Is there a common offset value that spans across Kafka partitions? - apache-kafka

I am just experimenting on Kafka as a SSE holder on the server side and I want "replay capability". Say each kafka topic is in the form events.<username> and it would have a delete items older than X time set.
Now what I want is an API that looks like
GET /events/offset=n
offset would be the last processed offset by the client if not specified it is the same as latest offset + 1 which means no new results. It can be earliest which represents the earliest possible entry. The offset needs to exist as a security-through-obscurity check.
My suspicion is for this to work correctly the topic must remain in ONE partition and cannot scale horizontally. Though because the topics are tied to a user name the distribution between brokers would be handled by the fact that the topics are different.

If you want to retain event sequence for each of the per-user topics, then yes, you have to use one partition per user only. Kafka cannot guarantee message delivery order with multiple partitions.
The earliest and latest options you mention are already supported in any basic Kafka consumer configuration. The specific offset one, you'd have to filter out manually by issuing a request for the given offset, and then returning nothing if the first message you receive does not match the requested offset.


Kafka current offset internals

Can somebody explain, how Kafka's current offset mechanism works from the consumer's point of view? I have a huge topic (several gigabytes), divided into 2 partitions. And in some business cases (rare ones), I need to choose random N records within partition and read it.
My colleague says, that Kafka consumer does not know anything about offsets, it just receives a bunch of records on every poll() with offset, attached to every record as meta-information. I.e. the "seek" mechanism works as follows: consumer asks records and ignores it until target offset has been met.
Is it true? In my understanding such a "rewinding" is a wasting of consumer resources and internet traffic. I think there MUST be a way to point at a specific offset, so that a broker could send the record with that specific offset immediately on poll() without that kinda "spinloop" stuff.
You can seek to a specific offset. But it's the consumer group / offsets topic that stores that information, not the consumer itself.
Hopping around to "random" offsets is indeed not efficient.
Size of topic doesn't matter.

Kafka - timestamp order

Assume I'm using log.message.timestamp.type=LogAppendTime.
Also assume number of messages per topic/partition during first read:
topic0:partition0: 5
topic0:partition1: 0
topic0:partition2: 3
topic1:partition0: 2
topic1:partition1: 0
topic1:partition2: 4
and during second read:
topic0:partition0: 5
topic0:partition1: 2
topic0:partition2: 3
topic1:partition0: 2
topic1:partition1: 4
topic1:partition2: 4
If I read first message from each partition, does Kafka guarantee that reading again from each partition won't return a message that's older than those I read during first read?
Focus on topic0:partition1 and topic1:partition1 which didn't have any messages during first read, but have during second read.
Kafka guarantees message ordering at partition level, so your use case perfectly fits kafka's architecture.
There are some concepts to explain in here. First of all, you have the starting consumer position (when you first launch a new consumer group), defined by the auto.offset.reset parameter.
This will kick in only if there's no saved offset for that group, or if a saved offset is not valid anymore (f.e, if it was already deleted by retention policies). You should normally only worry for this if you launch a new consumer group (and you want to decide wether it starts from the oldest messages, or from the present - newest one).
Regarding your example, in normal conditions (there are no consumer shutdowns, etc), you have nothing to worry about. Consumers within a same consumer group will only read their messages once, no matter the number of partitions nor the number of consumers. These consumers remember their last read offset, and periodically save it in the _consumer_offsets topic.
There are 2 properties that define this periodical recording:
Setting it to true (which is the default value) will allow the automatic commit to the _consumer_offsets topic.
Defines when the offsets are commited. For example, with a value of 10000, your consumer offsets will be stored every 10 seconds.
You can also set to false and store your offsets in your own way (f.e to a database, etc), but this is a more special use case.
The auto offset committing will allow you to stop your consumers, and start them again later without losing any message nor reprocessing already processed ones (it's like a mark in a book's page). If you don't stop your consumers (and without any errors from broker/zookeeper/consumers), even less worries for you.
For more info, you can take a look here:
Hope it helps!

Get latest values from a topic on consumer start, then continue normally

We have a Kafka producer that produces keyed messages in a very high frequency to topics whose retention time = 10 hours. These messages are real-time updates and the used key is the ID of the element whose value has changed. So the topic is acting as a changelog and will have many duplicate keys.
Now, what we're trying to achieve is that when a Kafka consumer launches, regardless of the last known state (new consumer, crashed, restart, etc..), it will somehow construct a table with the latest values of all the keys in a topic, and then keeps listening for new updates as normal, keeping the minimum load on Kafka server and letting the consumer do most of the job. We tried many ways and none of them seems the best.
What we tried:
1 changelog topic + 1 compact topic:
The producer sends the same message to both topics wrapped in a transaction to assure successful send.
Consumer launches and requests the latest offset of the changelog topic.
Consumes the compacted topic from beginning to construct the table.
Continues consuming the changelog since the requested offset.
Having duplicates in compacted topic is a very high possibility even with setting the log compaction frequency the highest possible.
x2 number of topics on Kakfa server.
With KSQL we either have to rewrite a KTable as a topic so that consumer can see it (Extra topics), or we will need consumers to execute KSQL SELECT using to KSQL Rest Server and query the table (Not as fast and performant as Kafka APIs).
Kafka Consumer API:
Consumer starts and consumes the topic from beginning. This worked perfectly, but the consumer has to consume the 10 hours change log to construct the last values table.
Kafka Streams:
By using KTables as following:
KTable<Integer, MarketData> tableFromTopic = streamsBuilder.table("topic_name", Consumed.with(Serdes.Integer(), customSerde));
KTable<Integer, MarketData> filteredTable = tableFromTopic.filter((key, value) -> keys.contains(value.getRiskFactorId()));
Kafka Streams will create 1 topic on Kafka server per KTable (named {consumer_app_id}-{topic_name}-STATE-STORE-0000000000-changelog), which will result in a huge number of topics since we a big number of consumers.
From what we have tried, it looks like we need to either increase the server load, or the consumer launch time. Isn't there a "perfect" way to achieve what we're trying to do?
Thanks in advance.
By using KTables, Kafka Streams will create 1 topic on Kafka server per KTable, which will result in a huge number of topics since we a big number of consumers.
If you are just reading an existing topic into a KTable (via StreamsBuilder#table()), then no extra topics are being created by Kafka Streams. Same for KSQL.
It would help if you could clarify what exactly you want to do with the KTable(s). Apparently you are doing something that does result in additional topics being created?
1 changelog topic + 1 compact topic:
Why were you thinking about having two separate topics? Normally, changelog topics should always be compacted. And given your use case description, I don't see a reason why it should not be:
Now, what we're trying to achieve is that when a Kafka consumer launches, regardless of the last known state (new consumer, crashed, restart, etc..), it will somehow construct a table with the latest values of all the keys in a topic, and then keeps listening for new updates as normal [...]
Hence compaction would be very useful for your use case. It would also prevent this problem you described:
Consumer starts and consumes the topic from beginning. This worked perfectly, but the consumer has to consume the 10 hours change log to construct the last values table.
Note that, to reconstruct the latest table values, all three of Kafka Streams, KSQL, and the Kafka Consumer must read the table's underlying topic completely (from beginning to end). If that topic is NOT compacted, this might indeed take a long time depending on the data volume, topic retention settings, etc.
From what we have tried, it looks like we need to either increase the server load, or the consumer launch time. Isn't there a "perfect" way to achieve what we're trying to do?
Without knowing more about your use case, particularly what you want to do with the KTable(s) once they are populated, my answer would be:
Make sure the "changelog topic" is also compacted.
Try KSQL first. If this doesn't satisfy your needs, try Kafka Streams. If this doesn't satisfy your needs, try the Kafka Consumer.
For example, I wouldn't use the Kafka Consumer if it is supposed to do any stateful processing with the "table" data, because the Kafka Consumer lacks built-in functionality for fault-tolerant stateful processing.
Consumer starts and consumes the topic from beginning. This worked
perfectly, but the consumer has to consume the 10 hours change log to
construct the last values table.
During the first time your application starts up, what you said is correct.
To avoid this during every restart, store the key-value data in a file.
For example, you might want to use a persistent map (like MapDB).
Since you give the consumer and you commit the offset either periodically or after each record is stored in the map, the next time your application restarts it will read it from the last comitted offset for that
So the problem of taking a lot of time occurs only initially (during first time). So long as you have the file, you don't need to consume from beginning.
In case, if the file is not there or is deleted, just seekToBeginning in the KafkaConsumer and build it again.
Somewhere, you need to store this key-values for retrieval and why cannot it be a persistent store?
In case if you want to use Kafka streams for whatever reason, then an alternative (not as simple as the above) is to use a persistent backed store.
For example, a persistent global store.
streamsBuilder.addGlobalStore(Stores.keyValueStoreBuilder(Stores.persistentKeyValueStore(topic), keySerde, valueSerde), topic, Consumed.with(keySerde, valueSerde), this::updateValue);
P.S: There will be a file called .checkpoint in the directory which stores the offsets. In case if the topic is deleted in the middle you get OffsetOutOfRangeException. You may want to avoid this, perhaps by using UncaughtExceptionHandler
Refer to for more.
It is better to use Consumer with persistent file rather than Streams for this, because of simplicity it offers.

