Lando wtih ParcelJS: exposing port - parceljs

I'm trying to use ParcelJS with Lando and there's one problem if you want HMR to work. You need to expose a port and that seems to be much harder than it should be with Lando. :(
So I know I need to do this for my ParcelJS watch command:
parcel watch dev/scripts.js --out-dir prod/ --hmr-port 6101
Then I need to expose the port I've assigned, in this case "6101" to Docker (via my Lando config file). But that's where it's tricky, apparently, because of the proxy setup Lando uses.
My current .lando.yml config is below, but it doesn't work as expected and the port is not exposed. I still get a "scripts.js:224 WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed:" error message from my ParcelJS generated script file in my browser's dev tools:
name: testwp
recipe: wordpress
php: '8.0'
via: nginx
webroot: wordpress
database: mysql:8.0
portforward: 6101

I saw a similar post about a problem with LocalWP which does about the same thing Lando does.
Can you maybe try to add the flag --hmr-hostname localhost.
Its ether that or --hmr-hostname
After checking the parcel CLI docs the flag could also be --hmr-host localhost try that aswell.


Nginx Proxy Manager redirects hosted website to 502 Bad Gateway

I have a website running where I use Nginx Proxy Manager to redirect to this website. However, as soon as I hit my website I get the following message:
Does anyone have a clue what is happening here?
Finally, I came to the following conclusion. I think from my experience it can mean two things:
Either your website/docker container is not running
Or Nginx cannot find an index.html file on the main root of web address ''.
However, points out the following:
Unresolved domain name
Server overload
Browser issues
Home-network equipment error
Firewall blocks
So make sure that index.html is present for your website and you have trouble shooted your container where you are 100% sure that docker container has no exceptions, errors and runs perfectly fine. Try use something like 'docker-compose logs' where the docker-compose.yml is located (this only works for a running docker container)

Run Arango Shell (Arangosh) on a Kubernetes pod

I have set up an Arango instance on Kubernetes nodes, which were installed on a VM, as mentioned in the ArangoDB docs ArangoDB on Kubernetes. Keep in mind, I skipped the ArangoLocalStorage and ArangoDeploymentReplication step. I can see 3 pods each of agent, coordinators and dbservers in get pods.
The arango-cluster-ea service, however, shows the external IP as pending. I can use the master node's IP address and the service port to access the Web UI, connect to the DB and make changes. But I am not able to access either the Arango shell, nor am I able to use my Python code to connect to the DB. I am using the Master Node IP and the service port shown in arango-cluster-ea in services to try to make the Python code connect to DB. Similarly, for arangosh, I am trying the code:
kubectl exec -it *arango-cluster-crdn-pod-name* -- arangosh --service.endpoint tcp://masternodeIP:8529
In case of Python, since the Connection class call is in a try block, it goes to except block. In case of Arangosh, it opens the Arango shell with the error:
Cannot connect to tcp://masternodeIP:port
thus not connecting to the DB.
Any leads about this would be appreciated.
Posting this community wiki answer to point to the github issue that this issue/question was resolved.
Feel free to edit/expand.
Link to github: Arangodb: Kube-arangodb: Issues: 734
Here's how my issue got resolved:
To connect to arangosh, what worked for me was to use ssl before using the localhost:8529 ip-port combination in the server.endpoint. Here's the command that worked:
kubectl exec -it _arango_cluster_crdn_podname_ -- arangosh --server.endpoint ssl://localhost:8529
For web browser, since my external access was based on NodePort type, I put in the master node's IP and the 30000-level port number that was generated (in my case, it was 31200).
For Python, in case of PyArango's Connection class, it worked when I used the arango-cluster-ea service. I put in the following line in the connection call:
conn = Connection(arangoURL='https://arango-cluster-ea:8529', verify= False, username = 'root', password = 'XXXXX')
The verify=False flag is important to ignore the SSL validity, else it will throw an error again.
Hopefully this solves somebody else's issue, if they face the similar issue.
I've tested following solution and I've managed to successfully connect to the database via:
arangosh from localhost:
Connected to ArangoDB 'http+ssl://localhost:8529, version: 3.7.12 [SINGLE, server], database: '_system', username: 'root'
Python code
from pyArango.connection import *
conn = Connection(arangoURL='https://ABCD:8529', username="root", password="password",verify= False )
db = conn.createDatabase(name="school")
Additional resources: Tutorials: Tutorial Python Docs: Stable: Tutorials Kubernetes

