How to inject secrets to ecs task definitions using aws-cdk - aws-cloudformation

I'm trying to add secrets to a task definition but can't find a way to specify which key to use from the key/value in the secret.
secrets = {
"DBUSER": ecs.Secret.from_secrets_manager(
self, 'secret-dbuser',
container: ecs.ContainerDefinition = task_definition.add_container(
ecr.Repository.from_repository_name(self, "container", "container"), tag=image_tag,
memory_limit_mib=2048, logging=ecs.LogDriver.aws_logs(stream_prefix="container-"),
secret_value_from_json returns a SecretValue which isn't what I need.
I've also tried using from_secret_manager with filed='DBUSER' but that gives me an error like this
Invalid request provided: Create TaskDefinition: The Systems Manager parameter name specifie
d for secret DBUSER is invalid. The parameter name can be up to 2048 characters and include the following letters and symbols: a
-zA-Z0-9_.-, (Service: AmazonECS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ClientException; Request ID

If the secret is in the same account/region, you should be able to do:
secrets = {
"DBUSER": ecs.Secret.from_secrets_manager(
# import the secret by its name
sm.Secret.from_secret_name_v2(self, 'secret-dbuser', '<secret-name-here>'),
# specify the specific field
container: ecs.ContainerDefinition = task_definition.add_container(
ecr.Repository.from_repository_name(self, "container", "container"), tag=image_tag,
memory_limit_mib=2048, logging=ecs.LogDriver.aws_logs(stream_prefix="container-"),
ecs.Secret.from_secrets_manager() expects an ISecret and a field.
See also


terraform - github_branch_protection: use username instead of node_id

I'm using GitHub Terraform provider with the resource github_branch_protection (documentation: )
I'm using the argument required_pull_request_reviews.pull_request_bypassers (
The documentation says:
pull_request_bypassers: (Optional) The list of actor Names/IDs that are allowed to bypass pull request requirements. Actor names must either begin with a "/" for users or the organization name followed by a "/" for teams.
So according to it I should be able to use username. It's confirmed by the example also:
required_pull_request_reviews {
dismiss_stale_reviews = true
restrict_dismissals = true
dismissal_restrictions = [
(ok this example is using dismissal_restrictions but the documentation is the same about the use of actor Names/IDs)
The problem is that when I use /username I have the following error:
│ Error: Could not resolve to a node with the global id of '/username'
My terraform plan contains:
required_pull_request_reviews {
~ pull_request_bypassers = [
+ "/username",
Do you know what am I making wrong and how to use username instead of node_id?

Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server deployment fails with databaseName param error

I'm trying to deploy PostgreSQL managed service with bicep and in most cases get an error:
"code": "InvalidParameterValue",
"message": "Invalid value given for parameter databaseName. Specify a valid parameter value."
I've tried various names for the DB, even in last version of the script I add random suffix to made it unique. Anyway it finishes with error, but looks like service is working. Another unexplainable thing is that sometimes script finishes without error... It's part of my IaC scenario, i need to be able to rerun it many times...
bicep code:
param location string
param sqlserverLoginPassword string
param rand string = uniqueString(resourceGroup().id) // Generate unique String
param sqlserverName string = toLower('invivopsql-${rand}')
param sqlserverAdminName string = 'invivoadmin'
param psqlDatabaseName string = 'postgres'
resource flexibleServer 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers#2021-06-01' = {
name: sqlserverName
location: location
sku: {
name: 'Standard_B1ms'
tier: 'Burstable'
properties: {
createMode: 'Default'
version: '13'
administratorLogin: sqlserverAdminName
administratorLoginPassword: sqlserverLoginPassword
availabilityZone: '1'
storage: {
storageSizeGB: 32
backup: {
backupRetentionDays: 7
geoRedundantBackup: 'Disabled'
Please follow this git issue here for a similar error that might help you to fix your problem.

Azure bicep use key vault from different resource group

I've an Azure Key Vault(KV) that has shared secrets and a cert that needs to be pulled into different deployments.
E.g. DEV, TEST, UAT, Production all have their own key vaults BUT need access to the shared KV for wild card ssl cert.
I've tried a number of approaches but each has errors. I'm doing something similar for KV within the deployment resource group without issues
Is it possible to have this and then use it as a module? Something like this...
var kvResourceGroup = 'project-shared-rg'
var subscriptionId = subscription().id
var name = 'project-shared-kv'
resource project_shared_kv 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults#2021-06-01-preview' existing = {
name: name
scope: resourceGroup(subscriptionId, kvResourceGroup )
And then uses like:
module shared_kv './sharedKeyVault/template.bicep' = {
name: 'sharedKeyVault'
resource add_secrect 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets#2021-06-01-preview' = {
name: '${}/mySecretKey'
properties: {
contentType: 'string'
value: 'secretValue'
attributes: {
enabled: true
If you need to target a different resourceGroup (and/or sub) than the rest of the deployment, the module's scope property needs to target that RG/sub. e.g.
module shared_kv './sharedKeyVault/template.bicep' = {
scope: resourceGroup(kvSubscription, kvResourceGroupName)
name: 'sharedKeyVault'
params: {
subId: kvSubscription
rg: kvResourceGroupName
Ideally, the sub/rg for the KV would be passed in to the module rather than hardcoded (which you probably knew, but just in case...)

