How do i record stopwatch times in flutter - flutter

I would like to know how i can get the ending stopwatch time string once i have stopped the timer. I'm using this repo to make my stopwatch. Once i have stopped the timer i want the timer that is displayed to be put in a list so that i can record my times on a page like this:Times page. Would it use the If/else function?
Thanks Hunter


How to set remainder countdown by getting values from database in flutter

In this screen I am creating ride, and taking all these information include (Date and Time of ride) from the driver. After creating a ride I am saving all the data into firestore and getting data into next screen. I am also pasting the screenshot of next screen below
I want to show the countdown according to the date & time and when the countdown end, the start button will enable. how can we do it ? Kindly help me
First of all you have to get difference of time. Start countdown timer with that time. Once you get zero you can enable start button based on that condition. You can see this solution.

How to make a button trigger an event (Timer)?

I am working on a fire evacuation project and would like to trigger an event after clicking a button. Basically I want to begin the fire evacuation process manually using the button feature but would like to trigger a timer for about 60 seconds to give the pedestrians time to evacuate using the event feature.
I have tried to make pedestrians stop the evacuation process by manually clicking another button but would like to use an event trigger timer instead as this will be a better way to conduct my simulation. I cannot seem to trigger an event once the button is clicked. I've tried changing the trigger type but not sure where to go from there. Is there any code that is required or another step that is required?
Even though a dynamic event is fine in your application, you can also use a user control event:
And then in your button you can use the following code:
event.restart(60,SECOND); //you can choose any timeout here
event.restart(); // this will use the configuration, which in this case I set up to 60 seconds
The difference between a dynamic event and a user controlled event is that if you click the button again:
With the dynamic event, you will generate another instance of the event, meaning that if you click the button at t=0 seconds, and t=30 seconds, you will generate 2 events at t=60 seconds and t=90 seconds
With the user control event, you will restart the same event. if you click the button at t=0 seconds, and t=30 seconds, you will generate a unique event at t=90 seconds.
So depending on which one you prefer... you can choose. I would prefer the user control in case you click the button 2 times... or if you regret clicking it so fast... I don't know
Use the Dynamic Event for this.
Set it up by pulling it from the AnyLogic Agent Library to the Workspace and give it a name (here: MyDynamicEvent).
Add the code you want to have executed when the timer runs off in the Action field
Set one (or several) timed instance for this event by using the code create_MyDynamicEvent(60,SECOND);. Note: The syntax of this statement is always create_ followed by the actual name you gave your DynamicEvent type.

make a reset button for count down timer in swift

Hi this is a sample code and there is no reset button in there and I have problem with make a reset button for this count down timer
Source Link
If you're new in Swift I advise you this Repository
There you have a simple Stopwatch (and 29 more simple Apps) with a intelligible source Code.

How to implement a counter with CloudKit?

I want to manage a counter (the number of times of button is pressed) with CloudKit.
Each time a user press a button, I want to increment an integer. This integer will hence be a global (for all users) counter of how many times the button has been pressed.
Is there a preferred way to do it?
My idea
I could store a CKRecord with this number and fetch and modify it each time the button is pressed. But, isn't it unsafe since it might be updated by many people (more or less) at the same time?
Your idea would work. When doing an update you will first fetch the counter record, increment the counter and then save it back. If another user has updated the counter in the mean time, then CloudKit will give you an error and you can try it again.
But it does depend on how often users will press the button. If you have multiple pushes per second during a longer period, then you will probably get a lot of errors when updating the data. The time before an update succeeds will grow.

Creating a 01:00 Countdown Timer (Chronometer) in Eclipse

I implemented a Chronometer object in my Android Application. What is the simple code to create a 01:00 countdown timer, so the user has 1 minute to complete the current level?
does Chronometer take minutes? I seem to recall it taking milliseconds
anyway, just pass it the time to count down from, then at finish, this should be a method that is included, do your command, like popup some kind of alertdialog that blocks the user or finish the activity