Can`t start debugging of js code in VS COde - visual-studio-code

Ufter updating debugger doesn't work. When I click RUN AND DEBUG nothing is happening. And I can't run the program in the debug console.
Previously I just clicked RUN AND DEBUG and ran the program by writing "node nameOfTheProgram.js" in debug console and it was working. How can I fix it?
errors from debug console


Debugging Deno code in either vscode or rider won't terminate debugger when program ends

I'm able to debug Deno code in both VSCode and Rider, however, the debugger continues running even after the program terminates. I tested with a single line program, console.log('hello'), and it still had the problem. When it ends, you have to remember to stop the debugger.
Is this a bug?

Code is running in Debug console instead of terminal

I need help to change the settings from running my code in Terminal instead of Debug Code, I am using VS Code for Mac.

Eclipse tomcat-7 server skip all breakpoints

I am trying to debug my code and the tomcat server starts in debug mode, but the eclipse doesn't show debug perpective and however it skips all breakpoints and is working like in normal run.
So can someone tell me how to fix this, so it stops on setted breakpoints?
Thanks for help

How to show vscode debug console?

I am writing a VS code extension and the log was output to Debug Console, but user can't see the log if they didn't open Debug Console, so I want to show VS code debug console, but I couldn't find the API to do that.
Can someone help?
This can show Debug Console! But it will hide the Debug Console if Debug Console has already opened.

How to debug Karma when it fails

How can I debug a failing Karma test?
I am running mocha+chai+sinon tests without a problem. If I try to run the tests with Karma I get a "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined" error and Karma stops running (I am using Webpack to transpile). The error seems to be with a Webpack loader, but the question is how to I debug this? As soon as I run the tests, karma fails and terminates.
How can I trace the karma execution?
You can configure karma to stay alive in the background. Just add the option singleRun: false to your karma config. If you're using grunt-karma, you can also additionally set the background: true option.
If you then start karma, the window which opens up should stay open. There should be a debug link which will open a second window. This window will stay open and you'll be able to re-run all the tests by just pressing F5 / refresh. Inside that window you can debug the whole stuff using the dev tools (usually opened by pressing F12) of your choice.