How to plot a line chart with a gradient shadow under the line? - charts

Is there a chart library in any programming language which allows creating a plot of time series data as a line chart with a gradient shadow under the line?
Approaches using python and matplotlib failed so far, see datetime64 values, ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types


Event markers in Charts time series Graph Plot

I am plotting two time series line charts in the iOS version (4.1.0) of Charts ( The two series each have their own Y-Axis setup. I would like to annotate the plot with event markers which might be either symbols drawn at the right places above the X-Axis, or as short vertically oriented lines, again at the corresponding point above X(time).
If I had only a single time series I could use a second series with a pseudo Y-axis for the markers. Is there a way, not in the available docs, to create Event Markers?

How to graph a function in iOS-charts

I am using the iOS-charts library in (Swift 3) to plot my data into a scatter chart. I have a scatter chart and now would like a line chart to display a non-linear best fit line from the scatter data. Does the charts library have any easy functions for finding a non-linear best fit line, and if not how do I create a line from a function if a have to derive the best fit line function myself. I know how to create a line graph from data points but do not know if charts allows you to make one from a function. An example of what I'm trying to do is below. Any help is appreciated thanks.
Link to iOS-charts

Stock Chart and Line char in same plot

I have try to combined stock chart and line graph using excel. But it cannot do. I can draw Stock chart and line graph separately. Is anyone know a way to darw stock chart and line chart in same plot. X axis is same.
If you can do this using Matlab, it also okay.
Yes you can plot in MATLAB.
To have a candlestick plot and a line plot of closing prices in the same chart,
candle(HighPrices, LowPrices, ClosePrices, OpenPrices)
hold on
HighPrices, LowPrices, ClosePrices, OpenPrices are all columns. The hold on command is to let you plot multiple graphs in the same figure.
candle is for making stock-charts and plot by default makes line charts.
Refer to the MATLAB documentation on the MathWorks website for more clarity.
Combining a stock chart and line graph using Excel without VBA is not possible:

How to apply different line styles automatically to arrays in when plotting Matlab

Is it possible to make Matlab to apply different line styles automatically as it does with colors when told to plot a higher dimension array?
For example:
Creates a plot with three lines of different color. Can Matlab do the same thing with line styles? Even if it is something like:
I'd rather not have to go and call a plot command for each 1D array individually and assign a line style there if I can help it. I'm working with legacy code that has a ton of calls without line styles already, each plotting a half dozen lines. It would take a while to do manually and I have to think Matlab can do something smarter
You can do it in one command, but you still have to assign the style separately.
The other option you have is to write your own function that goes through a for loop and plots each one with different styles.

matlab get color

I am using matlab for cluster visualization. I want to somehow get the color of my current cluster center fill in the plot and draw line of same color to cluster members. How can I get the color?
This is a generic answer to finding the color of any plot object in Matlab.
Select the object in the plot and use gco to get its color attribute.
c = get(gco,'Color');
Without any specific information about how and what you are plotting, it is not possible to give a more specific answer.