2 questions about Apple ad-hoc device reset - apple-developer

I understand that Apple gives you one chance per year (at membership renewal) to reset your device list for ad-hoc testing. After reading their docs, I had two remaining questions:
How long after renewal will the yellow reset banner be available (e.g. do I have to reset on the exact renewal date or do I get a few days?)
On https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/devices/reset it states, "Only your currently enabled devices are shown and all previously disabled devices will be removed automatically.". I'm assuming this means I can deactivate in advance and that I won't have to go through and manually deselect again on reset day?


xcode, running app on device cause red stamp to appear

I am not sure why, but every time I run this specific app on a iOS device a red stamp appear with the number 5. Can someone tell me why this is happening? This doesn't happened on the simulator.
This is used to communicate important information to the user of said app. This is set in your application by supplying an NSInteger to applicationIconBadgeNumber. For instance, Apple's App Store uses the overlay to inform a user that an update is available for X number of his/her app's. The Mail App uses it to inform the user that they have unread messages. Some applications add an applicationIconBadgeNumber to inform the user that they have received a Push Message.
Read more about it from Apple Developer Doc's
You can also turn this off for the application if you find it bothersome. Follow instructions in this Related Question.

iOS: ensure User has to input password before In-App purchase

One of the cool unsung new features of iOS 6 is the way it doesn’t ask you for a password every single time you go to make an app purchase.
( http://www.cultofmac.com/201559/re-enable-password-check-in-ios-6-to-avoid-nasty-in-app-purchase-surprises-ios-tips/#LasCHqVOtcTZxIjc.99 )
I'm writing an App for Children for a client, is there a way to ensure the user has to add his password for every in-app purchase from inside the App?
I mean, I can also show a message to the parents to change the setting, but maybe that's not what they want. Still their children shouldn't be able to buy things in the ensuing 15minutes after the parents bought something from my app.
Thanks for your help!
PS: Maybe if I could read the time since the last in-app purchase somehow and check if it's less then the 15 minutes I could show an extra alert.
The iOS API for In App purchases does not have an option to force asking for the password. I totally understand why you would want that but it just one possible with the current SDK. I also do not see Apple changing this any time soon.
It's not even your responsibility if you look at how Apple setup the In App purchases since iOS 5. Parent can just lock the ability to use in app purchases for the device it self.
You can of course make parents aware of this ability but you just can't force it.

Queue for ignored local notifications?

My question has to do with what happens when the user ignores multiple local notification. In my testing, it appears that iOS 5.1 (perhaps earlier too) passes only the last ignored notification to the app and discards all of the previous ignored notifications.
With my app (and I'm sure many others out there) the user may not launch the app with every notification and thus the possibility exists that there may be several unacknowledged notifications before the user launches the app. The reason this is important to me is that I am trying to place an accurate badge on one of my apps tabs to reflect the number of fired but not yet acknowledged notifications.
Has anyone solved this problem? Apple's phone app keeps an accurate badge for missed calls, but of course they have more capabilities than we do. Unless I have to, I don't want to resort to changing from an numeric badge to something else like an exclamation point.
-- John

How to enforce time based license in an iPad app

We're in the process of completing an application which is based on a licensing system. Users manage it through a web interface and can then sync their devices as they require. So once the device is sync'd the app is self sufficient to the point where the user needs to update their device with the latest set of data.
Now we have implemented the sync-process to verify if the user's license has expired or not before sync'ing. But the downside is that the updates aren't required that often and are more or less static over the period of our licenses.
As such, we're trying to figure out if it is possible on the device itself, to force the user to either sync up to our server at regular intervals or when the license is supposed to expire.
NSDate is an obvious no since its values are dependent on the user so can be changed easily. mach_absolute_time() was another option we considered but the timer changes when the iPad is restarted. We need some way to track absolute time since the license begun, regardless of whether the application or device were running or not and notify the user of this when the app starts.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Interesting problem. You could keep a NSUserDefaults value that represents the highest date that the app was run to detect if the user has changed the device clock. You could also build in a service client to go out and check an external server for the current time when the network is available. Doing this you're looking outside of the user's control to find the true time.
If the user is off the network you won't get a time, but with these devices they are on the network pretty often. You could also trigger the external time lookup when the device has a significant location change. That capability is described in the Apple documentation regarding multi-tasking options.

How to Re-register a device in Apple's Provisioning Portal?

I used up all my 100 device registrations and I'm going to be renewing my subscription soon (in about a month.) So I removed unneeded devices so I would have openings available once my renewal kicks in. Unfortunately, I removed one too many and now I want to put it back in.
Is there a way to re-register a device even when the "add" button is no longer in the UI?
No, I'm sorry - you must wait until your renewal kicks in. If you reached your 100 device limit you can't remove and then add devices, you just have to wait. If it's really desperate I'd suggest getting in touch with Apple support, although I'm not sure how much good it will do.