relevant data.
Not sure if I understood you correctly. The functionality you described is supported by default in Tableau.
I created this map
Notice I have a filter for state.
Then I create a dashboard and pull the sheet I just created.
On the dashboard, I make the Geo State filter into "wildcard match" and thats it