Referencing a loop object - kubernetes

i am currently checking out tanka + jsonnet. But evertime i think i understand it... sth. new irritates me. Can somebody help me understand how to do a loop-reference? (Or general better solution?)
Trying to create multiple deployments with a corresponding configmapVolumeMount and i am not sure how to reference to the according configmap object here?
(using a configVolumeMount it works since it refers to the name, not the object).
deployment: [
name='demo-' +,
+ deploy.configMapVolumeMount('config-' +, '/config.yml', k.core.v1.volumeMount.withSubPath('config.yml'))
for instance in $._config.demo.instances
configMap: ['config-' +, {
'config.yml': (importstr 'files/config.yml') % {
for instance in $._config.demo.instances

Great to read that you're making progress with tanka, it's an awesome tool (once you learned how to ride it heh).
Find below a possible answer, see inline comments in the code, in particular how we ab-use tanka layout flexibility, to "populate" deploys: [...] array with jsonnet objects containing each paired deploy+configMap.
demo: {
instances: ['foo', 'bar'],
image: 'nginx', // just as example
local config = import 'config.jsonnet';
local k = import '';
local deployment = k.apps.v1.deployment,
local configMap = k.core.v1.configMap,
_config:: import 'config.jsonnet',
// my_deploy(name) will return name-d deploy+configMap object
my_deploy(name):: {
local this = self,
name='deploy-%s' % name,
containers=['demo-%s' % name, $._config.demo.image),
+ deployment.configMapVolumeMount(
configMap:'config-%s' % name)
+ configMap.withData({
// NB: replacing `importstr 'files/config.yml';` by
// a simple YAML multi-line string, just for the sake of having
// a simple yet complete/usable example.
'config.yml': |||
name: %(name)s
other: value
||| % { name: name }, //
// Tanka is pretty flexible with the "layout" of the Kubernetes objects
// in the Environment (can be arrays, objects, etc), below using an array
// for simplicity (built via a loop/comprehension)
deploys: [$.my_deploy(name) for name in $._config.demo.instances],
$ tk init
## NOTE: using local Kubernetes cluster
$ tk env set --server-from-context kind-kind environments/default
[... save main.jsonnet, config.jsonnet to ./environments/default/]
$ tk apply --dry-run=server environments/default
configmap/config-bar created (server dry run)
configmap/config-foo created (server dry run)
deployment.apps/deploy-bar created (server dry run)
deployment.apps/deploy-foo created (server dry run)


JupyterHub - log current user

I use a custom logger to log who is currently doing any kind of stuff in Jupyterhub.
logging_config: dict = {
"version": 1,
"disable_existing_loggers": False,
"formatters": {
"company": {
"()": lambda: MyFormatter(user=os.environ.get("JUPYTERHUB_USER", "Unknown"))
c.Application.logging_config = logging_config
{"asctime": "2022-06-29 14:13:43,773", "level": "WARNING", "name": "JupyterHub", "message": "Updating Hub route \u2192 http://jupyterhub:8081", "user": "Unknown"
The logger itself works fine, but I am not able to log who was performing the action. In the Image I start, there is a JUPYTERHUB_USER env variable available. This seems to get passed from JupyterHub ( I don´t know how this is done exactly). But in JupyterHub I don´t have this variable available.
Is there a way to use it in JupyterHub, not just in the jupyterLab container?
This doesn't get you all the way there but it's a start - we add extra pod annotations/labels through KubeSpawner's extra_annotations using the cluster_options hook (see our helm chart for our complete daskhub setup):
optionHandler: |
from dask_gateway_server.options import Options, String, Select, Mapping, Float, Bool
from math import ceil
def cluster_options(user):
def option_handler(options):
extra_annotations = {
default_extra_labels = {
return Options(
c.Backend.cluster_options = cluster_options
You can then poll pods with these labels to get real time usage. There may be a more direct way to do this though - not sure.

az cli/bicep targeted/single module deploys?

Is there an az/bicep equivalent to terraform apply -target=module.my_app.module.something?
Given a root bicep file:
module app '../../../projects/my/application/app.bicep' = {
name: 'app'
module test '../../../projects/my/application/test.bicep' = {
name: 'test'
module sample '../../../projects/my/application/sample.bicep' = {
name: 'sample'
params {
p1: 'p1'
Can I provision just the sample module somehow?
I could do something like: az deployment sub create --template-file ../../../projects/my/application/sample.bicep -l germanywestcentral
But this is not really the same thing, because this bypasses the params passed from the root module (which provides env separations) down to the actual module.
The command you have:
az deployment sub create --template-file ../../../projects/my/application/sample.bicep -l germanywestcentral will work just fine, you just pass the parameters you would normally pass to root.bicep that are needed by that module (e.g. p1)
If you have params that are created/manipulated in root.bicep you'd have to decide how you marshal those values manually.

