Microsoft Edge elastic scroll/overscroll for mouse wheel - mouse

Microsoft Edge has elastic scroll or overscroll bounce back feature, which works quite well. I like it but it only works when I am overscrolling using laptop's track pad/touch pad. I want to experience it with mouse wheel scrolling. Is it possible for mouse wheel? Does anybody know anything about the mouse wheel implementation?


How to enable infinite window panning on unity engine running on ubuntu 20.04 focal

I have installed Unity 2020.3.31f1 on my KUbuntu 20.04 but i can't seem to get the infinite pan to work on one side. Whenever i am rotating the camera angle or increasing any value, so long as i am panning horizontally, it stops at the window end of the right side. This works fine on the left side like it does on windows. I like linux and this is the only thing that got me reconsidering going back to windows.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Here is a short gif
Update: This also applies to downward panning. Upward panning works though.

Moving mouse cursor with gamepad question

So I can create a gameobject that I can move around like a cursor with my xbox controller, however when it comes to pressing buttons I have 1 issue.
It seems there is no way to set the actual mouse cursor position without importing user32.dll and even that solution will only be a windows solution.
The reason I want to move the actual mouse cursor as well as my gameobject representing a cursor, is that I still want to be able to click buttons, and when I call Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0); it will click the button at the point where the actual mouse cursor is, and if the actual mouse cursor isnt moving with us its not gonna work.
Also I dont need a custom mouse cursor, if the xbox controller could move the mouse cursor directly thats fine too.
Any advice appreciated.
There is no other way to set the mouse position maybe if you needed to have a solution for mac as well you can find it here at the bottom.
also making a custom cursor is a better solution cause it will be cross platform and you could make a custom mouse down event for it so i don't see why you wouldn't
and if you are sure you need the actual mouse to move you only have the first solution
and moving the mouse with xbox controller by using a software is only gonna work on your pc and those softwares are probably using the first solution

Platform Grills Scroll Animation - 2D Game

I want to add platform scroll animation just for visual effect purpose. Because I have started moving platform objects using Physics.
But now I want to add some animation for the ground platform grills so that moving objects will look more natural.
Here is the platform for that I want to add scroll effect or animation:
I want to scroll the grills those exist on the platform either on the left or right side.
Please give me some idea :)

Mobile Input Not Working Unity 3d 2017

greetings fellow programmers and game devs.
I am kind of new to Unity3D. I have the latest beta build of 2017 Personal.
I have a bit of a problem. I have a first person controller prefab and a dual touch control and an event system, yet when I test the game on my iPhone 5s, I can look around but as soon as I am done panning by swiping the camera resets to the place I was looking previously and I am unable to move forward or back.
Now, I also tried not having the dual touch control and it does the same thing.
Also, I checked input and the axis is set to both Horizontal and Vertical and the other is Mouse X and Mouse Y. I also tried dragging two mobile joy sticks and assigning them Mouse X and Mouse Y and the other joystick Horizontal and Vertical.
Any help would be appreciated. I also want to note that I had another project that worked with just dragging and dropping the dual touch controls on to the hierarchy and even though the settings are the same for the FPSController and the Camera and the Controls it just doesn't seem to work.

UE4 Enabling Mouse During Play?

I'm extremely new to UE, and doing a few easy tutorials to get started, so I don't exactly know the correct terminology to use to help me find what I am looking for... Anyway, whenever I hit play and the game starts, my mouse disappears and I am only able to use the input that I set up; so my question is, even though I do not need mouse input for movement, as I am using WASD, how do I keep my mouse unlocked and available to move around without being locked to the camera?
When you hit play and the game starts, your mouse gets captured by the game to control the camera. If your play button is set to play in the viewport, you can release the mouse from the viewport by pressing Shift-F1. The game will still be running, but input (including from the keyboard) will be suspended and you can interact with the editor.
You can also change the default behavior of how the mouse is captured and it if is constrained to the viewport boundaries. To see these options, go into the project settings (settings button above main viewport/project settings...). On the left side of the project settings window, select 'Input' under the Engine heading. On the right side will be some mouse preferences that can change its behavior.
For instance, to allow the mouse to travel outside the viewport, change 'Default Viewport Mouse Lock Mode' to 'Do Not Lock'. I don't recommend this, but you might experiment with these to get a feel for what they do. Also, you might look up these settings in the Unreal documentation for more detail.
There are 3 blueprint nodes that change the input method:
Set Input Mode Game
Set Input Mode Game and UI
Set Input Mode UI
You want a combination of the second one and a "Show Mouse Cursor" node. However, if you are making an FPS and you use the mouse to look around, you may lose that ability with the second node above. It comes down to what your game is and how you want to use the mouse.
I had the similar issue. So I did something like this in Level Blueprints to achieve what I want.