How to add background blur when inspecting an object? - unreal-engine4

I want to add background blur when inspecting an object, I watched a lot of videos on the topic, but no one did blur, and if they did, they added the object to the widget.
I want something like this:

maybe if you set up a camera for the inspected item with specific exposure and focus settings that could work


Unity UI panel transparency

I'm working on my game and I want to add an inventory type system, when I added the panel it was a little transparent while the one in the video was watching was not. I didn’t see any setting for transparency in the Unity inspector for both the canvas and the panel. The UI mode is an overlay
I didn’t try much other than clicking all the check boxes, and I was excepting for the up to be a solid color.
If you have a Canvas Group in your hierarchy, it can come from here (Alpha property).
I needed to go to colors and slide this slider all the way up or down (the slider you need to change)

Delete button for object - MRTK

I have a question regarding Unity and mrtk. I need to create an object, which can be deleted via button push. This button should be attached to the object. Now there is the app bar which can be attached to the object and which is very convenient because the buttons are only displayed on the side of the object you currently look at. However the app bar does not seem to work properly with the new bounding box and after deactivating the adjust button on it. So my question basically is, how do i make a button which is attached to the object, hovers on it and is only displayed on the side of the object i am currently looking at? The script of the app bar is very poorly commented, so i cannot figure out which part is responsible for making the button appear on the correct side and correspondingly how to write a script displaying the delete button only on the correct side (following the direction i am currently looking at).
To solve this problem you need a free Canvas that attaches to your object. This Canvas should be adjusted to the dimensions of the object and always look at the camera. To do this, first create a canvas and set RenderMode to World Space, Remember that you have entered the Event camera reference.:
After completing the canvas, make a button like the one below and place it in the body. In this section, adjust the dimensions so that you want to appear in near of your main object.
Finally, I suggest using Look At Constraint to match the canvas and the view to the camera. Insert the camera as source and fix Constraint settings it as shown below.
Example Result

Image animation problems in Unity

I state that I am not very experienced in Unity.
I am working on a project in which I have some pictures. To these images I have added an animation that modifies the viewing scale (x,y,z), in such a way as to obtain a pulsation effect. ("ImageEffectPingPong")
To these same images, however, I added another animation that when the image is clicked, a fade effect is obtained, in such a way as to make the image disappear.("fadeOut_x")
When I go to make transition one of the two animations to the animator, it works as it should. the problem is when I try to merge them.
The ImageEffectPingPong animation is set in loop, while the other is activated by setting a bool to the onclick event.
This is my animator
I tried a combination like this, but when I hit the first image, the fade works, but I no longer get the "pingpong" effect I want.
So how do i get the pingpong effect and when i click on an image, the fade effect, without losing the pingpong effect on the other images?
PS: to create the first effect I created a single animation that changes the scale of each image at the same time, while for the fade effect, each image has its own animation. Images can disappear following the correct sequence.
Sorry for my bad English, I hope I have explained myself as well as possible, I remain available for any misunderstandings. thank you
in case anyone has the same problem as me, I was able to solve it by adding a layer. In the first layer I run the fade animation, while in the second the pingpong effect. It is important to set the weight of the layer.

Unity: Filter to give slight color variations to whole scene?

In Unity, is there a way to give slight color variations to a scene (a strain of purple here, some yellow blur there) without adjusting every single texture? And for that to work in VR stereo images too (and ideally in semi-consistent way as one moves around, and perhaps also without having to use computing-heavy colored lights)? Many thanks!
A simple way to achieve this if your color effect is fixed would be to add a canvas that renders a half transparent image to the whole screen. But I suppose that you might prefer some dynamic effect.
To achieve this, look at Unity's post processing stack. It allows you to add many post process effects, such as chromatic aberation and color grading, that might allow you to do what you want

flashes of previous SceneKit content

My app alternates "pages" of SceneKit content with images and text. When I advance from an image page to a new SceneKit page, the content from the previous SceneKit page is briefly displayed before being replaced by the new content. Funky.
I'm only using one SCNScene and one SCNView. When I transition to an image type page, I hide the SCNView. To reinstate a new SceneKit display I:
remove all nodes from the rootNode
load new node graphs from file
add the new node graphs to the rootNode
unhide the SCNView
Evidently the unhiding is asynchronous and I'm seeing the remnants of the earlier scene while the new one is establishing. I'm having a similar issue with AVPlayer as well.
In past apps I experienced this same issue with MPMoviePlayer and delt with it by displaying a blank view over the movie view and then hiding that on notification that the current movie had loaded. Perhaps I can deal with the AVPlayer issue in the same manner but I don't see this applying to SceneKit. Even in the case of AVPlayer I'd like a better way of dealing with the issue if possible.
edit_1: I've tried Hal's idea of swapping out SCNScenes but still get the momentary residual image. I've tried using two SCNViews and alternately swapping them out. I've also tried moving the camera past visible elements before exiting the current scene. The prepareObjects:withCompletion handler did nothing.
It appears that it's not the nodes nor the SCNScene that is persisting but a rendered image of the scene. This is also supported by witnessing this effect with movie players as mentioned above.
edit_2: I tried a mask but like all other attempts it fails. I did have "success" with using an SCNAction to move the camera offscreen plus a completion handler to effect changes only after. However, this extends the load time by about 800%! Better to have the ugly "flash".
I've got something that works but I'm skeptical. I've created a "nullCamera", one that points to an empty field of view. Before switching out my scenes I assign that camera to the SCNView. When the new scene loads the principal camera is re-assigned. But I'm nervous about this approach.
I tried this before and it didn't work. It now works because I moved the code upstream (instead of where it seems to belong). But the interveining code has nothing to do with SceneKit. It merely parses data for strings, sets color prefs and displays a title in a label. So I'm worried that it's only about timing and I may see the issue again on, say, a faster device. Maybe writing the title to a view element forces a re-display of the SCNView too? (Which I couldn't seem to effect with code.)