Test Class failing on asserEqual:
I am trying to use this Test Class to test a isBefore && isInsert or IsUpdate Trigger but the test is failing on second assertEquals statement (end of the code, trying to compare return of SOQL Query:
I don't know why this is taking because I am doing a few simple inserts to test my Trigger.
Complete code:
private class Test_Triggers{
static testMethod void Test_Triggers() {
Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name = 'sacasac';
insert acc;
Account contateste0 = new Account();
contateste0.Phone = '(27)3727-2929';
insert contateste0;
Contact contatoTeste = new Contact();
contatoTeste.FirstName = 'TITANIUM';
contatoTeste.LastName = 'TITANIUM';
contatoTeste.Phone = '3329-4053';
contatoTeste.MobilePhone = '27999970208';
contatoTeste.Email = 'gmmcontabil#gmail.com';
contatoTeste.AccountId = contateste0.Id;
insert contatoTeste;
Case novoCaso = new Case();
novoCaso.Subject = 'assunto';
novoCaso.Description = 'obs';
novoCaso.AccountId = contateste0.Id;
novoCaso.ContactId = contatoTeste.Id;
novoCaso.Origin = 'Portal';
insert novoCaso;
Opportunity novaOpp = new Opportunity();
novaOpp.AccountId = contateste0.Id;
novaOpp.Amount = 4200;
novaOpp.Name = '4200';
novaOpp.StageName = 'Pré_Oportunidade';
novaOpp.CloseDate = Date.today();
insert novaOpp;
Id idMeta = Schema.SObjectType.Meta__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('CORE').getRecordTypeId();
Id idMeta2 = Schema.SObjectType.Meta__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('NOVO').getRecordTypeId();
Meta__c meta01 = new Meta__c();
meta01.Data__c = Date.today();
meta01.Id_Usuario__c = UserInfo.getUserId();
meta01.Id_Conta__c = contateste0.Id;
meta01.RecordTypeId = idMeta;
meta01.Valor__c = 53161;
insert meta01;
System.assertEquals(53161, meta01.Valor__c);
Ordem_de_venda__c ordem = new Ordem_de_venda__c();
ordem.Oportunidade__c = novaOpp.Id;
ordem.Conta_Principal__c = acc.Id;
ordem.Pagador__c = acc.Id;
ordem.Data_de_vencimento__c = System.today().addDays(2);
ordem.Id_Meta__c = meta01.Id;
ordem.Tipo__c = 'Serviço';
insert ordem;
List<AggregateResult> aggregateOrdensVenda = [SELECT Id_Meta__c, sum(Valor_faturado__c) total, sum(VlrFor__c) forecast FROM Ordem_de_venda__c WHERE Id_Meta__c =:meta01.Id GROUP BY Id_Meta__c];
//This is failing because SOQL s returning nothing
Can someone show me a code to update a enterprise resource custom field with lookup table ? Already ran the internet looking for some sample code but did not succeed.
You can create and update a custom field with a lookup table using the below code . But we can not update or delete builtin custom fields
var projContext = new ProjectContext(projectServerUrl);
CustomFieldCollection CustomField = projContext.CustomFields;
EntityTypes Entitytype = projContext.EntityTypes;
LookupTableCollection lookupTables = projContext.LookupTables;
CustomFieldCreationInformation NewfieldInfo = new CustomFieldCreationInformation();
NewfieldInfo.Id = new Guid();
NewfieldInfo.Name = "The Name";
NewfieldInfo.Description = "The Description";
NewfieldInfo.IsWorkflowControlled = true;
NewfieldInfo.IsRequired = true;
NewfieldInfo.IsEditableInVisibility = false;
NewfieldInfo.IsMultilineText = false;
LookupTable lookuptable = lookupTables.ToList().Find(x => x.Name == "LookupTableName");
NewfieldInfo.LookupTable = lookuptable;
NewfieldInfo.EntityType = Entitytype.ProjectEntity;
NewfieldInfo.FieldType = CustomFieldType.TEXT;
How do I create a tax rate in QBO using API v3 and the TaxService resource? When I try to add it the same way as I would any other object, Visual Studio gives me this error: "The type 'Intuit.Ipp.Data.TaxService' cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in the generic type or method Intuit.Ipp.DataService.DataService.Add(T)'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'Intuit.Ipp.Data.TaxService' to 'Intuit.Ipp.Data.IEntity'."
