Setting up a remote web server on a raspberry pi 3 - server

I would like to create a web server to host a Pavlov VR server on a raspberry pi. I've seen many tutorials on how to create a web server, but they have all been only accessible on my local network. I would appreciate a way for me to set up a web server that can be accessed remotely on a raspberry pi 3.


Using Pi as the man in the middle between internal and external resources

I got a job recently where I have to make sure that the company's internet is able to connect to the media streaming system installed inside the server room. However due to some limitations, just by connecting it to the router is not a solution. Therefore, I've setup a Raspberry Pi which will allows me to connect the server room's intranet to the company's internet. Currently, I can use both resources on that Pi due to the interface wlan0 and eth0.
I was wondering if possible that I could access the media streaming system's GUI through the PI inside the company's internet.

IOT Raspberry Pi 3 over no internet

I've worked a tad with IOT on Raspberry pi before, but as a student I ran into a problem and was hoping someone could answer my question. So I need to run Windows IOT Core on the Raspberry Pi 3 (if it was up to me I'd use raspbian or some other flavor of linux, but it's not up to me) and I need to run it at a school who's network I don't have access to. Is there any way of running IOT on raspberry Pi without an internet connection. I had read somewhere that I could buy a router (and even though there was no internet connected to it) I could run ethernet from the router to my laptop and another from the router to the raspberry pi and ssh into the pi from my laptop. Is this true? and how would I go about ssh-ing into the pi? OR is there a better/alternative solution to running IOT with no internet?
You can directly connect Raspberry Pi to your laptop with the network cable. Then the Raspberry Pi will get an IP address. With this IP address, you can either debug app with Visual Studio or connect to the Raspberry Pi via SSH. There are some tools like IoT Dashboard or Device Portal you may need.
For more information about connecting Windows 10 IoT Core, you can reference Windows 10 IoT documentation->Connect your device.

WPS server on Linux or Raspberry

I configured hostapd to make an Access Point Wi-Fi network on my raspberry pi... everything works fine. It acts like a router.
Can i bind client devices via WPS? For example phones, ESP8266 that support WPS connections?

Windows Authentication on Raspberry Pi 2 running Windows IoT

I'm on a network where I need my Raspberry Pi to be windows authenticated in order to reach out of the network or to connect to any intranet sites. Due to this I can't even test my WebView component properly other than sending html directly to WebView.NavigateToString().
My question is how do I set up Windows Authentication in Windows 10 IoT for Raspberry Pi?

Raspberry Pi as standalone Server for Octoprint

I am working on Octoprint for 3Dprinter. Using Raspberry Pi as server and it is working fine with Raspbian OS.
But the system works only when it is connected to internet. Can I run the same without internet and How I can change the UI.
Technically you don't have to be connected to the internet, but OctoPrint is a web server so in order to connect to it, you need to at least have a LAN connection between your client and your Raspberry Pi. If you just intend to use it from localhost (ie client and server are the same machine) you just need enough networking to allow loopback to work. Which as idstam pointed out isn't a programming question.
On changing the UI, that could be a programming question, but your query is very non-specific. OctoPrint is written in python and has a pretty rich plugin system to allow you to add UI and replace parts of the UI. It is also well documented at