Code is running in Debug console instead of terminal - visual-studio-code

I need help to change the settings from running my code in Terminal instead of Debug Code, I am using VS Code for Mac.


Is it possible to run the Javascript debug terminal outside of VSCode?

I want the Javascript debug terminal to be run outside of the vscode in the external linux terminal.
How can i do that?
Not found a single relevant answer in any platform.

Can`t start debugging of js code in VS COde

Ufter updating debugger doesn't work. When I click RUN AND DEBUG nothing is happening. And I can't run the program in the debug console.
Previously I just clicked RUN AND DEBUG and ran the program by writing "node nameOfTheProgram.js" in debug console and it was working. How can I fix it?
errors from debug console

VSCode Python terminal output disappears

The terminal output just disappears. A few days ago VSCode started to show this weird behaivor when trying to run a Python code. However, running the code directly from the terminal seems to be okay. Does someone know why this is happening? As far as I know both output should be the same.
I have been using a VSCode for a while and am familiar with VSCode settings and set all to default except for the Default Profile: Command Prompt.
Image 1: Running with the play button
Image 2: Running with the terminal command

VS CODE - Code Runner - Output not working

When I run code on VS Studio Code, instead getting an output in the "Output" I get the output in "Terminal".
I used to get it under "Output" before. I am using Code Runner as extension.
Can someone please help me.
Thank you.
The Code Runner extension runs code in the Output tab by default.
However, you can set Code Runner to run in the Terminal tab by going to the Settings (Press Ctrl + ,) and then tick the Code-runner: Run in Terminal option:
After ticking this box, Code Runner now runs code inside the Terminal tab:
Did you accidentally tick the Code-runner: Run In Terminal option? If so, untick that option so that Code Runner runs code inside the Output tab.

How to debug an interactive Node.js app in VS Code?

How do you run and debug an interactive Node.js app (one that prompts the user to enter STDIN on the console) in VS Code using a simple launch (F5). I have so far been running the app using node --inspect-brk . and then attaching VS Code. This works fine, but I'm just wondering if there's a faster way. If I look at the DEBUG CONSOLE pane, I can see the STDOUT, but I can't add input there.
Randy's comment was my answer with a link here. Thanks, Randy.
The solution is to configure the console value in your launch.json file. I added "console": "integratedTerminal" and now when I hit F5 I can jump to the integrated terminal (CTRL+<backtick>) and interact with my app.