Here's the code:
Intuit.Ipp.Data.TaxService ts = new Intuit.Ipp.Data.TaxService();
// Populate fields here...
DataService ds = new DataService(ServiceContext);
Intuit.Ipp.Data.TaxService newTs = ds.Add<Intuit.Ipp.Data.TaxService>(ts);
Use GlobalTaxService endpoint and JSON format only. Try this code:
GlobalTaxService taxSvc = new GlobalTaxService(context);
Intuit.Ipp.Data.TaxService taxCodetobeAdded = new Data.TaxService();
taxCodetobeAdded.TaxCode = "taxC_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
QueryService<TaxAgency> taxagency = new QueryService<TaxAgency>(context);
TaxAgency taxagencyResult = taxagency.ExecuteIdsQuery("select * from TaxAgency").FirstOrDefault<TaxAgency>();
List<TaxRateDetails> lstTaxRate = new List<TaxRateDetails>();
TaxRateDetails taxdetail1 = new TaxRateDetails();
taxdetail1.TaxRateName = "taxR1_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
taxdetail1.RateValue = 3m;
taxdetail1.RateValueSpecified = true;
taxdetail1.TaxAgencyId = taxagencyResult.Id.ToString();
taxdetail1.TaxApplicableOn = TaxRateApplicableOnEnum.Sales;
taxdetail1.TaxApplicableOnSpecified = true;
TaxRateDetails taxdetail2 = new TaxRateDetails();
taxdetail2.TaxRateName = "taxR2_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
taxdetail2.RateValue = 2m;
taxdetail2.RateValueSpecified = true;
taxdetail2.TaxAgencyId = taxagencyResult.Id.ToString();
taxdetail2.TaxApplicableOn = TaxRateApplicableOnEnum.Sales;
taxdetail2.TaxApplicableOnSpecified = true;
//TaxRateDetails taxdetail3 = new TaxRateDetails();
//taxdetail3.TaxRateName = "rate298";
//taxdetail3.TaxRateId = "2";
taxCodetobeAdded.TaxRateDetails = lstTaxRate.ToArray();
Intuit.Ipp.Data.TaxService taxCodeAdded = taxSvc.AddTaxCode(taxCodetobeAdded);
i have this code in homepage
CheckBox[] ch= new CheckBox[12];
ch[0] = ChkContextA;
ch[1]= ChkContextB;
ch[2]= ChkContextC;
ch[3]= ChkContextD;
ch[4]= ChkContextE;
ch[5]= ChkContextF;
ch[6]= ChkContextG;
ch[7]= ChkContextH;
ch[8]= ChkContextI;
ch[9]= ChkContextJ;
ch[10]= ChkContextK;
ch[11]= ChiContextL;
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
if (ch[i].Checked) search += ch[i].Text + " ";
and this code in SearchEstate
var content = Request.QueryString["content"];
RealEstateEntities db = new RealEstateEntities();
var query = from O in db.Owners
join E in db.Estates on O.OwnerID equals E.OwnerID
join P in db.Properties on E.PropertyID equals P.PropertyID
where P.Facilities.Contains(content)
select new
regdate = E.RegisterDate,
region = E.Region,
Estype = E.EstateType,
Fac = P.Facilities,
deal = P.DealType,
price = P.TotalCost,
img = E.Picture,
addrss = O.Address,
area = P.Area,
tel = P.TellNum,
bed = P.RoomNum,
park = P.ParikingNum
Repeater2.DataSource = query.OrderByDescending(x => x.regdate);
when user checked some checkbox "content" for example have this value:
SearchEstate.aspx?content=ContextB ContextE ContextJ
I Want search this values in Facility field in db
How can I do this? (Sorry for my bad English)
I have the feeling your are looking for something along the lines of this query:
var content = Request.QueryString["content"];
string[] contentArray = content.Split(' ');
var query = //...
where P.Facilities.Any(f => contentArray.Contains(f.FacilityName))
(or instead of FacilityName some other property of Facility)
But I am not sure.
