Contact form 7 + POPUP + date time picker, WP Elementor - contact-form-7

Datetimepicker doesn't want to work only in popup.
If i insert Contact form 7 without popup it's working.
Maybe someone has encountered something like this?
I think it doesn't work because popup injects in the end of body. But how to fix it i just don't know.

I also had the same problem. To solve the problem, create an HTML element in the pop-up form and add the following lines of code to it:
You can take the upper lines on the working page with inspectelement, select the date and time, and copy and paste the lines related to the two upper js files.
After saving and viewing the pop-up page, you will see that the date and time selection section will work.


Select more than one form with easepick.js?

I have used a datepicker in several places on the website.
As it is now it doesn't work because document.getElementByID('datepicker') the first datepicker is selected.
Is there a way with document.querySelecotrAll or something like this?
easepick.js form selection

Need help to enter date from date picker

I have been trying to automate booking a flight on using Selenium webdriver in java. The issue I am having is that I am unable to enter date into the departing date and arrival date boxes, mainly because when you click in the date box, it displays a popup calendar or date picker. My many attempts to identify the xpath for the date picker itself and the date elements have not been successful as whenever I try to click on the date element in the picker, it changes focus. So, unless I can identify them somehow, I can't enter any data into them. I am sure there has to be someone out there who can help me with this dilemma. Thanks.
If you're using firebug to grab the xpath, you should see a dropdown menu right below the inspect element button. You're probably dealing with an iframe and you will need to switch focus to that frame. It should be easy to check which iframe you want if there are multiple (because the blue dotted frames will display) by passing this xpath: //*
You can do this several ways:
1) driver.switchTo().frame(name_or_id)
2) driver.switchTo().frame(index)
If you're still having troubles, you can always guess and check by starting with 0 and increasing it, so driver.switchTo().frame(0)

Change style_formats title - TinyMCE

I am new to TinyMCE but have done most of my required work.
I am stuck at one place. I want to change the title of the dropdown which comes by "style_formats". The current title it is showing is "Formats". I want to make it like WordPress Panel. I mean if i select "paragraph" from the drop down, it must shows paragraph, if i select "Heading 1" from the drop down, the title must be changed to "Heading 1" and so on.
I have already checked this link but it was not that much useful
Note: I am using TinyMCE 4
This is not possible out of the box.
For this you will have to write an own plugin that takes care of this.
You may want to have a look at the tinymce source file FormatControls.js .
What you need is a listbox, this is not exactly an answer, but it will help your cause, I'm not sure, how you are going to mix it up with Formats(style_formats), check the fiddle and this answer, you get an idea of listbox.
You can add listbox in menubar of tinymce editor .

Fill form by clicking anchors with javascript or jquery

What I need is a script to fill form inputs by clicking on links on the same site with the link text. Yesterday I found a solution to do this, but It's only the half way to my exceptation. The script must fill the first empty input field. I've illustrated it on the image:
In the same time the clicked link must disappear. In this case the result would be:
I've no idea how to do it in javascript weather in jquery. Please help!

Combobox show text properly

I have a combo box that when I open it should show text like
However I get something like
with the scrollbar set to middle. Thing is sometimes for the same values it shows properly
and sometimes it shows from middle(for same value).
I want it to show properly like in the first image and I've tried a couple of things but with no succes.
... and other irelevand stuff ...
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks alot!
If I am not getting wrong, You want to set your scrollbar at particular position. FOr that you need to ovverride the css of that and try to set scrollbar position to 0. So that your problem will get solved.
The problem with any kind of selections box is, that the boxes display and behave completely different across browsers. The older the browser the worse it handles long texts in selection boxes (some just truncate the text). I suggest to keep the displayed text as short as possible. That way you can avoid this problem.
If you really need long description, you can try to add a tooltip to every entry. Or use a different widget to make the select from, e.g. some custom widget in a separate dialog...