Intermittent failure of onFormSubmit trigger - forms

We are a small school district and I have written a simple form for teachers to report disciplinary problems. The destination spreadsheet has a script bound to it and an onFormSubmit trigger is set.
The script uses the form data using the event object e from the function onFormSubmit(), creates a report in Google Docs, send email notices to relevant people and does a few maintenance tasks. Link to code.
It's been working fine until recently when the trigger occasionally fails to fire. No error message; the form data is submitted. This morning, two teachers in separate incidents entered a form and the trigger failed; a third entered the form and it worked.
The form and sheet are 'owned' by the Dean of Students account and users access the form anonymously on the network (not in Google account). The form is set with VIEW privilege for anyone with a link; the sheet has no privileges, only owner.
I am completely stumped as to why this would work sometimes and not others. Clues?

I recently developed a Google Spreadsheet with multiple sheets that takes data from 4 different forms. When the form data comes in, I have scripts that run multiple calculations and formatting on that data, so the onFormSubmit trigger is crucial for me. I've come across the exact same problem you are having right now.
At first I thought there was something wrong with my code and I checked it over and over again. Then, I scoured the web for answers to why my triggers failed about 10 to 20% of the time. A lot of what I found on Google forums related to problems from Google's side. I found that tons of people faced the same problem I had, but none of them had a definitive fix.
My eventual solution was to create yet another trigger that fires every 8 hours. This runs everything my other triggers run yet again just to make sure everything I wanted to do has been done. Of course, that trigger could fail, too. But so far, I've been checking the sheet (new data comes in about every 6 hours or so) and I haven't had to fix any problems whereas before, I had to rerun scripts daily.
Maybe for your case, you can have a function that goes through and sends emails that previous faulty triggers failed to send. Then have this function fire every however many hours you prefer.
This is probably not a very satisfying answer but it's the best I can do. Good luck!


Flutter app: simple way to remember a user to do something

I have a cool flutter app which is used to track staff attendance. A user can check-in and check out when they start/stop working and the app record that event, calculate the number of hours worked and send a weekly summary to the manager of the staff expected wages. The current problem is that some staff members forget to check out (everyone is ok with check-in) so we don’t have good numbers and we need to manually change the attendance. I would like to add something to remember them to check out, and I am looking for creative ideas to do so. My objective is to make something very affordable.
So far I thought about two options:
to use geolocation and track when staff get in/out of a certain location and log it as check-in and check out
to set a timer when they start the shift and send a local notification if after xx hours they have not done the checkout
Geolocation seems to be the best because I can even automate the checkin/check out and do it in the backend but it will consme lots of resources in the client because I would need to check their location every while even when their at at home or on holiday...
The timer has some limits and still, I would need to manage background tasks that are complex as well as imprecise checkout depengin on when the notification goes out.
Do you have any suggestions on anything simple to implement?
I would suggest the second option.
A simple scheduler which would look for all the employees who are checked in for more than x number of hours and then throw a clickable notification to checkout. It would be an easy and clean solution. However, it has several limitations as an employee might leave early but checkout later.
In my opinion, Your most clean solution would be to have an RFID/NFC check which automatically registers as a user checks out from the building.
Another thing that can be done if your employees are working mostly on their computers. There can be a browser extension or a web app which will clock in the time they are working on their laptops. Once they close it they will be automatically checked out.

google actions: continuous access like a heart beat

I have built a google actions project and published it. It has a web hook that is linked to a Google Functions with an actions sdk code behind it. Everything works fine.
However, I have noticed that there is a continuous user (with the same userId provided by the intent) that keeps access the function (guessing via the actions project). I am keeping a kind of sessions log and it keeps creating a session almost every 3-4 seconds.
Since the project is just some temporary demo of content and not really shared with the world at large, I am wondering what or who is causing this continuous access. It looks almost like some heart-beat type of check being done. Hence the question: is it something that Google does to know whether the action project is live or not? Thanks
Every 3-4 seconds seems high, but if you have published an Action that has gone through the review process Google does run a health check against it every few minutes.

G Suite Email Migration Does Not Complete, Stuck on 99%

I'm currently experiencing something rather weird: while migrating emails from a GoDaddy email server to a new G Suite set up for a number of users, I was able to successfully move for a couple of emails, as confirmed by Google's 'Complete' tick beside them. I was able to observe the migration too as it went on.
However, for one of the emails, the number of emails read just seems to keep increasing, and it still hasn't displayed 'Complete', but remains stuck on '99%'.
See screenshots I literally took just now below: as of the first latest screenshot, it says 'Successfully migrated 3230 emails', while stuck on 99%:
Then I hit refresh, check the status of that same account, and now it says '...3250 emails', while still stuck on 99%:
This isn't how it's supposed to behave, at least that isn't the behaviour I experienced with the previous 4 emails in that list. Ideally, it should say 'Migrating X out of fixed_amount emails'. In this case, that fixed_amount was
about 2,000 emails. It has now since passed that figure, but instead of showing 'Complete', it instead shows 'Successfully migrated new_amount' where new_amount keeps increasing.
This has been ongoing for almost 24 hours now. Honestly, I don't know if this is a bug or not. I really just need some helpful info to know if I should be concerned or not, perhaps maybe if someone else has run into this. Anyone?
Stumbled on to Google's documentation:
To quote the 'Why does my migration look like it's stuck at 99%?' section:
You’ll see 99% when all email is migrated. After everything is
migrated, the data migration service applies any labels to the
migrated email, which can take time. When the labels are applied, you
should see that the migration is complete (100%).
You might also see this issue if the estimated number of emails to
migrate exceeds the actual number of messages. The migration will
report 99% until the migration completes. This process might take some
You shouldn't be concerned. I was migrating around 29.000 emails from a personal gmail to Google Workspace gmail and the migration took 4 days (migrating only one user), from which the last 1.5 days the migration was "stuck" at 99%. No need to restart the migration, eventually it indeed finishes. I also got several error codes (e.g. 17009 - 'Generating an access token with the supplied credentials was unsuccessful...'), but none proved valid, I haven't actioned on them as, like in your case, I saw the number of migrated emails increasing.

