How to add time to Bloc timer exemple - flutter

I am beginner on flutter with bloc, do you know the easiest way to add time on the timer in example ?
Add time while timer is running
Thanks you :)


How to disable button for 3 hrs in flutter

I am working with an app in which there is a need that if button is pressed then it should be disable for 3 hours and I didn't find any solution yet. Is there any way to achieve this task ? Even the app may close or user do other task on other screens .Please help!
I think You can Use Timer method in flutter to achive this:
Timer.periodic(. // assing new timer to our variable.
milliseconds: 500,
), (timer) {

How do i record stopwatch times in flutter

I would like to know how i can get the ending stopwatch time string once i have stopped the timer. I'm using this repo to make my stopwatch. Once i have stopped the timer i want the timer that is displayed to be put in a list so that i can record my times on a page like this:Times page. Would it use the If/else function?
Thanks Hunter

make a reset button for count down timer in swift

Hi this is a sample code and there is no reset button in there and I have problem with make a reset button for this count down timer
Source Link
If you're new in Swift I advise you this Repository
There you have a simple Stopwatch (and 29 more simple Apps) with a intelligible source Code.

how can i create a countdown timer using a datepicker selector?

i have a question for you. i'm trying to create a countdown timer in Xcode 5 using the datepicker in "count down timer" mode. i tried several times but it still doesn't work. probably i miss something in my code. can you help me? thanks!!

Creating a 01:00 Countdown Timer (Chronometer) in Eclipse

I implemented a Chronometer object in my Android Application. What is the simple code to create a 01:00 countdown timer, so the user has 1 minute to complete the current level?
does Chronometer take minutes? I seem to recall it taking milliseconds
anyway, just pass it the time to count down from, then at finish, this should be a method that is included, do your command, like popup some kind of alertdialog that blocks the user or finish the activity