Using map function in Pyspark for filtering - pyspark

I want to compare two tables. Table A consists of 2cr records and around 5p columns but needs to use only tran_name and table B consists of around 5k records and a single column.
Requirements are as follows:
If consider table B has a value as ABC in row 1 so now I have to filter all the records like ABC FROM TABLE A and this needs to be done for all the rows present in table B.
I tried using for loop in Pyspark for the same purpose but the time is taken and memory occupied was huge.
Now I plan to use map, lambda function
My code is as follows
def matches(A,i):
return rdd2
matches_udf=udf(matches,StringType()) x: x.matches_udf(A,x)).collect()
But it is showing an error


kdb+/q optimize union function

To give you a bit of background. I have a process which does this large complex calculation which takes a while to complete. It runs on a timer. After some investigation I realise that what is causing the slowness isn't the actual calculation but the internal q function, union.
I am trying to union two simple tables, table A and table B. A is approximately 5m rows and B is 500. Both tables have only two columns. First column is a symbol. Table A is actually a compound primary key of a table. (Also, how do you copy directly from the console?)
\ts big union small
I tried keying both columns and upserting, join and then distinct, "big, small where not small in big" but nothing seems to work :(
Any help will be appreciated!
If you want to upsert the big table it has to be keyed and upsert operator should be used. For example
//big ids are unique numbers from 0 to 499999
//table is keyed with 1! operator
big:1!([]id:(neg n)?n;val:n?100)
//big ids are unique numbers. 250 from 0-4999999 and 250 from 500000-1000000 intervals
If big is global variable it is efficient to upsert it as
`big upsert small
if big is local
big: big upsert small
As the result big will have 500250 elements, because there are 250 common keys (id column) in big and small tables
this may not be relevant, but just a quick thought. If your big table has a column which has type `sym and if this column does not really show up that much throughout your program, why not cast it to string or other value? if you are doing this update process every single day then as the data gets packed in your partitioned hdb, whenever the new data is added, kdb+ process has to reassign/rewrite its sym file and i believe this is the part that actually takes a lot of time, not the union calculation itself..
if above is true, i'd suggest either rewriting your schema for the table which minimises # of rehashing(not sure if this is the right term though!) on your symfile. or, as the above person mentioned, try to assign attribute to your table.. this may reduce the time too.

How to pass a group of RelationalGroupedDataset to a function?

I am reading a csv as a Data Frame by below:
val df ="com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").load("D:/ModelData.csv")
Then I group by three columns as below which returns a RelationalGroupedDataset
df.groupBy("col1", "col2","col3")
And I want each grouped data frame to be send through the below function
def ModelFunction(daf: DataFrame) = {
//do some calculation
For example if I have col1 having 2 unique (0,1) values and col2 having 2 unique values(1,2) and col3 having 3 unique values(1,2,3) Then i would like to pass each combination grouping to the Model function Like for col1=0 ,col2=1,col3=1 I will havea dataframe and I want to pass that to the ModelFunction and so on for each combination of the three columns.
I tried
df.groupBy("col1", "col2","col3").ModelFunction();
But it throw an error.
Any help is appreciated.
The short answer is that you cannot do that. You can only do aggregate functions on RelationalGroupedDataset (either ones you write as UDAF or built in ones in org.apache.spark.sql.functions)
The way I see it you have several options:
Option 1: The amount of data for each unique combination is small enough and not skewed too much compared to other combinations.
In this case you can do:
val grouped = df.groupBy("col1", "col2","col3").agg(collect_list(struct(all other columns)))[some case class to represent the data including the combination].map[your own logistic regression function).
Option 2: If the total number of combinations is small enough you can do:
val values:"col1", "col2", "col3").distinct().collect()
and then loop through them creating a new dataframe from each combination by doing a filter.
Option 3: Write your own UDAF
This would probably not be good enough as the data comes in a stream without the ability to do iteration, however, if you have an implemenation of logistic regression which matches you can try to write a UDAF to do this. See for example: How to define and use a User-Defined Aggregate Function in Spark SQL?

Incrementally adding to a Hive table w/Scala + Spark 1.3

Our cluster has Spark 1.3 and Hive
There is a large Hive table that I need to add randomly selected rows to.
There is a smaller table that I read and check a condition, if that condition is true, then I grab the variables I need to then query for the random rows to fill. What I did was do a query on that condition, table.where(value<number), then make it an array by using take(num rows). Then since all of these rows contain the information I need on which random rows are needed from the large hive table, I iterate through the array.
When I do the query I use ORDER BY RAND() in the query (using sqlContext). I created a var Hive table ( to be mutable) adding a column from the larger table. In the loop, I do a unionAll newHiveTable = newHiveTable.unionAll(random_rows)
I have tried many different ways to do this, but am not sure what is the best way to avoid CPU and temp disk use. I know that Dataframes aren't intended for incremental adds.
One thing I have though now to try is to create a cvs file, write the random rows to that file incrementally in the loop, then when the loop is finished, load the cvs file as a table, and do one unionAll to get my final table.
Any feedback would be great. Thanks
I would recommend that you create an external table with hive, defining the location, and then let spark write the output as csv to that directory:
in Hive:
create external table test(key string, value string)
And then from spark with the aide of , write the dataframe to csv files and appending to the existing ones:
df.write.format("com.databricks.spark.csv").save("/SOME/HDFS/LOCATION/", SaveMode.Append)

Distributed loading of a wide row into Spark from Cassandra

Let's assume we have a Cassandra cluster with RF = N and a table containing wide rows.
Our table could have an index something like this: pk / ck1 / ck2 / ....
If we create an RDD from a row in the table as follows:
val wide_row = sc.cassandraTable(KS, TABLE).select("c1", "c2").where("pk = ?", PK)
I notice that one Spark node has 100% of the data and the others have none. I assume this is because the spark-cassandra-connector has no way of breaking down the query token range into smaller sub ranges because it's actually not a range -- it's simply the hash of PK.
At this point we could simply call redistribute(N) to spread the data across the Spark cluster before processing, but this has the effect of moving data across the network to nodes that already have the data locally in Cassandra (remember RF = N)
What we would really like is to have each Spark node load a subset (slice) of the row locally from Cassandra.
One approach which came to mind is to generate an RDD containing a list of distinct values of the first cluster key (ck1) when pk = PK. We could then use mapPartitions() to load a slice of the wide row based on each value of ck1.
Assuming we already have our list values for ck1, we could write something like this:
val ck1_list = .... // RDD
ck1_list.repartition(ck1_list.count().toInt) // create a partition for each value of ck1
val wide_row = ck1_list.mapPartitions(f)
Within the partition iterator, f(), we would like to call another function g(pk, ck1) which loads the row slice from Cassandra for partition key pk and cluster key ck1. We could then apply flatMap to ck1_list so as to create a fully distributed RDD of the wide row without any shuffing.
So here's the question:
Is it possible to make a CQL call from within a Spark task? What driver should be used? Can it be set up only once an reused for subsequent tasks?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
For the sake of future reference, I will explain how I solved this.
I actually used a slightly different method to the one outlined above, one which does not involve calling Cassandra from inside Spark tasks.
I started off with ck_list, a list of distinct values for the first cluster key when pk = PK. The code is not shown here, but I actually downloaded this list directly from Cassandra in the Spark driver using CQL.
I then transform ck_list into a list of RDDS. Next we combine the RDDs (each one representing a Cassandra row slice) into one unified RDD (wide_row).
The cast on CassandraRDD is necessary because union returns type org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
After running the job I was able to verify that the wide_row had x partitions where x is the size of ck_list. A useful side effect is that wide_row is partitioned by the first cluster key, which is also the key I want to reduce by. Hence even more shuffling is avoided.
I don't know if this is the best way to achieve what I wanted, but it certainly works.
val ck_list // list first cluster key values where pk = PK
val wide_row = ck =>
sc.cassandraTable(KS, TBL)
.select("c1", "c2").where("pk = ? and ck1 = ?", PK, ck)
).reduce( (x, y) => x.union(y) )

How to do pandas groupby([multiple columns]) so its result can be looked up

I have two dataframes: tr is a training-set, ts is a test-set.
They contain columns uid (a user_id), categ (a categorical), and response.
response is the dependent variable I'm trying to predict in ts.
I am trying to compute the mean of response in tr, broken out by columns uid and categ:
avg_response_uid_categ = tr.groupby(['uid','categ']).response.mean()
This gives the result but (unwantedly) the dataframe index is a MultiIndex. (this is the groupby(..., as_index=True) behavior):
MultiIndex[--5hzxWLz5ozIg6OMo6tpQ SomeValueOfCateg, --65q1FpAL_UQtVZ2PTGew AnotherValueofCateg, ...
But instead I want the result to keep the two columns 'uid', 'categ' and keep them separate.
Should I use aggregate() instead of groupby()?
Trying groupby(as_index=False) is useless.
The result seems to differ depending on whether you do:
tr.groupby(['uid','categ'])['response'].mean() # RIGHT
i.e. whether you slice a single Series, or a DataFrame containing a single Series. Related: Pandas selecting by label sometimes return Series, sometimes returns DataFrame