Roblox Studio- Infinite yield possible - roblox

I am trying to code a FPS Game but when I tap the button to pick a gun it does not give it to me but instead says Infinite yield possible, anyways this is my code:
local ak = game.ReplicatedStorage.Weapons.AK:Clone()
ak.Parent = player:WaitForChild("BackPack")

In very little time I have already found what happened, so if it happens to you:
Backpack had a capital P and it was meant to be with a lower case P lol!


Instantiate Freezes Unity Game

I am having trouble with unity freezing every time I run my game. My game right now is very simple. I found out that my game freezes when I run this code:
void Start ()
for(float i = -10.5f; i < 10.5; i++){
for(float l = -10.5f; l < -0.5; l++){
Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(i,l,-0.2f), new Quaternion(0,0,0,0));
What I am doing here is generating an array of my prefab(a grey sprite) into my scene. From my research if something is not running it is because there is something overloading or there is an infinite loop going on. Whenever I run it, in order to continue working I need to use task manager and end task. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Update: Found out that is the instantiate if that can help any problem solvers.
I think the code code that you write has no problem at all.
I copied your code and run in empty scene and it works well.
(I assigned default Cube gameobject in variable prefab)
I guess there is some problem in script that you are going to instantiate.
sorry everyone, I think I had assigned the script to the prefab soooooo that was an issue lol.

Roblox - detect if mesh is hit by hand

I am not sure where to start so asking for some help. I want to create a script that detect if a certain mesh is hit by players right hand. Every time the mesh is hit I want to increase points for player by 1.
Anyone who can nudge me in the right direction here?
I have added this script in StarterCharacterScripts:
local part1 = workspace.CoinsClouds["Meshes/SackOfGoldNoCoins1"]
if hit.Name == "RightHand" then
This will register when I bump into the part with the right hand, BUT it will register it 5-20 times in a split second every time I bump into the part with the right hand. See attached image. Anyone know why? I would like it to register only once when the right hand is bumped against the part, or even better, only when the user punch the part/mesh. I have tried to add a wait after RightHand is found, but that doesn't work.
PS! I don't know if this is the right way to script it...
Below is an example of the code you would use. It will check if your part is touched by either the right or left hand and it will run whatever is inside of your if statement, in this case it will increase whatever your score is by 1.
local part = workspace.Part -- reference the part here
local debounce = false --used to check for debounce
if hit.Name == "RightHand" or "LeftHand" then -- checks if a hand touched it
if not debounce then --Check that debounce variable is not true
debounce = true --currently touching the part
debounce = false
In relation to your new question it is to do with debounce. Roblox has an entire article on it here:
Basically you would have to add a new if statement to check that the player isn't already touching this part if it is it wont repeat the what is inside the if statement. The code sample above has been edited to work with debounce.

Why does my Roblox joining badge not work?

I made a visiting or thanks for joining badge that I made to be given to any new person that joins my game, but it only works sometimes.
I couldn't try anything, the badge gave it to 60 people when 146 people joined! All 146 people were supposed to get it!
This is the badge code:
local badgeID = 2124446943
local badgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
function onEntered(player)
if not badgeService:UserHasBadge(player.UserId, badgeID) then
badgeService:AwardBadge(player.UserId, badgeID)
It was supposed to be given to all the people who visited. Because at some point they were all new!
It is an unlikely possibility that only 60 unique people have played your game, but all of them played your game at least twice resulting in 146 visits
Another possibility is that some players disconnect before the wait(1) in your function, so maybe try this:
function onEntered(player)
repeat wait(0.1) until player ~= nil
if not badgeService:UserHasBadge(player.UserId, badgeID) then
badgeService:AwardBadge(player.UserId, badgeID)
But I don't think that'll have any effect because the player can't be nil if they've entered... (idk it's a random suggestion don't count on me)
Sorry I wanted to comment instead of typing here but I need 50 reputation to do so

