Backpack perform CRUD operations for specific models - laravel-backpack

Using Backpack for Laravel, is it possible to create admin panels and CRUD operations for specific models i.e. are tied to specific models, rather than the entire app itself.
Such that the route to the admin panel would be /mymodel/admin e.g /business/admin rather than simply /admin


Using Mongo Stitch with Firebase Storage?

I'm currently developing a solution that lets users create a parent listing whereby they can upload files, assign child listings to that and then search their listings based on data from both the parent and child listings.
As an example, think of it as an inventory database. You create your parent listing for say a product, give it a name and upload some images of it. You then create your child listings which would be the stores that stock your product.
Your search capabilities would allow the user to search the product by free text, but also using parameters from the child listings, for example Price, In Stock, Tags etc.
I've tried to develop a concept using Firebase for this which utilises Auth, Storage and Functions, however due to the search limitations of Firestore, it cannot be done.
MongoDB offers something similar to Firebase' functionality whereby I can use Atlas which gives me all the search capabilities I need using Mongo instead of Firestore. In addition, they also have Stitch which provides the Cloud Function, Trigger and Auth functionality I need.
What they don't offer however is any Storage solution.
Does anyone know a way I can use MongoDB Stitch Auth, alongside Firebase Storage to integrate directly with the UI using the Firebase Storage security rules?
I know I could create a Stitch Function that handles the passing of file from UI to Firebase, however I'd prefer to go direct if possible.

Need to Fetch data from external API (without storing at database) and show data on multiple views

I have few custom modules created using Module Builder. I need to fetch data using external REST API (around 200-300k record per API) and without storing data in suite database I need to display data on custom modules (using UI provided by SuiteCRM only. NO CUSTOM UI). and also I have operations to be perform on data which will again call External API.
So, as per requirement, Data should not be saved at database. How to achieve this in SUITECRM (7.11.8 version)?
I have tried using Process record hook. But things aren't working.

What is the convention for creating applications users in MongoDB?

I am trying to create a users model for my application sign in with Mongoose / MongoDB. Based on how I see it when I deploy to Atlas or Mlab, it auto generates a users collection but for the purpose of database authentication - like this user has read access, write access, admin, etc. What is the convention for creating application users? Do I also use the same users collection but add additional schema properties or do I make a different one altogether like app_users. Thanks!
Are you using the test or admin database? You should create a new database for your application. When you create a new database it will not come with any predefined collections or such, so you can start blank (which is what I assume you want?).
You don't need to explicitly create a new database. Just point your driver to a database name you want for your app. Or in the mongo CLI type use myAppDb and you can start adding collections there.
More details here

WAGTAIL forms to external DB

I have a small research project, but so far I haven't found anything. I want to know if there's a way to use forms in Wagtail to be able to populate an external DB (postgres located somewhere else).
The idea is to create a back-office that is self-managed in wagtail and where the users can fill the forms with the data required and this data is to be stored on an azure postgresql cluster.
Use Django's forms framework. This is one scenario where using the Wagtail form builder is counter-productive: the Wagtail form builder is all about letting the content editor define the list of form fields within the Wagtail admin, but in your case the form fields are pre-determined by your external database structure, so specifying them within the Wagtail admin would be needless duplication of work.
See for an example of integrating Django forms into a Wagtail page.

How to create auto populating Workflow with Dynamics CRM 2011?

I need to create an on demand workflow that will auto populate custom entities in CRM that are not related to each other..
Opportunity/ Opportunity Services fields need to populate CurrentContract/CurrentContract Services entities.
The fields are related as Opportunity Services > Opportunities > Account < CurrentContract < CurrentContract Services.
All fields from Opportunities need to create a CurrentContract and CurrentContract Services with identical information.
I agree with the other comments that a Custom Workflow Activity would be needed.
Another option would be to perform the action using JScript. There are pros/cons when moving the logic client-side, but some of the CRM REST libraries make it pretty easy to perform CRUD operations. Since you said "on demand workflow", you may want to consider client-side for user experience reasons.