Nginx Proxy Manager redirects hosted website to 502 Bad Gateway - redirect

I have a website running where I use Nginx Proxy Manager to redirect to this website. However, as soon as I hit my website I get the following message:
Does anyone have a clue what is happening here?

Finally, I came to the following conclusion. I think from my experience it can mean two things:
Either your website/docker container is not running
Or Nginx cannot find an index.html file on the main root of web address ''.
However, points out the following:
Unresolved domain name
Server overload
Browser issues
Home-network equipment error
Firewall blocks
So make sure that index.html is present for your website and you have trouble shooted your container where you are 100% sure that docker container has no exceptions, errors and runs perfectly fine. Try use something like 'docker-compose logs' where the docker-compose.yml is located (this only works for a running docker container)


Lando wtih ParcelJS: exposing port

I'm trying to use ParcelJS with Lando and there's one problem if you want HMR to work. You need to expose a port and that seems to be much harder than it should be with Lando. :(
So I know I need to do this for my ParcelJS watch command:
parcel watch dev/scripts.js --out-dir prod/ --hmr-port 6101
Then I need to expose the port I've assigned, in this case "6101" to Docker (via my Lando config file). But that's where it's tricky, apparently, because of the proxy setup Lando uses.
My current .lando.yml config is below, but it doesn't work as expected and the port is not exposed. I still get a "scripts.js:224 WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed:" error message from my ParcelJS generated script file in my browser's dev tools:
name: testwp
recipe: wordpress
php: '8.0'
via: nginx
webroot: wordpress
database: mysql:8.0
portforward: 6101
I saw a similar post about a problem with LocalWP which does about the same thing Lando does.
Can you maybe try to add the flag --hmr-hostname localhost.
Its ether that or --hmr-hostname
After checking the parcel CLI docs the flag could also be --hmr-host localhost try that aswell.

Making nextcloud work on a prefixed path (using docker and caddy)

I'm trying to setup my own instance of nextcloud on my server but I'm running into a problem as I want nextcloud to be available under
Next cloud is running in a CoreOS virtual machine called let's say myvm.
So this is the way I setup my CaddyFile: {
proxy /cloud myvm:8080 {
without /cloud
I have other proxies that work fine for other services or VMs that are written similarily.
With this, and publishing port 8080 in my docker-compose file, I manage to connect to the nextcloud instance. But every time I go to it will redirect me to instead of
If I enter this last url manually, I can access to nextcloud, but also the page doesn't load properly because all the contents cannot be loaded because they are not prompted with the prefix cloud/.
Is there a way to explain nextcloud about this prefix through the configuration of docker-compose file? (It's the only configuration I created, it works with just that and no extra work, I use one similar to the one available here (the apache one).)
Or maybe I can improve the CaddyFile config? (By the way, if I don't use the without option, it will just not work at all and return 404 when I go to the url).

DCOS Marathon-LB returns 503

I deployed application 1 on service port 10101. It's an external facing app with label And it works with no problems.
Then I deployed a similar application 2 on service port 10102, with I read Marathon-LB's document and this is my understanding of how to deploy 2 apps on different VHOST. However, curl returns HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable.
I confirmed that application 2 is running normally by checking the result from curl marathon-lb.marathon.mesos:10102 on DCOS master node.
Did I configure VHOST incorrectly? Or something else was wrong?
Figured this out: the app for vhost2 should be labeled instead of The documentation is note clear here.

How to display "Application is down for upgrade" message when redeploying Glassfish application?

I tried to access a web application while it was in the process of redeploying or reloading, and I just got a 404 error. This is likely to result in time-wasting helpdesk calls if a user happens to see it. How can I replace the 404 message with something more helpful, like "This application is being upgraded - check back in a minute or two"?
You may want to consider looking at Application Versioning feature to "pre-deploy" an application to minimize the impact.
Deploy your app:
$ asadmin deploy myapp.war
Deploy version2 in "disabled" mode, meaning the old version is still active:
$ asadmin deploy --enabled=false --name myapp:version2 myapp.war (version2 is an arbitrary name)
When ready to activate version2:
$ asadmin enable myapp:version2
The nice thing about this approach is that if you run into issues with version2, you can always fall back to the original version:
$ asadmin enable myapp
I normally deploy my webapps behind an Apache proxy. When the appserver goes down Apache returns a 503 response.
This can be customised with an alternative "I'm sorry we're doing maintanence" message
You can also customize the standard response codes (403, 404, etc.) in the server configuration. The simple change is to change the message text, but it isn't as elegant as what you are looking for. However, there will always be a point where the environment will return 404, 503, etc., so you might consider adding this, in addition to, the "behind the proxy" answer provided by #Mark O'Connor.

ASP.Net MVC 2 on nginx/mono 2.8

I am trying to setup ASP.Net MVC 2 application on Linux environment. I've installed Ubuntu 10.10 on VirtualBox, then installed Mono 2.8 from sources. After that I have installed nginx and configure it as recommended here.
Unfortunately, FastCGI shows me standard error 500 page:
No Application Found
Unable to find a matching application for request:
Host localhost:80
Port 80
Request Path /Default.aspx
Physical Path /var/www/mvc/Default.aspx
My application is located in /var/www/mvc directory. I've tried to create some stub Default.aspx file and place it in root dir of my application, but it didn't help, same error occured.
I've been doing some testing with this as well, using all ubuntu10.10 binaries.
From what I can make from it, either nginx fails to pass the hostname of the mono server fails to receive it over the fastcgi protocol. Anyhow, the tutorial line:
fastcgi-mono-server2 / /socket=tcp:
doesn't work. Removing the hostname makes the thing work:
fastcgi-mono-server2 /applications=/:/var/www/ /socket=tcp:
but this of course blocks the use of multiple virtual mono hosts.
Since you are running ASP.NET MVC 2 application you should use fastcgi-mono-server4.
Adding following line in /etc/nginx/fastcgi_param resolves the issue for me. It also allows to use multiple virtual hosts.
fastcgi_param HTTP_HOST $host;
Does your application work with xsp (xsp4 if you are using .net 4.0)? You'll want to make sure that is working before you try configuring the connection to another web server.
Does nginx know where to find mono? You most likely have a parallel install and it won't be in the default paths.
I use apache, but you may still find some of the instructions on my blog useful:
I had this problem just now, I too had been following the document on the mono site:
I was trying to start the fastcgi-mono-server as it suggested:
sudo fastcgi-mono-server4 / /socket=tcp: &
However when I did it like that I got the same problem as you. I changed it to this:
sudo fastcgi-mono-server4 /applications=/:/var/www/ /socket=tcp: &
And it worked ( I had to type in to see my MVC page, not worked out how to stop it looking for yet XD ).
You need to make sure the domain set in your site config matches the domain passed to the fastcgi server. So for example if your default site (/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default) has the following config:
server {
You would need to pass that domain into the fastcgi server:
sudo fastcgi-mono-server4 / ...
Then when you access the site it will obviously need to be with that domain you set.