Attempting to Create a User Login for Clojure / Korma / PostgreSQL site

I am completely stuck on where to start with getting a log-in area for a Clojure site I am building (for fun).
I've looked at several resources, which I'll post below, mercilessly copy/pasted code, and the closest I can get is one of two situations:
The login page takes the login but says that the login failed, though, as far as I can tell, the login matches.
Or I get this error: No method in multimethod '->sql' for dispatch value: null
I'm not sure how to interpret the above error: is this specifying that I need a multi-method or is it specifying that I need to check for null? The null requirement makes no sense at all. I'm not really asking but if anyone wants to give an explanation, that is great.
I tested the output by comparing the results-to-select queries from raw non-hashed data, I've went through 5 variations on this theme, using everything from page-to-page calls to creating new defpartials, multi-methods, defn, etc.
Sources I have used (unfortunately, I can't list all of them being a first-time poster):
This one uses Clojure -> Korma -> PostgreSQL, but the code doesn't seem to work for multiple users?
This one shows how to use Noir and PostgreSQL (Yes, I am using Noir):
The 4Clojure site, but that one uses CongoMongo:
The Heroku Twitter clone, but no mention of how to create logins for one person, much less several.
I also bought Programming Clojure from O'Reilly Press, but once again, nothing about how to create a log-in area.
FIRST EDIT: I was asked to create a github repository of a stand-alone site. This includes a working "Account Creation" area that is found in the welcome.clj file and only a form of the Login area in login.clj.
I was attempting to get some of the same errors working as I had last night and also attempting to get this working before I uploaded the files. I don't have any reasonable starting points yet, thus there is no beginning implementation as of yet. I'm seriously embarrassed at the solutions I've been coming up with, thus I don't want to post them. I get conceptually what I should do, but for some reason, I can't seem to translate this. This is my first github account: my background is Python, Scheme a'la SICP, and some Python + PostgreSQL marketing program I built.
SECOND EDIT: Ack! I can't seem to get the thing to work at all... Yeah, I spent well over 20 minutes (hours) on this one, so I have just have to admit that I don't yet have the requisite knowledge to accomplish this, no matter how many sources I look to. I committed the updated files and all the odd things I tried, including all the variations on login box to running raw SQL. The closest I can come is getting it so that I don't get any errors, but no evidence at all that someone is logged in. Thanks so much for the help and suggestions. I'll most certainly return to this later.
There are a couple of issues that I see. First, in datapass.clj, you're creating an entity with no content. I'm not sure how Korma handles that. It's trying to thread results as inputs to other functions, so I could see how nil gets introduced there.
Secondly, you'll need something to handle the login post. (defpage ...) only handles GET requests by default. You'll need a separate defpage to handle the post. Something along these lines:
(defpage [:post "/login"] {:keys [user-name pwd]}
(if-let [user (db/find-user user)]
(if (noir.util.crypt/compare pwd (:password user))
(noir.session/put! :some-key some-value)
(noir.response/redirect "/success"))
noir.response/redirect "/failed-to-login"))
(noir.response/redirect "/failed-to-login"))
session/put! is how you put data into the session. The default is to use an in-memory store. You'll need to add Ring middleware to use persistent sessions (look at Session Stores).
Also, as luck would have, someone just posted an authentication app for Noir... you may want to take a look:

Magento Email Templates: Blocks not rendering from adminhtml

I fear I've stumbled into unknown Magento territory. I have exhausted what's left of my Googling abilities and have come up short, so I thought I'd try my luck here.
Our platform is Magento Enterprise
We use an archaic print solution that reads orders via ODBC. As such, we can't have it read from Magento's MySQL database directly (thanks to the high likelihood of change). What I've done is extend Mage_Sales_Model_Order to intercept the _beforeSave() function with direct SQL queries to another database, before returning parent::_beforeSave(). There are likely better ways to have done this, but it's done now, and functional, and regardless it is not where my problem lies.
If any SQL errors are thrown, updates are rolled back and the errors & order data are passed to a function that sends an email to a mailing list with the error information. The email template file in /locale/en_US/template/email/ calls on a .phtml file to process the arrays of data like so:
{{block type='core/template' area='frontend' template='/email/errors/order/beforesave.phtml' orderdata=$orderdata errors=$errors}}
This is functionality I borrowed from /locale/en_US/template/email/sales/shipment_new.phtml. And this is also where I hit my roadblock. The email fires fine from the front end, if errors are encountered when the user is processing an order. If you make order changes from adminhtml, the email is sent, but without the above mentioned block.
I have tried with and without area='frontend' in the block call, and the script exhibits the same behaviour regardless.
I think that the problem may be in my XML, though it finds the template itself just fine from both admin and frontend (and this block is not required to be defined in my XML anywhere). I can also not find any examples of this within Magento's own files, or anywhere on the internet.
Any help would be more than greatly appreciated. This is doing my head in!
Are you setting the "area" for the actual email template? E.g.:
$emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email_template');
->setDesignConfig(array('area' => 'frontend', 'store' => $storeId));
Possible duplicate of sharing template between frontend and backend (admin or adminhtml) in magento.
Don't mean to revive a dead question; just tying up the loose end.
#ColinM: My thoughts were the same as yours, but that somehow didn't work for me. Maybe I don't understand the purpose of setDesignConfig(). Anyhow, the link above worked perfectly for me, in the same scenario as that of the original poster.