What are the hkpPhantom & hkpShape in Havok Engine? - unreal-engine4

hkpPhantom & hkpShape are belong to Havok Engine. So what are these? What are the similar things in UE5?


Executing g-code from file within a ST-program in the software Automation Studio from B&R

I have a 3-axis system, which resembles the CNC-axis, and a PowerPanel from B&R. Now I plan to execute the g-code, which I read from a file, which is fe located in the Downloads folder. This will be done with fbs from B&R Automation Studio.
I got confused with the help, since it says in drive engineering/mapp Motion/technologie/function block/mpcnc3axis/description the part of moveProgram, where it redirects you to MC_BR_MoveProgram \ description. There stands that you can start the program with [Program name prefix] [File device name:] [Path] Program name syntax. Now I am not sure how to include this with my MpCnc3Axis code or if I can use the syntax also in MpCnc3AxisParType ProgramName part to start the program from fe Downloads Folder, since it didn't work with McPrgAdvParType InitProgramName.
Any links to related material would be appreciated.
I would also accept a solution with C, if it is easier.
Depending on if you are willing to buy software licences from B&R, running a CNC system is more or less easy.
The state of the art implementation is with mappMotion. It requires software licenses and gives you ready to go FUBs to execute nc files, jogging, direct movements, etc. This works the same way for different robot types and CNC kinematics. I recently uploaded a small implementation of a robot on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/kirni/bur_robotic_sample
The alternative is the old ARNC0 approach. No more new features are implemented, but it is free - as long as you do not need any functions that require a Dual Use agreement (i.e. 5 Axis CNC, etc.). The implementation is rather complex and is definitely to extensive to be answered completely at stackoverflow.
However Automation Studio ships with a sample for a two axis CNC. In the logical view you can add a new object Library Samples which opens a dialog where you can select Samples/Motion/CNC system (2 axis)/LibARNC0_Basic_ST.zip. This would be the best starting point, which is also documented in the help in MotionControl/ACP10 ARNC0/Examples/CNC or guid: 4620bb1c-8694-4f27-87d0-805686d7c0c8 as of AS
I hope this helps!

Is it possible to restrict routes based on traffic_calming tags?

I'm new to OSRM and doing some research. As per the title, is it possible to restrict routing based on traffic_calming tags? For instance, could you add "traffic_calming" somewhere in "profiles/car.lua" or in "features/car/barrier.feature" such that when the routing was done it avoided some/all of roads with traffic calming on them?
Yes you can mark traffic_calming as barrier by adding some code here:
result.barrier = node:get_value_by_key("traffic_calming") == "yes"

Multiple Camera Angle .ism and .ismc generation

I was trying to follow this sample of Microsoft's Multiple Camera Angles to use with Smooth Streaming client:
The article doesn't indicate how to (or what did) generate the .ism file that they use in the sample.
My question is: how did they generate it (was it using Microsoft Expression Encoder)?
I have multiple files coming from different cameras and synchronized but I would like to use the picture-in-picture approach to see them both at the same time (not live).

"News System" acting different on different systems

I have 2 servers which I though were synchronized (dev and live) but the "News System" (extension key "news") makes something different.
In the dev server this line
<f:format.date format="%A">{newsItem.datetime}</f:format.date>
outputs "Freitag", as expected (Thats friday in German)
But in the Live Server, it outputs %AM. Which is even weirder is that l (alone, without %) outputs "Friday" in English.
I've checked all the configurations I've seen and I cant seem to find where the difference between the systems is.
Any idea?
TYPO3 is using DateTime::format (http://de2.php.net/manual/en/datetime.format.php) to format the date. This method is using the same syntax of date() which is not using locales, so all output is english.
The only thing I can not explain is why your dev enviroment accepts %A to render the date. Are there different PHP-Versions? Which TYPO3 Version are you using? Get a look at /typo3/sysext/fluid/Classes/ViewHelpers/Format/DateViewHelper.php, you will get the answer there.
I just solved it! Turns out I had 4.7.7 in my live server, and that doesnt support stftime.
Funny, I never thought that such an important feature would be added in an 4.7.X update...

BIRT: Getting started with the Chart API

So I need a few simple pointers with the BIRT chart API.
I am trying to draw a simple line chart of a numeric value over time. I have a vector of (Date,Double) pairs as input. I have read through the examples in org.eclipse.birt.chart.examples but not yet gained enough traction with the API to start making use of it. Just composing a org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.impl.ChartWithAxesImpl has me stumped.
The eventual destination is an Eclipse editor, and that I can do. Is there a tutorial or book anyone can recommend that might get me going with the BIRT chart side?
I should be very grateful
Well. There is this example: http://www.eclipse.org/articles/article.php?file=Article-BIRTChartEngine/index.html
But I am having some problems actually getting it to work myself. All I end up with is an exception like this:
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.swt.SwtTextMetrics.getHeight(SwtTextMetrics.java:178)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.computation.Methods.computeFontHeight(Methods.java:1272)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.computation.BIRTChartComputation.computeFontHeight(BIRTChartComputation.java:30)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.computation.EllipsisHelper$SimpleTester.<init>(EllipsisHelper.java:213)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.computation.EllipsisHelper.createSimpleTester(EllipsisHelper.java:176)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.computation.EllipsisHelper.simpleInstance(EllipsisHelper.java:183)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.computation.LabelLimiter.limitLabelSize(LabelLimiter.java:256)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.computation.LabelLimiter.limitLabelSize(LabelLimiter.java:211)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.layout.impl.TitleBlockImpl.computeBox(TitleBlockImpl.java:288)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.layout.impl.LabelBlockImpl.getPreferredSize(LabelBlockImpl.java:266)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.internal.layout.LayoutManager$ChartLayout.<init>(LayoutManager.java:111)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.internal.layout.LayoutManager.doLayout_tmp(LayoutManager.java:1145)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.internal.layout.LayoutManager.doLayout(LayoutManager.java:1310)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.factory.Generator.build(Generator.java:1092)
I had the same trouble with the examples from org.eclipse.birt.chart.examples. There are some good java code snippets, but you do not see to what they correspond. This is why I decided to generate all the examples and put them on a web site: BIRT Charts Gallery.