Grafana dashboard search from URL - grafana

I would like to generate Grafana URLs with a predefined search of a dashboard name.
Something like leading to the search result page with all dashboard containing this name.
Is this possible ?

Use different Grafana approach, e.g:


Make Kibana field clickable

I have buildNumber filed (type is integer) as X-Axis in Kibana 6 visualisation, it looks like this:
How can I make it clickable?
E.g. if I click on #5 I'd like to get to event's data:
You can get what you want by creating a dashboard with:
The graph you show above
The saved search you display in the picture above (without filtering). First
save the search you want and then add it to the dashboard. From ES forum How
to Visualize Discover data in dashboard
When you add a visualization to a dashboard, there are two tabs: one for a list of visualizations and one that shows available saved searches.
When you click the buildNumber a filter will be automatically added to the dashboard which will filter all the items on the dashboard, so you'll see the buildNumber details as you want.

Using Map Search Box in Tableau as Action Filter

I have a dashboard where a map is one of the panes - is it possible for the search box within the map to become an action filter?
For example, if the user typed in Atlanta, Georgia and then the rest of the dashboard would refresh to show the relevant data.
Not sure if I understood you correctly. The functionality you described is supported by default in Tableau.
I created this map
Notice I have a filter for state.
Then I create a dashboard and pull the sheet I just created.
On the dashboard, I make the Geo State filter into "wildcard match" and thats it

How do I display the namespace in Dokuwiki search results?

When executing a search in the main dokuwiki site it displays the namespace a page is in, but I can't figure out how it is configured to do this - does anyone know?
Example search:
There's nothing to do. It's the default behaviour. Did you maybe change the useheadings configuration? Then search results will show the page's first header instead of the page name (and namespace).

Google Custom Search - filter data from within a page

I am using Google Custom Search to enable users to search within my website. I have one page that displays a list of references (to scientific publications) as well as other content (dynamic). I would like to display the results so that references including the search term are filtered into their own tab - but I can only see how to label a whole page, not just a section of a page. This means I can filter for 'references', but get other content in my results, not just the references. Is there a way of doing this?
Yes, its possible I suppose. And I had done it sometime back and it had worked as expected. Have a look at these links -
Tech Republic Set up Google Custom Search and
Google Custom Search

How to get multiple Backend User Group Access Lists in Typo3

Is it possible to have multiple backend user group access lists in Typo3? For instance, I would like to have an access list at the root level (which seems to be the normal case),
and another one further down in the page tree. The title in the backend would then look something like:
Edit Backend usergroup "Author" on folder level
Is this possible?
Access list are assigned to groups. So this is not possible with a stock TYPO3. However you might want to try the extension be_acl.