cloud-init ignoring static IP network configuration

I running the Ubuntu 18.04 cloud image and trying to configure networking through cloud-init. For some reason it is ignoring my networking when I try to assign a static IP and just falls back to using DHCP. I'm not sure why and I'm not sure how to debug it. Does anyone know if I am doing something wrong or how I should further troubleshoot this:
Here is my config.yaml I'm using to generate my config.img:
version: 2
dhcp4: false
dhcp6: false
addresses: []
password: secret # for the 'ubuntu' user in case we can't SSH in
chpasswd: { expire: false }
ssh_pwauth: true
- default
- name: brennan
ssh_import_id: gh:brennancheung
hostname: vm
- [ sh, -xc, "echo Here is the network config for your instance" ]
- [ ip, a ]
final_message: "Cloud init is done. Woohoo!"
Everything else in the config seems to be working, it's as if it doesn't even see the network portion though.
I'm attaching the .img as a cdrom to read the cloud-init. You can see how I'm running it here:
NOTE: Once I'm logged into the box I can replace the config in /etc/netplan with the network section above and re-apply it and the networking comes up fine with a static IP. So I think there aren't any obvious errors that I am missing. This leads me to believe it is related to the cloud-init networking module(s) and not netplan itself.
I finally figure it out. Hopefully this helps someone else.
Apparently you can't supply networking configuration in user-data. You have to specify it in the cloud provider's data source or in metadata. In order to do that you have to move the network section into its own file and build the cloud-init image with the --network-config=... option.
cloud-localds -v --network-config=network-config-v2.yaml seed.img user-data.yaml
I have the complete setup for configuring and booting a cloud instance in a local KVM if it helps anyone else out.
If you notice, in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d there exists a file called 99-fake-cloud.cfg (or something similar). If you delete this, then cloud-init will configure the network using the parameters in your user-data file (i.e. - /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg)

Making nextcloud work on a prefixed path (using docker and caddy)

I'm trying to setup my own instance of nextcloud on my server but I'm running into a problem as I want nextcloud to be available under
Next cloud is running in a CoreOS virtual machine called let's say myvm.
So this is the way I setup my CaddyFile: {
proxy /cloud myvm:8080 {
without /cloud
I have other proxies that work fine for other services or VMs that are written similarily.
With this, and publishing port 8080 in my docker-compose file, I manage to connect to the nextcloud instance. But every time I go to it will redirect me to instead of
If I enter this last url manually, I can access to nextcloud, but also the page doesn't load properly because all the contents cannot be loaded because they are not prompted with the prefix cloud/.
Is there a way to explain nextcloud about this prefix through the configuration of docker-compose file? (It's the only configuration I created, it works with just that and no extra work, I use one similar to the one available here (the apache one).)
Or maybe I can improve the CaddyFile config? (By the way, if I don't use the without option, it will just not work at all and return 404 when I go to the url).

installing kubernetes on coreos with rkt and automated script

I'm trying to install kuberentes with rkt on my real (not virtual) coreos servers at home using the scripts at and I have some questions.
my etcd2 is using tls keys, I can't see anywhere in the script where I can define where the certificates are located.
can I supply a domain instead of IP for ADVERTISE_IP and CONTROLLER_ENDPOINT ?
when I tried to install kubernetes manually I needed start the rkt service api. it doesn't state in the documents that it needed here, does it mean that I don't need it if I use these scripts? or is it just something that's missing in the documents?
Rob thank you so much for your response. I wasn't clear enough regarding etcd2. I already have etcd2 tls installed and properly configured on my coreos servers. so I configured my etcd servers in the file:
but when I run the script, it returns and repeat the following output:
Waiting for etcd...
so I was guessing it's because i didn't define etcd related tls certificates in the controller script and that is why it stuck in that faze.
on my macbook pro laptop I have the following alias configured:
alias myetcdctl="~/apps/etcd-v3.0.8-darwin-amd64/etcdctl --endpoint= --ca-file=/Users/ufk/Projects/coreos/tux-in/etcd/certs/certs-names/ca.pem --cert-file=/Users/ufk/Projects/coreos/tux-in/etcd/certs/certs-names/etcd1.pem --key-file=/Users/ufk/Projects/coreos/tux-in/etcd/certs/certs-names/etcd1-key.pem --timeout=10s"
so when I run myetcdctl member list I get:
8832ce6a269a7dac: name=ccff826d5f564c67abf35467306f80a0 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=true
a2c0ac9708ef90fc: name=dc38bc8f20e64940b260d3f7b260430d peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=false
so I'm guessing that I don't really have a problem there.
any ideas?
my etcd2 is using tls keys, I can't see anywhere in the script where I can define where the certificates are located.
These scripts don't start an etcd server. You will need to set one up manually and will be able to use TLS and as many nodes as you would like. This isn't clear in the current form of the document, I will attempt a PR to fix.
can I supply a domain instead of IP for ADVERTISE_IP and CONTROLLER_ENDPOINT ?
Only CONTROLLER_ENDPOINT be a domain name.
when I tried to install kubernetes manually I needed start the rkt service api. it doesn't state in the documents that it needed here, does it mean that I don't need it if I use these scripts? or is it just something that's missing in the documents?
These scripts include/start the rkt API service. As you can see below, it also has a Restart parameter set (source):
ExecStart=/usr/bin/rkt api-service