I have a trigger which initiates an approval process when certain criteria are met:
trigger AddendumAfterIHMS on Addendum__c (after update) {
for (integer i = 0; i<Trigger.new.size(); i++){
if(Trigger.new[i].RecordTypeId != '012V0000000CkQA'){
if(Trigger.new[i].From_IHMS__c != null && Trigger.old[i].From_IHMS__c == null){
ID addendumId = Trigger.new[i].Id;
// Start next approval process
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest request = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
Approval.ProcessResult requestResult = Approval.process(request);
It works perfectly, but now i need to create a test class for it. I have created a class which brings the code up to 75% coverage, which is the minimum, but I'm picky and like to have 100% coverage on my code. The test class I have now gets stuck on the line request.setObjectId(addendumId); and doesn't move past it. The error I receive is:
System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a0CV0000000B8cgMAC; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, AddendumAfterIHMS: execution of AfterUpdate
Here is the test class that I have written so far, most of the class actually tests some other triggers, but the important line which is throwing the error is the very last line update addendumTierFeature;
private class AddendumTest {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
// Query Testing Account, will need ID changed before testing to place into production
Account existingAccount = [SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 1];
Model__c existingModel = [SELECT Id FROM Model__c WHERE Active__c = TRUE LIMIT 1];
Pricebook2 existingPricebook = [SELECT Id,Name FROM Pricebook2 WHERE IsActive = TRUE LIMIT 1];
List<Contact> existingContacts = [SELECT Id,Name FROM Contact LIMIT 2];
Contact existingContactPrimary = existingContacts[0];
Contact existingContactSecondary = existingContacts[1];
Opportunity newOpportunity = new Opportunity(
Name = 'New Opportunity',
Account = existingAccount,
CloseDate = Date.today(),
Order_Proposed__c = Date.today(),
StageName = 'Branch Visit - Not Responding',
Opportunity_Follow_Up__c = 'Every 120 Days',
LeadSource = 'Farm Lists',
Source_Detail__c = 'FSBO',
Model_Name__c = existingModel.Id,
Processing_Fee__c = 100.50,
Site_State__c = 'OR',
base_Build_Zone__c = 'OR',
Pricebook_from_Lead__c = existingPricebook.Name
insert newOpportunity;
//system.assert(newOpportunity.Id != null);
ID newOppId = newOpportunity.Id;
OpportunityContactRole contactPrimary = new OpportunityContactRole(
Role = 'Primary',
IsPrimary = true,
OpportunityId = newOppId,
ContactId = existingContactPrimary.Id
OpportunityContactRole contactSecondary = new OpportunityContactRole(
Role = 'Primary',
IsPrimary = false,
OpportunityId = newOppId,
ContactId = existingContactPrimary.Id
insert contactPrimary;
insert contactSecondary;
newOpportunity.Name = 'Different - Updating';
newOpportunity.Order_Accepted__c = Datetime.now();
update newOpportunity;
Addendum__c addendumCustomOption = new Addendum__c(
RecordTypeId = '012V0000000CkQA', //Pre Priced Custom Option
Opportunity__c = newOppId,
Item_Pre_Priced_Description__c = 'a1eV00000004DNu',
Reason__c = 'This is a reason',
Item__c = 'This is an Item',
Quantity__c = 1
Addendum__c addendumTierFeature = new Addendum__c(
RecordTypeId = '012V0000000Cjks', //Tier Feature
Opportunity__c = newOppId,
Category__c = 'Countertops',
Reason__c = 'This is a reason',
Item__c = 'This is an Item',
Quantity__c = 1
insert addendumCustomOption;
insert addendumTierFeature;
addendumCustomOption.Quantity__c = 2;
addendumTierFeature.Quantity__c = 2;
update addendumCustomOption;
update addendumTierFeature;
update newOpportunity;
addendumTierFeature.To_IHMS__c = system.now();
update addendumTierFeature;
addendumTierFeature.From_IHMS__c = system.now();
update addendumTierFeature;
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. I believe the problem is in the way I am testing the approval process start. Is there by chance a special testing function for this?