ReactiveX (Rx) - Detecting Long Press Events

I am wondering what is the canonical approach to solve the following problem in Rx: Say I have two observables, mouse_down and mouse_up, whose elements represent mouse button presses. In a very simplistic scenario, if I wanted to detect a long press, I could do it the following way (in this case using RxPy, but conceptually the same in any Rx implementation):
mouse_long_press = mouse_down.delay(1000).take_until(mouse_up).repeat()
However, problems arise when we need to hoist some information from the mouse_down observable to the mouse_up observable. For example, consider if the elements of the observable stored information about which mouse button was pressed. Obviously, we would only want to pair mouse_down with mouse_up of the corresponding button. One solution that I came up with is this:
mouse_long_press = mouse_down.select_many(lambda x:
.take_until(mouse_up.where(lambda y: x.button == y.button))
If there is a more straight forward solution, I would love to hear it - but as far as I can tell this works. However, things get more complicated, if we also want to detect how far the mouse has moved between mouse_down and mouse_up. For this we need to introduce a new observable mouse_move, which carries information about the mouse position.
mouse_long_press = mouse_down.select_many(lambda x: z: distance(x, z) > 100).delay(1000)\
.take_until(mouse_up.where(lambda y: x.button == y.button))
However, this is pretty much where I get stuck. Whenever a button is held down longer than 1 second, I get a bunch of boolean values. However, I only want to detect a long press when all of them are false, which sounds like the perfect case for the all operator. It feels like there's only a small step missing, but I haven't been able to figure out how to make it work so far. Perhaps I am also doing things in a backwards way. Looking forward to any suggestions.
Ok, I guess I found a possible answer. RxPy has a take_with_time operator, which works for this purpose. Not really as straight-forward as I was hoping for (not sure if the take_with_time is avaliable in other Rx implementations).
mouse_long_press = mouse_down.select_many(lambda x:
mouse_moves.take_with_time(1000).all(lambda z: distance(x, z) < 100)\
.take_until(mouse_up.where(lambda y: x.button == y.button))
I will leave the question open for now in case somebody has a better suggestion.
I'd approach the problem differently, by creating a stream of mouse presses with length information, and filtering that for presses longer than 1s.
First let's assume that you only have one mouse button. Merge the mouse_up and mouse_down streams and assign time intervals between them with the time_interval() operator. You will get a stream of intervals since previous event, along with the event itself. Assuming your mouse-ups and mouse-downs alternate, this means your events now are:
(down + time since last up), (up + time since last down), (down + time since last up) ...
Now, simply filter for x.value.type == "up" and x.interval > datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
(You can also validate this with pairwise(), which always gives you the current + previous event, so you can check that the previous one is down and the current one is up.)
Second, add the mouse movement information, using the window() operator.
(This part is untested, I'm going off the docs of how it's supposed to behave, but the docs aren't very clear. So YMMV. )
The idea is that you can collect sequences of events from an observable, separated into groups based on another observable. From the docs:
The window_openings observable is going to be the merged up/down stream, or the interval stream, whichever is more convenient. Then you can flat_map() (or select_many, which is the same thing) the result and work out the distance in whichever way you like.
Again, you should end up with a stream of distances between up/down events. Then you can zip() this stream with the interval stream, at which point you can filter for up events and get both time and distance until the previous down.
Third, what if you are getting events for multiple mouse buttons?
Simply use group_by() operator to split into per-button streams and proceed as above.
Full code below:
Event = collections.NamedTuple("Event", "event interval distance")
def sum_distance(move_stream):
# put your distance calculation here; something like:
return move_stream.pairwise().reduce(lambda acc, (a, b): acc + distance(a, b), 0)
def mouse_press(updown_stream):
# shared stream for less duplication
shared = updown_stream.share()
intervals = shared.time_interval() # element is: (interval=timedelta, value=original event)
distances = mouse_move.window(shared).flat_map(sum_distance)
zipped =, lambda i, d: \
Event(i.value, i.interval, d) )
mouse_long_press = (
# merge the mouse streams
rx.Observable.merge(mouse_up, mouse_down)
# separate into streams for each button
.group_by(lambda x: x.button)
# create per-button event streams per above and merge results back
# filter by event type and length
.filter(lambda ev: ev.event.type == "up" and ev.interval >= datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)

How can I get statements within functions to execute in a randomly chosen order?

I'm relatively new to Matlab, and I've been trying to solve my problem for ages but I'm just continuously arriving at a dead end.
I have a code which should, in theory, play 3 sounds in a random order (each order being different for each trial). Upon each sound playing the participant will be asked which sound they heard and then given feedback. I have all the code complete and working up until the random order part. I have created code that on each trial will randomly order 1,2 and 3.
Order = [1, 2, 3];
PhonemeOrder = randperm (numel(Order));
I then have a function which plays the sound/asks the questions etc. within this I have attempted switch cases statements and if else statements depending on the number that PhonemeOrder produces but the order doesnt change even when phoneme order does. I believe my problem is however that PhonemeOrder comes out like [1,2,3] or [3,1,2] which is what i wanted. but Im not sure how to get my sounds to play in the order that it shows because I am using code like...
if/ PhonemeOrder = 1;
then do this...
elseif phonemeorder = 2;
then do this...
do this...
Or I've tried code like
switch cases
case 1
do this
case 2
do this
case 3
do this
I'm guessing this is where i am going wrong, but i just dont know how to change it and make it work! I hope this makes sense? I just need it to play in the order that phonemeorder specifies, with the order changing on each trial.
Any help will be greatly appreciated :D
I think you are on the right track.
The only thing you need is to use a "for-loop" to go through the array of PhonemeOrder.
for i=1:length(PhonemeOrder)
switch PhonemeOrder(i)
case 1
play the first song
case 2
play the second song
case 3
play the thrid song
I hope this will help.
Please let me know if you have any further question.