Event markers in Charts time series Graph Plot - charts

I am plotting two time series line charts in the iOS version (4.1.0) of Charts (https://github.com/danielgindi/Charts). The two series each have their own Y-Axis setup. I would like to annotate the plot with event markers which might be either symbols drawn at the right places above the X-Axis, or as short vertically oriented lines, again at the corresponding point above X(time).
If I had only a single time series I could use a second series with a pseudo Y-axis for the markers. Is there a way, not in the available docs, to create Event Markers?


Grafana how can I make sure two plots' x-axis aligned perfectly

I have two plots queried from InfluxDB that share the same timestamps.
But as you can see in the pictures that because the y-axis label of the bottom graph takes up more space the two plots misaligned in the timestamp.
I would really like to be able to plot these two sets of data perfectly aligned so I can see how one affects the other.
Can you advice how I can achieve that ? Or being able to make a subplot that is draw two time series plots in one panel, sharing the x-axis would also be great.

Scatter Plot with X-Y axis

I am charting the values of the DISC personality test on a google chart.
Location on the X-axis is Influence - Compliance.
Location on the Y-axis is Dominance - Steadiness.
I've tried every combination of Data Ranges, Identifying X-Axis, Adding Labels, going through common errors - https://infoinspired.com/google-docs/spreadsheet/common-errors-in-scatter-chart/
I cannot seem to get each person's score to populate correctly on the X-Y axis along with their names as the label.
The sheet is located here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Aq8bCIDCpdW8XXnwDcd8bOAwH0KCPs5-a-6-saJITxg/edit#gid=499653271
it would need to be like this:

Do ILNumerics .NET Visualization Engine support the following features regarding 3D surface chart?

I would like to know whether the following features are supported in .NET Visualization Engine of ILNumerics
Draw a 3D Surface Plot
Layout a wireframe over the Surface Plot
Draw a scatter plot over the Surface Plot
Color the surface using custom values and show the color bar as a legend.
Custom meshgrid with support for floating point values.
Able to Zoom, Pan and Rotate the plot
Tooltip support together with the ability to select a point from the Surface plot (maybe using mouseclick/crosshair etc). I need a callback function from the point selected.
Modify axis properties such ticks, labels, titles etc.
Lighting and Shading options in the chart.
Please do reply
Yes, all is supported. Start with the visualization documentation: http://ilnumerics.net/Visualization-API.html
The examples section contains many runnable examples, including this one dealing with mouse picking on 3D surface plots.

Highcharts tooltip multivalues when X is a constant

There are no possibility to see ToolTip on irregular chart when some points placed on the same X line but with different Y values.
actually I expected observe tooltip in that places where mouse positioned and if the graph Point exist in the small radius around. However for the picture above we can observed tooltip only for the higest and pre-higest points, but not for the lowest and pre-lowes points.
Yes, duplicated points on xAxis are not supported for (sp)line series. You can use scatter series with lineWidth: 1 instead.

Controlling the spacing between markers in a plot in a figure

How do I control the spaces between markers in a plot so that it although I am plotting say a 100,000 points but it shows markers at only sample points, and does not show markers when the plot drops between two points
A sample is shown in figure below:
The crudest way to do so is to plot each line twice: once without the markers, but with all the points. The second time you plot only a sample of the points with no line, but only with the markers.