After fiddling around for a little while I discovered that the error was actually tied into my approval process. I kept digging into the error logs until I got to the error: caused by: System.DmlException: Process failed. First exception on row 0; first error: MANAGER_NOT_DEFINED, Manager undefined.: []. This phrase indicates that there is no one defined for the next step in my approval process.
When I created the opportunity, I did not set the owner and somehow this created an opportunity which had an owner without a manager. The addendum was also created without an owner/manager. So when I tried to launch the next approval process, there was no manager to send the approval to and an error was thrown.
I have an Oracle function that returns a record set.
I introduced parameters to the Oracle function and this is causing the front-end code to go haywire.
Here's my front-end code.
OracleCommand od = oc.CreateCommand();
od.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
od.CommandText = " select * from table(pkg_fetchPOInfo.getPORowsTable(:1,:2))";
//od.CommandText = "pkg_fetchPOInfo.getPORowsTable";
//od.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.TableDirect;
OracleParameter op1 = new OracleParameter();
op1.ParameterName = "1";
op1.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
op1.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input;
op1.Size = 6;
op1.Value = strPONumber;
OracleParameter op2 = new OracleParameter();
op2.ParameterName = "2";
op2.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
op2.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input;
op2.Size = 3;
op2.Value = "US";
If I execute the query in the front-end SQLPLUS, I get a recordset.
This code works if I remove the parameters from the package and the front-end code.
select * from table(pkg_fetchPOInfo.getPORowsTable('1007446','US')); --works in SQLPLUS.
select * from table(pkg_fetchPOInfo.getPORowsTable()); --works in both places.
Am I assigning the parameters incorrectly?
Package Definition:
function TESTPIPE(nr in number, nr2 in number) return varchartabletype pipelined;
function TESTPIPE(nr in number, nr2 in number) return varchartabletype pipelined AS
SELECT (level + 1) datam
FROM dual
connect by level < nr;
vtt varchartabletype ;
FETCH testpipe_cur
FOR indx IN 1 .. vtt.COUNT
Pipe Row ( vtt( indx ) ) ;
EXIT WHEN testpipe_cur%NOTFOUND;
.NET Code:
public static void pipeTest()
String conString = GetConnectionString();
OracleConnection _conn = new OracleConnection(conString);
OracleCommand oCmd = new OracleCommand();
oCmd.CommandText = "begin open :crs for Select * from table(testp.testpipe(:nr,:nr2)); end;";
oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text ;
oCmd.Connection = _conn;
OracleParameter crs = new OracleParameter();
crs.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;
crs.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
crs.ParameterName = "crs";
OracleParameter nr = new OracleParameter();
nr.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Int64;
nr.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input ;
nr.ParameterName = "nr";
nr.Value = 25;
OracleParameter nr2 = new OracleParameter();
nr2.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Int64;
nr2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
nr2.ParameterName = "nr2";
nr2.Value = 10;
using (OracleDataReader MyReader = oCmd.ExecuteReader())
int ColumnCount = MyReader.FieldCount;
// get the data and add the row
while (MyReader.Read())
String s = MyReader.GetOracleValue(0).ToString();
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("i={0}", s));