Repeatedly produced to Apache Kafka, different offsets? (Exactly once semantics)

While trying to implement exactly-once semantics, I found this in the official Kafka documentation:
Exactly-once delivery requires co-operation with the destination
storage system but Kafka provides the offset which makes implementing
this straight-forward.
Does this mean that I can use the (topic, partiton, offset) tuple as a unique primary identifier to implement deduplication?
An example implementation would be to use an RDBMS and this tuple as a primary key for an insert operation within a big processing transaction where the transaction fails if the insertion is not possible anymore because of an already existing primary key.
I think the question is equivalent to:
Does a producer use the same offset for a message when retrying to send it after detecting a possible failure or does every retry attempt get its own offset?
If the offset is reused when retrying, consumers obviously see multiple messages with the same offset.
Other question, maybe somehow related:
With single or multiple producers producing to the same topic, can there be "gaps" in the offset number sequence seen by one consumer?
Another possibility could be that the offset is determined e.g. solely by or as recently as the message reaches the leader which does the job (implying that - if not listening to something like a producer's suggested offset - there are probably no gaps/offset jumps, but also different offsets for duplicate messages and I would have to use my own unique identifier within the application's message on application level).
To answer my own question:
The offset is generated solely by the server (more precisely: by the leader of the corresponding partition), not by the producing client. It is then sent back to the producer in the produce response. So:
Does a producer use the same offset for a message when retrying to
send it after detecting a possible failure or does every retry attempt
get its own offset?
No. (See update below!) The producer does not determine offsets and two identical/duplicate application messages can have different offsets. So the offset cannot be used to identify messages for producer deduplication purposes and a custom UID has to be defined in the application message. (Source)
With single or multiple producers producing to the same topic, can there be "gaps" in the offset number sequence seen by one consumer?
Due to the fact that there is only a single leader for every partition which maintains the current offset and the fact that (with the default configuration) this leadership is only transfered to active in-sync replica in case of a failure, I assume that the latest used offset is always communicated correctly when electing a new leader for a partition and therefore there are should not be any offset gaps or jumps initially. However, because of the log compaction feature, there are cases (assuming log compaction being enabled) where there can indeed be gaps in a stream of offsets when consuming already committed messages of a partition once again after the compaction has kicked in. (Source)
Update (Kafka >= 0.11.0)
Starting from Kafka version 0.11.0, producers now additionally send a sequence number with their requests, which is then used by the leader to deduplicate requests by this number and the producer's ID. So with 0.11.0, the precondition on the producer side for implementing exactly once semantics is given by Kafka itself and there's no need to send another unique ID or sequence number within the application's message.
Therefore, the answer to question 1 could now also be yes, somehow.
However, note that exactly once semantics are still only possible with the consumer never failing. Once the consumer can fail, one still has to watch out for duplicate message processings on consumer side.

kafka subscribe commit offset manually

I am using Kafka 9 and confused with the behavior of subscribe.
Why does it expects with subscribe.
Do we need to commit the offset manually using commitSync. Even if don't do that I see that it always starts from the latest.
Is there a way a replay the messages from beginning.
Why does it expects with subscribe?
The concept of consumer groups is used by Kafka to enable parallel consumption of topics - every message will be delivered once per consumer group, no matter how many consumers actually are in that group. This is why the group parameter is mandatory, without a group Kafka would not know how this consumer should be treated in relation to other consumers that might subscribe to the same topic.
Whenever you start a consumer it will join a consumer group, based on how many other consumers are in this consumer group it will then be assigned partitions to read from. For these partitions it then checks whether a list read offset is known, if one is found it will start reading messages from this point.
If no offset is found, the parameter auto.offset.reset controls whether reading starts at the earliest or latest message in the partition.
Do we need to commit the offset manually using commitSync? Even if
don't do that I see that it always starts from the latest.
Whether or not you need to commit the offset depends on the value you choose for the parameter By default this is set to true, which means the consumer will automatically commit its offset regularly (how often is defined by If you set this to false, then you will need to commit the offsets yourself.
This default behavior is probably also what is causing your "problem" where your consumer always starts with the latest message. Since the offset was auto-committed it will use that offset.
Is there a way a replay the messages from beginning?
If you want to start reading from the beginning every time, you can call seekToBeginning, which will reset to the first message in all subscribed partitions if called without parameters, or just those partitions that you pass in.