Azure Bicep - Conditionally create a secret

I'm creating a KeyVault with Bicep and I want to create a secret in the vault, but only when there's no secret yet with the given name.
Checking if the KeyVault exists wasn't working, so I'm checking now if certain tag exists.
When creating the Vault I write a tag in the resource group. Afterwards I change the secret's password in the script and I run the script again, expecting the old password isn't overwritten. Unfortunately the secret is being recreated with the new password.
Any idea how to do a condition in Bicep, based on the existence of certain resource?
resource keyvault 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults#2019-09-01' = {
name: name
var rgWithDefaultTag = {
tags: {
keyVaultSecretName: ''
// Only create a new secret when a new KeyVault is created.
resource secret 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets#2021-04-01-preview' = if (empty(union(rgWithDefaultTag, resourceGroup()).tags['keyVaultSecretName'])) {
name: '${}/MySecret'
properties: {
value: 'value'
resource tag 'Microsoft.Resources/tags#2021-01-01' = {
name: 'default'
properties: {
tags: {
Use this instead. It checks if the given tag exists on the resource group.
resource secret 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets#2019-09-01' = if (!contains(resourceGroup()).tags, 'keyVaultSecretName')) {

terraform-kubernetes-provider how to create secret from file?

I'm using the terraform kubernetes-provider and I'd like to translate something like this kubectl command into TF:
kubectl create secret generic my-secret --from-file mysecret.json
It seems, however the secret resource's data field expects only a TF map.
I've tried something like
data "template_file" "my-secret" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/my-secret.json")}"
resource "kubernetes_secret" "sgw-config" {
metadata {
name = "my-secret"
type = "Opaque"
data = "{}"
But it complains that this is not a map. So, I can do something like this:
data = {
"my-secret.json" = "{}"
But this will write the secret with a top-level field named my-secret.json and when I volume mount it, it won't work with other resources.
What is the trick here?
as long the file is UTF-8 encoded you can use something like this
resource "kubernetes_secret" "some-secret" {
metadata {
name = "some-secret"
namespace =
labels = {
"sensitive" = "true"
"app" = "my-app"
data = {
"file.txt" = file("${path.cwd}/your/relative/path/to/file.txt")
If the file is a binary one you will have an error like
Call to function "file" failed: contents of
/your/relative/path/to/file.txt are not valid UTF-8; use the
filebase64 function to obtain the Base64 encoded contents or the other
file functions (e.g. filemd5, filesha256) to obtain file hashing
results instead.
I tried encoding the file in base64 but then the problem is that the resulting text will be re-encoded in base64 by the provider. So I guess there is no solution for binary files at the moment...
I'll edit with what I find next for binaries.
This might be a bit off-topic, but I've been facing similar problem except that the file might not be present in which case the terraform [plan|apply] fails.
To be exact: I needed to duplicate a secret from one namespace to another one.
I realized that by using hashicorp/external provider.
The steps are pretty simple:
Load data by calling external program
Refer to the data in kubernetes_secret resource
The program should accept (and process) JSON on STDIN and produce valid JSON on STDOUT as response to the parameters passed-in in the STDIN's JSON.
Example shell script:
set -e
/bin/echo -n '{ "token": "'
kubectl get -n consul secrets/hashicorp-consul-bootstrap-acl-token --template={{.data.token}}
/bin/echo -n '"}'
tarraform source:
data "external" "token" {
program = ["sh", "${path.module}/"]
resource "kubernetes_secret" "consul-token" {
depends_on = [data.external.token]
metadata {
name = "consul-token"
namespace = "app"
data = {
token = base64decode(data.external.token.result.token)
and requirements:
terraform {
required_providers {
external = {
source = "hashicorp/external"
version = ">= 2.0.0"
Just use
resource "kubernetes_config_map" "example" {
metadata {
name = "my-config"
binary_data = {
"my_payload.bin" = "${filebase64("${path.module}/my_payload.bin")}"
I believe you can use binary_data attribute in the secret now.
binary_data = {
"my_payload.bin" = "${filebase64("${path.module}/my_payload.bin")}"
Basically you need to provide a map like this :
resource "kubernetes_secret" "sgw-config" {
metadata {
name = "my-secret"
type = "Opaque"
data {
"key1" = "value1"
"key2" = "value2"
you can refer to your internal variables using
resource "kubernetes_secret" "sgw-config" {
metadata {
name = "my-secret"
type = "Opaque"
data {
"USERNAME" = "${var.some_variable}"
"PASSWORD" = "${random_string.root_password.result}"
It seems if you run the command kubectl create secret generic my-secret --from-file mysecret.json
and then
$ kubectl get secrets my-secret -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
my-secret.json: ewogICA.....
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: "2019-03-25T18:20:43Z"
name: my-secret
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "67026"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/my-secret
uid: b397a29c-4f2a-11e9-9806-000c290425d0
type: Opaque
it stores it similarly with the filename as the single key. When I mount this in a volume/volumeMount it works as expected. I was afraid that it wouldn't but when I create the secret using the --from-file argument, this is exactly how it stores it.