sublime text-like code scrollbar on visual studio code - visual-studio-code

I have recently switched from Sublime Text to Visual studio code, but there is something that i truly miss, and it is the scroll bar at the top right corner of the which shows a smaller version of the file being edited (I don't know the exact name).
I find it pretty useful to navigate through my files, especially when i want to start deleting blocks of code i have commented out, before i submit my code.
Is there any plugin to get this on visual studio code, or is there any ongoing plans in order to implement it? Thanks!

Tracked in this feature request:


How to hide/unhide comments with Microsoft VSCode?

I have a code with many comments, how can I hide these ones, but no delete, I need them after.
I need to hide all the comments in one click, not a simple collapse one
Can't find such feature as well.
Read this issue from GitHub -
Seems like that VSCode can't do it (from the box) and all people waiting for that feature.
I was looking for a way to do that too as I put way too many comments making it hard to debug... and I came across this it makes all the comments invisible, but it leaves special characters in place. There are also commands to toggle show/hide.
Hide Comments - Visual Studio Marketplace
We now have an extension for that. On the editor title, a toggle action is available to show/hide the comments quickly.
You can download from inside Visual Studio 2022 called unobtrusive code and it will hide all comments and put "+" symbols on the collapsed line to the left of your code that you can open or close them with. It works great.
I went to the Extensions menu at the top of VS 2022 and chose manage extensions.
Then in the manage extensions window that opens up, choose online then Visual Studio Marketplace. In the search at the top right of the manage extensions window type in unobtrusive code. download it and then exit Visual Studio. You should see a window pop up to install it.
When you start VS 2022 again and open a C# script, it should have all the comments minimized to the "plus symbols" to the left of the code!
Hope it works for anyone wanting to hide their comments.

Middle click in Visual Studio Code for scrolling?

I'm checking out this Visual Studio Code but when you middle-click for scrolling as you would everywhere else it selects code instead of scrolling. Not exactly like a left click but still, annoying for me. Is there a way to solve this issue?
No, unfortunately not (yet). But you can contribute here on github to make it happen.
Since the issue has been reported but not fixed for 5 years, you should upvote that issue, and then use the autohotkey workaround:
(You have to hold the middle-button down in vscode and drag the mouse up or down to autoscroll, and it scrolls one line at a time instead of smoothly, but it's much better than nothing.)
(To use: Install AutoHotkey, then you can download and run the linked .ahk file)
There's an extension that allows this kind of behaviour in Visual Studio.
Visual Studio Marketplace Link

How to highlight cells in vscode?

I have been using vscode (Visual Studio Code) text editor for couple of days. I have come from Spyder IDE for python. I am developing a great likeness towards vscode. It encompasses all of my needs to python programming with also being lightweight.
However, one thing that I am missing and wish it were here in vscode is cell highlighting. Though the editor has feature to segment the code into several cells by typing # %% before a block, it lacks the feature to highlight the cell where mouse pointer is hovered on.
Maybe, there is an option there in settings.json but i don't know where it is in particular. Though it is not a great lack or causes major issues but i like to enable this feature in my vscode editor.
Below pictures illustrate my point.
Previous image is the visual studio code editor and the below one is for Spyder IDE.
It seems it is supported now.
Bellow there's a screenshot for the current version of VSCode using Microsoft's Python extension.
If this answers the question, please, inform as answer.

Plugin for Eclipse or Visual Studio that lets me see an overview of the Text similar to Sublime Text

Are there any plug ins for mentioned IDEs that let me see the whole text file similar to how sublimetext does it? See their website, to the right of the text there is a super minimized overview of the entire file. Amazing feature which makes me want to change to it but i rather want an IDE :/ so i hope eclipse or visual studio might have something similar?
Visual Studio has a plugin called ProgressiveScroll which works on 2010+
It hasn't been updated for a while but seems to work okay in 2013.
Eclipse now has a built-in feature like this since version 4.9, called Minimap.
You can access it from Window -> Show View. If it's not in the list, click Other... at the bottom, and it's under General.

Visual Studio 2005 - Missing feature 'Code outline' (eclipse) or 'Defs' (SlickEdit)

I mostly use SlickEdit and eclipse while working on embedded systems. Once in a while I need to use Visual Studio, and I terribly miss this feature that is known by different names in different editors. Basically you get a small window of 'outline style' code summary on the side (showing just the function names and optionally the static and globals at the top). You click an item on this little window and your cursor in the main editor window magically jumps to that item location. Here is how it looks like in SlickEdit:
Anyone knows what I am talking about ?
Any 'pointers' will be much appreciated :)
Take a look at the DPack addin
and more specifically at the Code Browser feature