Black or blank screen coming after visual studio code update - visual-studio-code

I was using visual code and press update in the right side corner and after that Black or blank screen coming while i open the visual studio code.
I tried uninstall the version and install again but nothing work for me.

I resolved it by change the file at this location C:\Users\username.vscode
At this location i found
I have updated the argv file and make it like this :
// This configuration file allows you to pass permanent command line arguments to VS Code.
// Only a subset of arguments is currently supported to reduce the likelyhood of breaking
// the installation.
// NOTE: Changing this file requires a restart of VS Code.
// Use software rendering instead of hardware accelerated rendering.
// This can help in cases where you see rendering issues in VS Code.
// "disable-hardware-acceleration": true,
// Enabled by default by VS Code to resolve color issues in the renderer
// See for details
"disable-color-correct-rendering": true,
this worked for me and after this i am able to use visual studio code.


Why does VS Code give a chip-like / distorted display when I hover over it with my mouse?

This is the view I get when I try to use my VS Code:
I have reinstalled and restarted my system, but no headway. Whenever I open VS Code and want to start a project, it becomes increasingly worse as I hover my mouse, I initially thought my general display had issues, it doesn't affect other apps, just VS Code.
What can I do?
Try disabling hardware acceleration.
Disable GPU acceleration
We have heard issue reports from users that seem related to how the
GPU is used to render VS Code's UI. These users have a much better
experience when running VS Code with the additional --disable-gpu
command-line argument. Running with this argument will disable the GPU
hardware acceleration and fall back to a software renderer.
To make life easier, you can add this flag as a setting so that it
does not have to be passed on the command line each time.
To add this flag:
Open the Command Palette (⇧⌘P).
Run the Preferences: Configure Runtime Arguments command.
This command will open a argv.json file to configure runtime arguments. You might see some default arguments there already.
Add "disable-hardware-acceleration": true.
Restart VS Code.
Note: Do not use this setting unless you are seeing issues! Editor

Visual Studio Code Not Displaying Invisible Characters/Spaces

I am currently working on writing code for a Source Game Engine map file. I have issues with Visual Studio Code not displaying certain invisible characters.
When using notepad++, I can see there are invisible characters in between the lines:
But when I open it up in visual studio code, it's as if the invisible character doesn't exist.
This is what I see when using visual studio code:
I have asked my friends who also do the same thing (making Source Engine Maps) and they all don't have this issue. One of my friends sent me this image:
This is what he sees in his own editor, with squares representing the invisible character/space:
I've done a few things to try to fix this issue:
Changing fonts (I used a custom font but reset to default to see if it had any impact)
Changing encoding setting (UTF-8 was what my friends used but I tried tinkering around)
Changing editors (Tried Atom/Sublime but only Notepad++ even shows there being an invisible character)
Updated / reinstalled language packs
Enabling whitespaces
After everything, I still have the same issue. Are there other possible fixes/causes for this issue?
I just had to enable Render Control Characters in visual studio code.

How to disable "Run|Debug" line in vscode?

I am currently using Flutter with Dart. How do I permanently disable this annoying "Run|Debug" line in vscode?
That Run | Debug is not built-in to vscode. It must be contributed by one of your extensions. These seem like likely culprits:
Dart: Show Main Code Lens
// Whether to show CodeLens actions in the editor for quick running/debugging scripts with main functions.
Dart: Show Test Code Lens
// Whether to show CodeLens actions in the editor for quick running/debugging tests.
In case people get here because there is a Debug or Run in their package.json, that is a separate issue and answer, see|57.9327#62368407
Just disable Enable Code Lens in jest plugin.
It's very annoying! When you write test code, small Debug text shows on top of a test (above it method) when it fails.
During programming, it constantly shows and hides, causing lines of code move up and down a bit. It's terrible experience. Fortunately, easy to disable.
After disabling it, we still have test status feedback:
In VSC settings, search for "Pester Code Lens".
You can disable the first option.
Disable Pester Code Lens
Add this line to your settings:
"editor.codeLens": false,
Or do this in settings:
For Java Extension paste this in your settings.json file
"java.debug.settings.enableRunDebugCodeLens": false
you just open your vs Code Setting -> Text Editor -> Code Lean [Check mark this Box]

After update to MacOs Mojave Visual Studio Code text is almost unreadable (dimmed)

I have just installed MacOs Mojave... And when I opened Visual Studio Code... Surprise! The text it's kind of dimmed with less contrast, specially on the external display. The result is that the code it's hard to read. It seemed related to the mode, but not! It happens both in Light and dark modes.
Has anyone found a solution to that problem?
Well, I end up finding the solution thanks to Ahmad Awais post. It is a font rendering issue that affects to many ElectronJS based apps.
Open the terminal and execute
defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool FALSE
Restart the system

sublime text-like code scrollbar on visual studio code

I have recently switched from Sublime Text to Visual studio code, but there is something that i truly miss, and it is the scroll bar at the top right corner of the which shows a smaller version of the file being edited (I don't know the exact name).
I find it pretty useful to navigate through my files, especially when i want to start deleting blocks of code i have commented out, before i submit my code.
Is there any plugin to get this on visual studio code, or is there any ongoing plans in order to implement it? Thanks!
Tracked in this feature request: