How to do pandas groupby([multiple columns]) so its result can be looked up - group-by

I have two dataframes: tr is a training-set, ts is a test-set.
They contain columns uid (a user_id), categ (a categorical), and response.
response is the dependent variable I'm trying to predict in ts.
I am trying to compute the mean of response in tr, broken out by columns uid and categ:
avg_response_uid_categ = tr.groupby(['uid','categ']).response.mean()
This gives the result but (unwantedly) the dataframe index is a MultiIndex. (this is the groupby(..., as_index=True) behavior):
MultiIndex[--5hzxWLz5ozIg6OMo6tpQ SomeValueOfCateg, --65q1FpAL_UQtVZ2PTGew AnotherValueofCateg, ...
But instead I want the result to keep the two columns 'uid', 'categ' and keep them separate.
Should I use aggregate() instead of groupby()?
Trying groupby(as_index=False) is useless.

The result seems to differ depending on whether you do:
tr.groupby(['uid','categ'])['response'].mean() # RIGHT
i.e. whether you slice a single Series, or a DataFrame containing a single Series. Related: Pandas selecting by label sometimes return Series, sometimes returns DataFrame


`set_sorted` when a dataframe is sorted on multiple columns

I have some panel data in polars. The dataframe is sorted by its id column and then its date column (basically it's a bunch of time series concatenated together).
I've seen that polars has a .set_sorted method for working with expressions. I can of course set pl.col("id").set_sorted() but I want it to be aware that it's actually sorted in both id and date columns. In pandas I know the Index has an .is_monotonic_increasing property that is aware of whether all the columns of the Index are sorted but is there a way to do something similar with polars?
Have you tried
to see if they're each already known to be sorted?
For instance if I do:
df=pl.DataFrame({'a':[1,1,2,2], 'b':[1,2,3,4]})
Then I get 2 Trues even though I haven't ever told it that the columns are sorted.
In general, I don't think you want to be manually setting columns as sorted. Just sort them and it'll keep track of the fact that they're sorted.
If you do:
df=pl.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,1,2], 'b':[1,3,2,4]})
then you get False twice, as you'd hope. If you then do df=df.sort(['a','b']) and follow it up by checking the sortedness of a and b again then you see that it knows they're sorted

Is there anyway to get schema from the parquet files being queried?

So, I have parquet files separated by folder with date in it, something like
|_ file_A.parquet
|_ file_B.parquet
file_A has 2 column X,Y, file_B has 3 column X,Y,Z
but when i query using sparksession on the date 20210102, it's using schema from the topmost folder that is 20210101 and when i tried querying column Z it doesn't exist.
I've tried using mergeSchema=true option, but it doesn't fit my use case because I need to treat those with column Z differently, and i'm checking if there's column Z using DataFrame.columns.
Is there any workaround for this? I need to get schema from the one i query only.
If computational cost is not a concern, you can solve this problem by reading the entire dataset into spark, filter to the date you are looking for, and then drop the column if is entirely null.
This performs a pass over the data just to figure out if the column should be dropped, which is not great. Luckily .where and .count parallelize pretty well so you have enough compute it might be okay.
val base =
.option("mergeSchema", true)
.where(col("date") === "20210101")
val df = if (base.where(col("Z").isNotNull).count > 0) base.drop("Z") else base
df.schema // Should only have X, Y
If you want to generalize this into a function that drops all empty columns, you can compute the .isNotNull count for all columns in 1 pass.

Spark agg to collect a single list for multiple columns

Here is my current code:
pipe_exec_df_final_grouped = pipe_exec_df_final.groupBy("application_id").agg(collect_list("table_name").alias("tables"))
However, in my collected list, I would like multiple column values, so the aggregated column would be an array of arrays. Currently the result look like this:
However, I would also like to keep another column attached to the aggragation (lets call it 'status' column name). So my new output would be:
I tried collect_list("table_name, status") however collect_list only takes one column name. How can I accomplish what I am trying to do?
Use array to collect columns into an array column first, then apply collect_list:
df.groupBy(...).agg(collect_list(array("table_name", "status")))

Comparing columns in two data frame in spark

I have two dataframes, both of them contain different number of columns.
I need to compare three fields between them to check if those are equal.
I tried following approach but its not working.
if(df_table_stats("rec_cnt").equals(df_aud("REC_CNT")) || df_table_stats("hashcount").equals(df_aud("HASH_CNT")) || round(df_table_stats("hashsum"),0).equals(round(df_aud("HASH_TTL"),0)))
println("Job executed succefully")
df_table_stats("rec_cnt"), this returns Column rather than actual value hence condition becoming false.
Also, please explain difference between"rec_cnt") and df_table_stats("rec_cnt").
Use sql and inner join both df , with your conditions .
Per my comment, the syntax you're using are simple column references, they don't actually return data. Assuming you MUST use Spark for this, you'd want a method that actually returns the data, known in Spark as an action. For this case you can use take to return the first Row of data and extract the desired columns:
val tableStatsRow: Row = df_table_stats.take(1).head
val audRow: Row = df_aud.take(1).head
val tableStatsRecCount = tableStatsRow.getAs[Int]("rec_cnt")
val audRecCount = audRow.getAs[Int]("REC_CNT")
//repeat for the other values you need to capture
However, Spark definitely is overkill if this is all you're using it for. You could use a simple JDBC library for Scala like ScalikeJDBC to do these queries and capture the primitives in the results.

Getting the value of a DataFrame column in Spark

I am trying to retrieve the value of a DataFrame column and store it in a variable. I tried this :
val name1=name.collect()
But none of the above is returning the value of column "name".
Spark version :2.2.0
Scala version :2.11.11
There are couple of things here. If you want see all the data collect is the way to go. However in case your data is too huge it will cause drive to fail.
So the alternate is to check few items from the dataframe. What I generally do is
This will provide output of 10 element. But now the output doesn't look good
So, 2nd alternative is"name").show(10)
This will print first 10 element, Sometime if the column values are big it generally put "..." instead of actual value which is annoying.
Hence there is third option"name").take(10).foreach(println)
Takes 10 element and print them.
Now in all the cases you won't get a fair sample of the data, as the first 10 data will be picked. So to truely pickup randomly from the dataframe you can use"name").sample(.2, true).show(10)
or"name").sample(.2, true).take(10).foreach(println)
You can check the "sample" function on dataframe
The first will do :)
val name ="name") will return another DataFrame. You can do for example to show content of the DataFrame. You can also do collect or collectAsMap to materialize results on driver, but be aware, that data amount should not be too big for driver
You can also do:
val names ="name").as[String].collect()
This will return array of names in this DataFrame