How to add tooltip link in Grafana with link to another panel from status map - grafana

I'm using Grafana to show the status of some ci/cd pipelines and I would like to be able to add a link to the pipeline run for each status event in the tooltip. However, I'm having trouble figuring out how to do that. I have a query that returns the status, time and pipeline_id for each pipeline run. I need the pipeline_id to determine where the link should go, but I want to show the status as the actual value in the graph. Is there a way to do this?
Currently, I setup my grafana graph by adding this query, and then using an organize fields transform to show status as a row and not show the pipeline_id as a row.
Also, I am open to using statusmap, or status history, or other similar plugins if they support this functionality.


Accessing 'Details' component of ADF activity run instead of 'Output'

ADFv2 seems to be allowing accessing Output of an activity using #('activityname').output but in the monitor we also see a 'Details' component for certain activity types (e.g. HDInsightHive, SQL etc), so is there any way we can access it? It contains very valuable information and it would be great if there is a way to access it somehow. The ADF drop down (adding dynamic values) obviously doesn't show it. This internally available information if exposed via UI would be a great plus.
The following screenshot shows how the detail window appears, basically one has to click on this yellow highlighted icon:-
Now maybe i know your concern.You just wonder whether information could be accessed in the Details window. For example,my test copy activity:
Actually,based on my observation, the information listed in above window are exactly information in the error output.No more additional monitor information,just more readable and clear.
Besides,we can't find any more object of Activity Run Response from REST API.
So,if you are interested in the details info,please refer the output object.

How to access query from query results toolbar menu VSTS extension?

I am trying to write a VSTS Extension which allows me to clone a set of work items including links to a different area path.
To do this I have created an extension that uses the "" contribution to create a toolbar menu item in the work item query results.
Ideally I would like to know the set of selected work items from the query to perform my clone on, but from what I have read this is not possible. I can live with running the clone on the whole query set, but I have not been able to figure out how to know what query was run from my extension.
How can you access the parent of the extension to know which query was run? I should be fine with running the TFS code to get the query results and perform the clone operation once I have that information.
The documentation for the client APIs is lacking, and the "hello world" examples they always provide do nothing but show the basics of the creation of the toolbar item and not any integration. I have checked through the Core client VSS SDK and could not find any object that contained the parent query.
I am also not able to access the parent URL to get the query from that as the extension runs in an IFRAME and that would be cross site scripting.
I appreciate any help with this.
Well I figured it out. You have to use the actionContext from the callback that gets invoked when your extension is invoked. I haven't found a reference for the actionContext, but by inspecting it in the browser, for the query toolbar menu item you get properties for the query, queryText and workItemIds.
This documentation has an example for the team information:

Azure DevOps user story not being displayed in column 'ready'

So, a project that I am working on requires the custom column/silo of 'ready' to indicate that the initial analysis has been done and it ready to be picked up as a development object. When I change the state of an user story to 'ready' it does not show in the appropriate column however when selecting another such as 'new' or 'active' it is displayed. Is there a word restriction on the use of 'ready' as a column (silo)?
Please make sure you have also configured the state mapping for your customized Ready column. Otherwise, if you change the state of work item it will not auto show in the appropriate column.
More detail about this you could take a look at our official tutorial Update Kanban column-to-State mappings

Is it possible to filter the panels created in a dashboard using GRAFANA based on their name

I have created a dashboard in grafana having multiple status panels. I need to provide a dropdown such that when one option is selected all the panels having a name corresponding to the selected option will be filtered. So, basically i need to filter the panels based on their name.Is this possible. If yes, how can we go about it
a bit late for an answer now I suppose but will answer you anyway. You can create filters in Grafana without the need for a plug in through using the Variables feature in your Dashboard settings. Its also used in templating to make your data more dynamic but also crucial in display when you want to filter. Check out the link below
The way to accomplish something like this is with Grafana's Repeating Rows/Panels feature.
Essentially, this lets you dynamically duplicate a row/panel for all the possible results of a given variable. Then a dashboard user can use the variable selection UI to drill down and only show certain rows or panels. Make sure you allow multi-select and/or All as an option for the variable(s) so that you can see multiple results at a time.

use one visualization with multiple filters

Let's say I have a visualization that is displaying production line output over time. There are 6 production lines and I only want to display one production line on the visualization at a time. I can add a Production Line filter to accommodate this.
I want to create a dashboard view for each production line. So I want to create 6 dashboard views each with the same visualization filtered for a different value. However, I do not know how to do this without creating a copy of the visualization and dictating the exact Production Line filter.
Reasons for doing this:
I want to publish the specific dashboards and be able to embed the view into a SharePoint site (that is Production Line specific) and not require the user to filter the view each time
If I make a change to visualization, I want it to be transferred to all dashboard views for all Production Lines and do not want to make the same change to 6 visualizations.
Is this possible?
You can't do it with a dashboard. Try doing it with stories though. Create one story point for each production line. You can drop a single copy of your viz onto multiple story points, each with filters independent of each other, and any changes to the worksheet will be reflected in all six story points.
Yes it is possible. You could use a story as Sam M says, with 6 views of your dashboard each with a different filter setting,
Another choice that works in the embedded viz use case is to create a single dashboard, and apply a filter to all the worksheets on that dashboard. When using Tableau Server, you can supply the filter value as a query parameter in the URL (see the documentation)
After you test it out and are happy with the result, you can remove the filter control from the dashboard so it is no longer visible. You can still control the filter setting via the URL (or via the JavaScript API)
This allows you to adjust the viz that users see in your embedded view without making them manually select the filter setting, and also without creating six nearly identical dashboards.