Microsoft Team - Create new team with predefine language for underlying SharePoint site - powershell

Our Microsoft 365 is configured with Danish as default language, as a consequence is the language of all SharePoint team sites that are automatically created by Microsoft 365 when creating a new team also using Danish. This is a problem because the document library is using instead of as URL.
I am now trying to find a way to create multiple teams (50+) where the language of the SPO site is English instead of Danish.
I have already tried the following concepts without success
Approach 1: Use a team-template when creating a new team, the language defined by the template does not affect the language of the SPO site.
Approach 2: Creating unified group first and than convert unified-group into team: The language of cmdlet New-UnifiedGroup does not affect the language of the SPO site
Approach 3: Create SPO site with PowerShell first and than create team based on this site. A similar concept is covered in blog article
Create a Team From Existing SharePoint Online Modern Team Site Using PowerShell, but the problem is the fact that I cannot create a group-enabled team-site using PowerShell, when using template STS#3 - the attempt to create a new SPO site using template GROUP#0 results in error (The web template GROUP#0 is not available for sites on this tenant)

Ok, I found a solution: Use the cmdlet Set-SPOSiteOffice365Group
My approach includes now the following step:
Create a SPO team site with PowerShell (not related to a unified group). Defined the correct /needed language via parameter LocaleId.
Use Set-SPOSiteOffice365Group - this will create a new unified group and that will use the exiting SPO team-site
Convert the unified group into team, see Creating a New Microsoft 365 Group with the Microsoft PowerShell Graph SDK


Set "Configure Search Navigation" in search setting in SharePoint Online using PowerShell

I want to mark checkbox to true for use the same search navigation links as my parent using PowerShell script as I have 100+ Subsites. I tries to some scripts but they did not work so it would be great if you can help me on this.
Thank you.
Output :
I have found that some server-side solutions are not applicable to SharePoint Online. Maybe you can open a service request in your SharePoint Online admin center to get the exact information.

Automate microsoft forms creation

I'm looking for options to automatically create Microsofts forms pro.
For that, I have found this developer guide but the only option to create a form I see there is to do it manually.
The is also this link:
But it seems to me from there that it is to interact with existing forms instead that for creating new forms:
I'm Comparing this to google forms, where is pretty clear that it is possible to create forms from scrash:
Is there any option to create Microsft forms pro in a similar way than google forms?
You can use this link to learn more about automating the process of Survey creation using Microsoft Forms Pro.
You can use msfp_survey for creating a new Survey in Microsoft Forms Pro.
You can also use the msfp_surveyresponses for retrieving responses of a survey automatically.
For more detailed information on how to use these Entity References in Microsoft Forms Pro, visit this link.

BI Platform REST API: add to favorite folder?

I'm redeveloping a Crystal Reports UI using the Business Intelligence Platform REST API (4.2 SP5), and I'm finding some gaps in the API.
The one I'm stumbling over now is how to add a report to a user's favorites folder. I can find the user's folder by querying with the /v1/cmsquery endpoint, but I can't take that id and use it in the /infostore/###/children endpoint. And I also can't figure out how to take an existing report from that infostore tree and create a shortcut to it in the user's folder. (Which appears to be how the favorites folder works, under the hood.)
Any direction -- particularly to good documentation or examples -- would be helpful. I was already looking at the developer guide, but it's pretty limited.
(Edit for typos)

Security group in SugarCRM

I have configured sugarCRM 6.5 community edition and trying to create groups in which i have to add users.So this group members can't access data of other group.Is this is possible to do it in community edition ?
I would suggest to use SuiteCRM, instead of SugarCRM Community edition. It has SecuritySuite free version integratedwhich can help to solve your group managmeent problems
Or you can download trial of module SecuritySuite here
Yes, it's possible for sure.
It seems, you have already created Team (Group) and Users module, further you need,
Role module to bind with your Team module, so to define access for a record, using SugarCRM UI.
List View query modification, for users to see records for their ownership/belonging Team (Group).
And finally ACL modification of a record, for its access.
Quite achievable with a step by step approach.
Yes it is possible in SugarCRM 6.5 community edition.
It seems, you have already created Group and assigned users to this group, further you need,
Edit Group from Role Management
Set "Owner" value in particular module like Leads
Re-login in SuagrCRM. you can see only own leads

Update metadata of MOSS document library item using powershell

Is it possible to update metadata of an item in SharePoint 2007 document library using powershell?
I'd like to execute a CAML query and then change && update every item in the results list. My goal is to write a single throwaway script instead of writing a console app in VS. Can anyone point me towards a way of doing this?
I'm normally able to do anything in sharepoint 2010 just using Powershell and:
But never tried in Sharepoint 2007. However I think you won't have any problem, since it seems Sharepoint Services 3.0 supports the assembly as well, along with SPQuery
Yes you can update document library item using powershell.
please refer site :
Refer these examples given here.