Flutter: Make text/images selectable in whole web app - flutter

In the Flutter web apps, there is no default functionality which makes text and images in the app selectable.
Is there a way to enable selection functionality for text/image on web?
I did check SelectableText widget but it is only for text and I would need to use it over every text. Also, you can't select text in multiple SelectableText widgets at once, you can only select text in one of them. I'm looking for a solution to select all text in the app without making change to every text widget.
Let me know if there’s one step solution to achieve this thing in whole web app.

In Flutter 3.3, with the introduction of the SelectableArea widget, any child of the SelectableArea widget has selection enabled for free!
To take advantage of this powerful new feature, simply wrap your route body (such as the Scaffold) with the SelectionArea widget and let Flutter do the rest.
For a more comprehensive deep dive into this awesome new feature, please visit the SelectableArea API page.

Flutter Web currently does not support multiple text selection across SelectableText widgets.
However, there are some experimental widgets that people are currently working on. According to a guide available at:
Custom SelectableScope Widget
They have proposed a custom widget, a Selectable scope, which basically allows for anything within it to be selectable (currently text and images)


Flutter: Is there any way to show custom widgets inside WebView?

I need all the functionalities (e.g., Searching) that a WebView provides on a WebPage but don't want to show any WebPage (provided to the initialUrl property) in the UI.
Instead, I need to show Custom Widgets inside the WebView widget upon which I can perform operations similar to Web Pages.
So, my queries are:
Is it possible to achieve this using the WebView widget?
If not, is there any Widget available similar to the WebView widget that can fulfill my requirements?

Flutter widget to display moving (marquee) text

I am hoping to display a string of text in a widget such that the text appears to automatically scroll or move from left to right, similar to what is shown in many media players (such as OBS). In web development, this appears to be known as a marquee effect.
I've looked at animated_text_kit but it doesn't provide this scrolling animation.
I've also tried any_widget_marquee as described in this similar SO post but the package doesn't support sound null safety.
Can anyone provide any recommendations or describe how to achieve this effect?
There is an aptly named package marquee that does exactly this.
The ticker text Flutter package provides this functionality.

Floating button that overlaps in all applications

I am learning flutter, and I found myself with the task of creating a floating button, that by minimizing the application the button is visible and overlaps any application, is it possible to create this functionality in flutter?
You should use Scaffold and there's a parameter called floatingActionButton. There you can add a button and it definitely won't overlay anything. You should also search for SafeArea and Listview/SingleChildScrollView. These are great widgets for avoid overlays. Flutter has a great documentation so you can always look up a widget in google and there will be always something.

When to use new Screens in Flutter instead of TabBarView

I am fairly new to Flutter and I try to understand when and why it would be necessary to navigate to a new screen. Most apps keep the same AppBar, Drawer & BottomNavigationBar (if any) through all the different "screens". Wouldn't it be easier to just have one single TabBarView, or only replace the Scaffold's body ?
I have a hard time to really understand the concept of why there needs to be a new Scaffold when routing. I couldn't find anything helpful in the official Flutter doc, even the Cookbook show you a Navigation example with 2 completely new screens just to show a different Text widget inside the Scaffold's body.
Also, what about the efficiency of always rebuilding the whole Scaffold ?
When you route to new page, the previous page stored in history of navigator, so you can easily return to previos page just clicking Back button. In principle all depends on what you need. You may use new page with its own Scaffold as well as one page with single Scaffold and different body widgets. For last case you need to controll Back button manually so this way is enough expensive in development.

How to keep a widget common in every tab of my android application?

How can I do this if I want it through XML file layout..
Perhaps you could find a way to make the widgets share an ID? Don't think you could do that from the layout however (if at all).
Is Android Widget ID persistent