Access my Minio Server outside without port forwarding, any 3rd party service - server

I installed Minio Server on my desktop-Ubuntu. I want to access outside my network through Internet. I have no issue access it in my network. Route Port forward and any 3rd party service is not solution. Is there any other way?
Is SSH tunneling a solution for this. I couldn't achieve it successfully .
Please elaborate in detail.
Thank you


How do I simulate a VPN connection to Google Cloud?

So I have GCP set up and Kubernetes, I have a web app (Apache OFBiz) running on pods in the GKE cluster. We have a domain that points itself to the web app, so essentially it's accessible from anywhere on the internet. Our issue is since this is a school project, we want to limit the access to the web app to the internal network on GCP, we want to simulate a VPN connection. I have a VPN gateway set up, but I have no idea what to do on any random computer to simulate a connection to the internal network on GCP. Do I need something else to make this work? What are the steps on the host to connect to GCP? And finally, how do I go about limiting access to the webapp so only people in the internal network have access to the webapp?
When I want to test a VPN, I simply create a new VPC in my project and I connect both with Cloud VPN. Then, in the new VPC, you can create VM that simulate computer in the other side of the VPN and thus simulate what you want.
To setup a VPN on GCP you can use Cloud VPN using static or dynamic routing, you will need to configure a remote peer from the location you want to access your GCP resources to establish the connection towards the Cloud VPN gateway on GCP end.
This means you may require a router that supports creating VPN tunnels on your on-premises or use a host that acts like a router to establish this connection using a VPN software towards Cloud VPN (like Strongswan, for example).
You can block external access to the resources on your VPC network by using GCP firewall rules and just allow specific ports or source IP ranges as you wish.
Another option, even if it's not a VPN or encrypted traffic, is to only allow ingress traffic from the public IP from where you would like to connect to your internal VPC, but this is less secure and would only work if you have an static public IP on your on-premises.
Since you said this is a school project, I would recommend asking your teacher for more direct advice. That said, you can't "simulate" a VPN but you can set up an IPSec client on your laptop or whatever and actually connect to it. Unfortunately Google doesn't appear to have any documentation on this so I'm guessing they presume you already know IPSec well enough to write a connection config yourself.
Using kubectl port-forward might be an easier solution.

Port Forwarding VPN Server

i'm planning on implementing web server hosted by Raspberry Pi at home, while also having a Dedicated Server with public IP.
The main problem is that my provider charge a lot for a static ip, so i simply dont want to pay.
And here is the question:
Is it possible to achieve what i've mentioned on given diagram (if yes, then maybe some hints?)
Will RPi be accessible through local network while connected to VPN
Thank you for any help!
That is basically possible, it is called a Reverse-Proxy (See wiki for a brief description). The exact implementation depends on the web server you use.
Your dedicated Server will then accept client connections, get the content over the VPN from your Raspberry and serve it to the client like it's his.
Your Pi will still be accessible from the local network while being in the VPN, since it should use a virtual adapter for the connection if its a client on its own. Otherwise, if the router acts as a gateway to the VPN it will do the routing and again your Pi will be fine.

Hosting a website using server software

How can i host a website through my computer using server softwares?
I tried to host a website through my own computer using apache tomcat server but it didnt work ( please briefly explain every point )
The main issue that you need to deal with is getting the clients to your computer.
Yes, it is possible and yes I have done it, albeit a while ago.
You need to see if you can browse to your computers website from another device on your network, this will ensure that apache is working. Try another computer/laptop/tablet/whatever to see if this site reachable by other computers using the IP Address and possibly port number. If you cannot get to the site, there are settings in apache to deny certain ip's, google it to get the exact steps for your version. If it works, move on to step 2.
You will need a static IP Address to ensure that all further steps stay working, google this if you are not sure how to do it
You need to have the external IP address of your router( or use Dynamic DNS to route traffic from an address to your ip and there are services that allow this. I can recommend - This is all assuming that you have access to the router.
You would be required to set up port forwarding on your router. This will direct the internet traffic to your computer. You will need to get the exact instructions for your specific model of router.
Please be aware that you need to have proper firewalls and systems in place to prevent attacks. I am sure that you are just testing at this point though...
All the best!

gethostbyname not working for external server

I am writing an application with C++ to connect to my server.
I am using gethostbyname(). It is working fine when I give host name as 'localhost'. but if i try any other site like, it fails.
Can anyone please tell me what could be going wrong.
I can access those websites through browser. Note: I have proxy set up in my browser.
Is thr proxy causing issue with gethostbyname()? if yes, how can I mention proxy in my C++ code?
Based on what you describe in your question, it appears that your machine is on a corporate network that is firewalled off the Internet, all access to the web is via a web proxy, and that your network does not have Internet DNS resolution.
Even if you managed to succeed in resolving an IP address, you will not be able to make an outbound connection, unless your firewall offers a Socks proxy, or an equivalent.
If your intent is to write a client that accesses web sites via HTTP, you will need to use your corporate HTTP proxy to do that. Contact your system administrator for more information.

Mobile App Connecting to my local web server

Looking for assistance on why I can access my local web server when I'm on my wireless network but not from my mobile phone (when not connected to wifi). I have tried using dyndns, wan ip, regular ip address but I can't see to grasp what I should be doing. I have my MAMP server running and php on 8888 for which the appropriate php file runs successfully when I'm logged into my network. I'm just trying to access this now from the public domain and I'm not sure what i need to do.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
You need to get your router to forward the external requests to the correct internal computer & port.
I.e. any external requests to port 8888 should be forwarded to your computer's IP address on port 8888. Most routers will have this option in the admin panel somewhere.
This website might be able to help -