Kafka - timestamp order - apache-kafka

Assume I'm using log.message.timestamp.type=LogAppendTime.
Also assume number of messages per topic/partition during first read:
topic0:partition0: 5
topic0:partition1: 0
topic0:partition2: 3
topic1:partition0: 2
topic1:partition1: 0
topic1:partition2: 4
and during second read:
topic0:partition0: 5
topic0:partition1: 2
topic0:partition2: 3
topic1:partition0: 2
topic1:partition1: 4
topic1:partition2: 4
If I read first message from each partition, does Kafka guarantee that reading again from each partition won't return a message that's older than those I read during first read?
Focus on topic0:partition1 and topic1:partition1 which didn't have any messages during first read, but have during second read.

Kafka guarantees message ordering at partition level, so your use case perfectly fits kafka's architecture.
There are some concepts to explain in here. First of all, you have the starting consumer position (when you first launch a new consumer group), defined by the auto.offset.reset parameter.
This will kick in only if there's no saved offset for that group, or if a saved offset is not valid anymore (f.e, if it was already deleted by retention policies). You should normally only worry for this if you launch a new consumer group (and you want to decide wether it starts from the oldest messages, or from the present - newest one).
Regarding your example, in normal conditions (there are no consumer shutdowns, etc), you have nothing to worry about. Consumers within a same consumer group will only read their messages once, no matter the number of partitions nor the number of consumers. These consumers remember their last read offset, and periodically save it in the _consumer_offsets topic.
There are 2 properties that define this periodical recording:
Setting it to true (which is the default value) will allow the automatic commit to the _consumer_offsets topic.
Defines when the offsets are commited. For example, with a value of 10000, your consumer offsets will be stored every 10 seconds.
You can also set enable.auto.commit to false and store your offsets in your own way (f.e to a database, etc), but this is a more special use case.
The auto offset committing will allow you to stop your consumers, and start them again later without losing any message nor reprocessing already processed ones (it's like a mark in a book's page). If you don't stop your consumers (and without any errors from broker/zookeeper/consumers), even less worries for you.
For more info, you can take a look here: https://docs.confluent.io/current/clients/consumer.html#concepts
Hope it helps!


Kafka current offset internals

Can somebody explain, how Kafka's current offset mechanism works from the consumer's point of view? I have a huge topic (several gigabytes), divided into 2 partitions. And in some business cases (rare ones), I need to choose random N records within partition and read it.
My colleague says, that Kafka consumer does not know anything about offsets, it just receives a bunch of records on every poll() with offset, attached to every record as meta-information. I.e. the "seek" mechanism works as follows: consumer asks records and ignores it until target offset has been met.
Is it true? In my understanding such a "rewinding" is a wasting of consumer resources and internet traffic. I think there MUST be a way to point at a specific offset, so that a broker could send the record with that specific offset immediately on poll() without that kinda "spinloop" stuff.
You can seek to a specific offset. But it's the consumer group / offsets topic that stores that information, not the consumer itself.
Hopping around to "random" offsets is indeed not efficient.
Size of topic doesn't matter.

Does Kafka consumer reads the message from active segment in the partition?

Let us say I have a partition (partition-0) with 4 segments that are committed and are eligible for compaction. So all these segments will not have any duplicate data since the compaction is done on all the 4 segments.
Now, there is an active segment which is still not closed. Meanwhile, if the consumer starts reading the data from the partition-0, does it also read the messages from active segment?
Note: My goal is to not provide duplicate data to the consumer for a particular key.
Your concerns are valid as the Consumer will also read the messages from the active segment. Log compaction does not guarantee that you have exactly one value for a particular key, but rather at least one.
Here is how Log Compaction is introduced in the documentation:
Log compaction ensures that Kafka will always retain at least the last known value for each message key within the log of data for a single topic partition.
However, you can try to get the compaction running more frequently to have your active and non-compated segment as small as possible. This, however, comes at a cost as running the compaction log cleaner takes up ressources.
There are a lot of configurations at topic level that are related to the log compaction. Here are the most important and all details can be looked-up here:
However, I am quite convinced that you will not be able to guarantee that your consumer is never getting any duplicates with a log compacted topic.

Kafka compaction for de-duplication

I'm trying to understand how Kafka compaction works and have the following question: Does kafka guarantees uniqueness of keys for messages stored in topic with enabled compaction?
Short answer is no.
Kafka doesn't guarantees uniqueness for key stored with enabled topic retention.
In Kafka you have two types of cleanup.policy:
delete - It means that after configured time messages won't be available. There are several properties, that can be used for that: log.retention.hours, log.retention.minutes, log.retention.ms. By default log.retention.hours is set 168. It means, that messages older than 7 days will be deleted
compact - For each key at least one message will be available. In some situation it can be one, but in the most cases it will be more. Compaction processed is run in background periodically. It copies log parts with removing duplicates and only leaving last value.
If you want to read only one value for each key, you have to use KTable<K,V> abstraction from Kafka Streams.
Related question regarding latest value for key and compaction:
Kafka only subscribe to latest message?
Looking at 4 guarantees of kakfa compaction, number 4 states:
Any consumer progressing from the start of the log will see at least
the final state of all records in the order they were written.
Additionally, all delete markers for deleted records will be seen,
provided the consumer reaches the head of the log in a time period
less than the topic's delete.retention.ms setting (the default is 24
hours). In other words: since the removal of delete markers happens
concurrently with reads, it is possible for a consumer to miss delete
markers if it lags by more than delete.retention.ms.
So, you will have more than one value for the key if the head of the topic is not being retained by the delete.retention.ms policy.
As I understand it, if you set a 24h retention policy (delete.retention.ms=86400000), you'll have a unique value for a single key, for all messages that were from 24h ago. That's your at least, but not only, as many other messages for the same key may have arrived during the last 24 hours.
So, it is guaranteed that you'll catch at least one, but not just the last, because retention didn't act on recent messages.
edit. As cricket's comment states, even if you set a delete retention property of 1 day, the log.roll.ms is what defines when a log segment is closed, based on message's timestamp. As this last segment is never retained for compaction, it becomes the second factor that doesn't allow you having just the last value for your known key. If your topic starts at T0, then messages after T0+log.roll.ms will be on the open log segment, thus, not compacted.

Kafka retention AFTER initial consuming

I have a Kafka cluster with one consumer, which is processing TB's of data every day. Once a message is consumed and committed, it can be deleted immediately (or after a retention of few minutes).
It looks like the log.retention.bytes and log.retention.hours configurations count from the message creation. Which is not good for me.
In case where the consumer is down for maintenance/incident, I want to keep the data until it comes back online. If I happen to run out of space, I want to refuse accepting new data from the producers, and NOT delete data that wasn't consumed yet (so the log.retention.bytes doesn't help me).
Any ideas?
If you can ensure your messages have unique keys, you can configure your topic to use compaction instead of timed-retention policy. Then have your consumer after having processed each message send a message back to the same topic with the message key but null value. Kafka would compact away such messages. You can tune compaction parameters to your needs (and log segment file size, since the head segment is never compacted, you may want to set it to a smaller size if you want compaction to kick in sooner).
However, as I mentioned before, this would only work if messages have unique keys, otherwise you can't simply turn on compaction as that would cause loss of previous messages with the same key during periods when your consumer is down (or has fallen behind the head segment).

kafka subscribe commit offset manually

I am using Kafka 9 and confused with the behavior of subscribe.
Why does it expects group.id with subscribe.
Do we need to commit the offset manually using commitSync. Even if don't do that I see that it always starts from the latest.
Is there a way a replay the messages from beginning.
Why does it expects group.id with subscribe?
The concept of consumer groups is used by Kafka to enable parallel consumption of topics - every message will be delivered once per consumer group, no matter how many consumers actually are in that group. This is why the group parameter is mandatory, without a group Kafka would not know how this consumer should be treated in relation to other consumers that might subscribe to the same topic.
Whenever you start a consumer it will join a consumer group, based on how many other consumers are in this consumer group it will then be assigned partitions to read from. For these partitions it then checks whether a list read offset is known, if one is found it will start reading messages from this point.
If no offset is found, the parameter auto.offset.reset controls whether reading starts at the earliest or latest message in the partition.
Do we need to commit the offset manually using commitSync? Even if
don't do that I see that it always starts from the latest.
Whether or not you need to commit the offset depends on the value you choose for the parameter enable.auto.commit. By default this is set to true, which means the consumer will automatically commit its offset regularly (how often is defined by auto.commit.interval.ms). If you set this to false, then you will need to commit the offsets yourself.
This default behavior is probably also what is causing your "problem" where your consumer always starts with the latest message. Since the offset was auto-committed it will use that offset.
Is there a way a replay the messages from beginning?
If you want to start reading from the beginning every time, you can call seekToBeginning, which will reset to the first message in all subscribed partitions if called without parameters, or just those partitions that you pass in.