Azure bicep use key vault from different resource group

I've an Azure Key Vault(KV) that has shared secrets and a cert that needs to be pulled into different deployments.
E.g. DEV, TEST, UAT, Production all have their own key vaults BUT need access to the shared KV for wild card ssl cert.
I've tried a number of approaches but each has errors. I'm doing something similar for KV within the deployment resource group without issues
Is it possible to have this and then use it as a module? Something like this...
var kvResourceGroup = 'project-shared-rg'
var subscriptionId = subscription().id
var name = 'project-shared-kv'
resource project_shared_kv 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults#2021-06-01-preview' existing = {
name: name
scope: resourceGroup(subscriptionId, kvResourceGroup )
And then uses like:
module shared_kv './sharedKeyVault/template.bicep' = {
name: 'sharedKeyVault'
resource add_secrect 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets#2021-06-01-preview' = {
name: '${}/mySecretKey'
properties: {
contentType: 'string'
value: 'secretValue'
attributes: {
enabled: true
If you need to target a different resourceGroup (and/or sub) than the rest of the deployment, the module's scope property needs to target that RG/sub. e.g.
module shared_kv './sharedKeyVault/template.bicep' = {
scope: resourceGroup(kvSubscription, kvResourceGroupName)
name: 'sharedKeyVault'
params: {
subId: kvSubscription
rg: kvResourceGroupName
Ideally, the sub/rg for the KV would be passed in to the module rather than hardcoded (which you probably knew, but just in case...)

How to inject secrets to ecs task definitions using aws-cdk

I'm trying to add secrets to a task definition but can't find a way to specify which key to use from the key/value in the secret.
secrets = {
"DBUSER": ecs.Secret.from_secrets_manager(
self, 'secret-dbuser',
container: ecs.ContainerDefinition = task_definition.add_container(
ecr.Repository.from_repository_name(self, "container", "container"), tag=image_tag,
memory_limit_mib=2048, logging=ecs.LogDriver.aws_logs(stream_prefix="container-"),
secret_value_from_json returns a SecretValue which isn't what I need.
I've also tried using from_secret_manager with filed='DBUSER' but that gives me an error like this
Invalid request provided: Create TaskDefinition: The Systems Manager parameter name specifie
d for secret DBUSER is invalid. The parameter name can be up to 2048 characters and include the following letters and symbols: a
-zA-Z0-9_.-, (Service: AmazonECS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ClientException; Request ID
If the secret is in the same account/region, you should be able to do:
secrets = {
"DBUSER": ecs.Secret.from_secrets_manager(
# import the secret by its name
sm.Secret.from_secret_name_v2(self, 'secret-dbuser', '<secret-name-here>'),
# specify the specific field
container: ecs.ContainerDefinition = task_definition.add_container(
ecr.Repository.from_repository_name(self, "container", "container"), tag=image_tag,
memory_limit_mib=2048, logging=ecs.LogDriver.aws_logs(stream_prefix="container-"),
ecs.Secret.from_secrets_manager() expects an ISecret and a field.
See also

Passing environment variables to NOW

I am trying to pass firebase environment variables for deployment with now.
I have encoded these variables manually with base64 and added them to now with the following command:
now secrets add firebase_api_key_dev "mybase64string"
The encoded string was placed within speech marks ""
These are in my CLI tool and I can see them all using the list command:
now secrets ls
> 7 secrets found under project-name [499ms]
name created
firebase_api_key_dev 6d ago
firebase_auth_domain_dev 6d ago
In my firebase config, I am using the following code:
const config = {
apiKey: Buffer.from(process.env.FIREBASE_API_KEY, "base64").toString(),
authDomain: Buffer.from(process.env.FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN,"base64").toString(),
In my now.json file I have the following code:
"env": {
"FIREBASE_API_KEY": "#firebase_api_key_dev",
"FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN": "#firebase_auth_domain_dev",
Everything works fine in my local environment (when I run next) as I also have a .env file with these variables, yet when I deploy my code, I get the following error in my now console:
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type undefined
Does this indicate that my environment variables are not being read? What's the issue here? It looks like they don't exist at all
The solution was to replace my existing now.json with:
"env": {
"FIREBASE_API_KEY": "#firebase_api_key",
"FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN": "#firebase_auth_domain",
"FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL": "#firebase_database_url",
"FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID": "#firebase_project_id",
"FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET": "#firebase_storage_bucket",
"FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID": "#firebase_messaging_sender_id",
"FIREBASE_APP_ID": "#firebase_app_id",
"FIREBASE_API_KEY_DEV": "#firebase_api_key_dev",
"FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN_DEV": "#firebase_auth_domain_dev",
"FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL_DEV": "#firebase_database_url_dev",
"FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID_DEV": "#firebase_project_id_dev",
"FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET_DEV": "#firebase_storage_bucket_dev",
"FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID_DEV": "#firebase_messaging_sender_id_dev",
"FIREBASE_APP_ID_DEV": "#firebase_app_id_dev"
I was missing the build header.
I had to contact ZEIT support to help me identify this issue.