Filter Timer for Thunderbird - thunderbird

I am looking for a means, programmatically or otherwise, to run a Thunderbird message filter every X number of minutes. Thunderbird has a built-in option to run a filter on the Inbox every 10 minutes. But This is not adjustable. I am looking for a way to run any specified message filter every 1 minute.
I've searched around and unfortunately (for me) this does not seem to be an issue others are trying to solve.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
(And in the mean time, I will RTFM Thunderbird to see if there is a way I can solve this.)


Flutter app: simple way to remember a user to do something

I have a cool flutter app which is used to track staff attendance. A user can check-in and check out when they start/stop working and the app record that event, calculate the number of hours worked and send a weekly summary to the manager of the staff expected wages. The current problem is that some staff members forget to check out (everyone is ok with check-in) so we don’t have good numbers and we need to manually change the attendance. I would like to add something to remember them to check out, and I am looking for creative ideas to do so. My objective is to make something very affordable.
So far I thought about two options:
to use geolocation and track when staff get in/out of a certain location and log it as check-in and check out
to set a timer when they start the shift and send a local notification if after xx hours they have not done the checkout
Geolocation seems to be the best because I can even automate the checkin/check out and do it in the backend but it will consme lots of resources in the client because I would need to check their location every while even when their at at home or on holiday...
The timer has some limits and still, I would need to manage background tasks that are complex as well as imprecise checkout depengin on when the notification goes out.
Do you have any suggestions on anything simple to implement?
I would suggest the second option.
A simple scheduler which would look for all the employees who are checked in for more than x number of hours and then throw a clickable notification to checkout. It would be an easy and clean solution. However, it has several limitations as an employee might leave early but checkout later.
In my opinion, Your most clean solution would be to have an RFID/NFC check which automatically registers as a user checks out from the building.
Another thing that can be done if your employees are working mostly on their computers. There can be a browser extension or a web app which will clock in the time they are working on their laptops. Once they close it they will be automatically checked out.

No perfect tag for Messenger Platform’s policies

We have a lot of doubts concerning the changes in the Messenger Platform’s policies.
There is HUMAN_AGENT tag (for which we have already asked permission) which seems to be the one that adapts the most to our processes, but 7 days is still insufficient for us. Could we answer with this “message_tag” 20 days after a user message? What can we do in this case? We have to find a way not to leave the user without an answer.
We plan on using one of the above-mentioned CONFIRMED_EVENT_UPDATE to answer all user messages outside of the 24 hour window. Are there any penalties for us doing so? If there are, what are the penalties? Are they applied at the company level or the page level? None of the messages sent by our company contain what you want to avoid (spams, special offers, discounts, etc.) so we don’t think we should recieve any penalty even when using “message_tags”.
We have thought about using the normal answer and, if the “This message is sent outside of the allowed window” error message appears, we will answer using “message_tags”. Is there any problem for using the first call on a recurrent basis giving errors or should we avoid it? Avoiding it might cause to send unnecesary “message_tags”. Could we answer all private messages using HUMAN_AGENT when it is approved (our answers are always given by a customer service agent)?
Best regards
You do not mention your actual use case, so nobody can suggest any message tags that would match that use case.
Without knowing that use case the answer to your questions can only be:
1) There is no way to extend the 7 days window for human agent tag. If you get approved for it you have a 7 days windows, not 8 and not 20. However most user actions reset that window you should follow up within that window and and make sure the user engages with your bot so the window is reset and you have another 7 days for another update.
2) Abusing tags will most likely result in your page being restricted, make sure to only use them for the allowed use cases as listed in the docs:

Concurrent Connection Test

So I ran into a network problem the other day and I was trying to find a way to test for this problem in the future.
I had a lot of users online at once and hit my routers max IP connection limit (not DHCP! TCP/UDP connections.)
Once I figured out what the problem was it was fairly simple to fix however I was wondering if there is any way to simulate this kind of activity? Everything worked fine when I tested it, it wasn't until I had 150+ users that I discoved I had a problem.
I have spent the last 3-4hrs looking for such a test/audit tool. Here is what I found: -DDoS simulator (can't make it work, barly get +300 connections) -Browser concurrent connection tester (This hits the browser limit (6 in chrome) w/o making a dent on my router even open in 70+ tabs at the same time) -Some tool linked about halfway down the page (Reads like its exactly what I want, however it barely has a noticable effect on my router.) -Concurrent HTTP connection simulator (This one seems like it would do what I want, but my linux-foo is limited and I can't get it working. tear)
So do you guys have a tool to test your routers with? I would love something that does both TCP/UDP.
(btw, for anyone misunderstanding I'm not trying to test "speed", just sheer number of connections)

Intermittent failure of onFormSubmit trigger

We are a small school district and I have written a simple form for teachers to report disciplinary problems. The destination spreadsheet has a script bound to it and an onFormSubmit trigger is set.
The script uses the form data using the event object e from the function onFormSubmit(), creates a report in Google Docs, send email notices to relevant people and does a few maintenance tasks. Link to code.
It's been working fine until recently when the trigger occasionally fails to fire. No error message; the form data is submitted. This morning, two teachers in separate incidents entered a form and the trigger failed; a third entered the form and it worked.
The form and sheet are 'owned' by the Dean of Students account and users access the form anonymously on the network (not in Google account). The form is set with VIEW privilege for anyone with a link; the sheet has no privileges, only owner.
I am completely stumped as to why this would work sometimes and not others. Clues?
I recently developed a Google Spreadsheet with multiple sheets that takes data from 4 different forms. When the form data comes in, I have scripts that run multiple calculations and formatting on that data, so the onFormSubmit trigger is crucial for me. I've come across the exact same problem you are having right now.
At first I thought there was something wrong with my code and I checked it over and over again. Then, I scoured the web for answers to why my triggers failed about 10 to 20% of the time. A lot of what I found on Google forums related to problems from Google's side. I found that tons of people faced the same problem I had, but none of them had a definitive fix.
My eventual solution was to create yet another trigger that fires every 8 hours. This runs everything my other triggers run yet again just to make sure everything I wanted to do has been done. Of course, that trigger could fail, too. But so far, I've been checking the sheet (new data comes in about every 6 hours or so) and I haven't had to fix any problems whereas before, I had to rerun scripts daily.
Maybe for your case, you can have a function that goes through and sends emails that previous faulty triggers failed to send. Then have this function fire every however many hours you prefer.
This is probably not a very satisfying answer but it's the best I can do. Good luck!

Running a code in Perl for a while online - is it possible?

As the title suggests, I'm looking for an online Perl executor. Yes, I know and can execute Perl scripts online, but I'm looking for something different, so please let me tell you exactly what I'm doing:
I wish to retrieve information from a website say, every 10 or 15 minutes. The information is plain text, and not very big in size. The problem is, that I want to do that for a long period of time, and not always can I leave the computer open for it to run. So what I thought about, is that maybe such a service exists, to which you enter a code, and it starts executing it, while simultaneously printing the current result. I will be given a unique address, and every time I visit it I will see the program's progress.
Does such a thing exists? How can I do what I wish to do?
Thank you in advance.
One option you have is renting some hosting with a provider that allows you to run a perl script through cron.
Here are a few cloud providers which support Perl. dotcloud claims to have a free tier.