find | xargs sed to substitute string in file name instead of file content - sed

$ echo "file_contents" > filename.txt
$ find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed 's/file//g'
How do you get sed to treat the filename as a string instead of an input file? What command do I need to get "name.txt" as the output instead?

Drop the xargs and -0's.
find . -type f | sed 's/file//g'
This takes the output of find and sends it as input to sed.


Issue with Sed no input file when Xgrep

I am trying to create a script which looks for x days old files that have a specific string in it, it then removes it and logs the file it has changed.
My way is probably not the best way, but I am new to this so looking for some help. I have got to a stage where the script works but it does not log the file name it has worked on
Working script is
find /home/test -mtime +5 -type f ! -size 0 | xargs grep -E -l '(abc_Pswd_[1-9])' | xargs -n1 sed -i '/abc_Pswd_[1-9].*/d'
I am trying to get the file name from 2nd part of the script I have tried few things
find /home/test -mtime +7 -type f ! -size 0 | xargs grep -E -l '(abc.1x.[1-9] )' > /home/test/tst.log| xargs -n1 sed -i '/abc_Pswd_[1-9].*/d'
This works in terms of logging the result but it exits with the error "sed: no input files"

Xargs SED back into same file?

Lets say I hit foo.html with find, i would like to pipe the contents back into foo.html
find . -iregex '.*\(html\|htm\)' -printf '%P\0' | \
xargs -0 sed -Ee "s:(http|https)\://(www.|)${domain}[?/]::g" \
> # to what? {\} ???
Right now it does not know what or where its
Pass the -i flag to sed, then it will modify the input file in place.
find . -iregex '.*html?' -printf '%P\0' | xargs -0 sed -i -Ee "s:(http|https)\://(www.|)${domain}[?/]::g"

Linux: Using find and grep to find a keyword in files and count occurrences

I'm using executing this bash commands inside a search script I've built with php:
find myFolder -type f -exec grep -r KEYWORD {} +
find myFolder -type f -exec grep -r KEYWORD {} + | wc -l
find myFolder -type f | wc -l
The first line gives me back the filenames where KEYWORD was found.
The second line gives me the number of occurrences and the third line the total number of files.
Is there a way to do this more elegantly and faster?
You can get more efficiency if you avoid -exec, which makes one fork per file match. xargs is a better choice here. So I would do something like this:
find myFolder -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep KEYWORD
find myFolder -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep KEYWORD | wc -l
The last one should be OK, at least with GNU find.
The -print0 and -0 ensure that filenames with spaces in them are handled correctly.
Note that grep -r` implies recursive grepping, but as you're only supplying one filename in each invocation it is redundant.

How to find and replace all occurrences of a string recursively in a directory tree? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I do a recursive find/replace of a string with awk or sed?
(37 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Using just grep and sed, how do I replace all occurrences of:
within a text file under the /home/user/ directory tree recursively finding and replacing all occurrences in all files in sub-directories as well.
Try this:
find /home/user/ -type f | xargs sed -i 's/a\.example\.com/'
In case you want to ignore dot directories
find . \( ! -regex '.*/\..*' \) -type f | xargs sed -i 's/a\.example\.com/'
Edit: escaped dots in search expression
Try this:
grep -rl 'SearchString' ./ | xargs sed -i 's/REPLACESTRING/WITHTHIS/g'
grep -rl will recursively search for the SEARCHSTRING in the directories ./ and will replace the strings using sed.
Replacing a name TOM with JERRY using search string as SWATKATS in directory CARTOONNETWORK
grep -rl 'SWATKATS' CARTOONNETWORK/ | xargs sed -i 's/TOM/JERRY/g'
This will replace TOM with JERRY in all the files and subdirectories under CARTOONNETWORK wherever it finds the string SWATKATS.
On macOS, none of the answers worked for me. I discovered that was due to differences in how sed works on macOS and other BSD systems compared to GNU.
In particular BSD sed takes the -i option but requires a suffix for the backup (but an empty suffix is permitted)
grep version from this answer.
grep -rl 'foo' ./ | LC_ALL=C xargs sed -i '' 's/foo/bar/g'
find version from this answer.
find . \( ! -regex '.*/\..*' \) -type f | LC_ALL=C xargs sed -i '' 's/foo/bar/g'
Don't omit the Regex to ignore . folders if you're in a Git repo. I realized that the hard way!
That LC_ALL=C option is to avoid getting sed: RE error: illegal byte sequence if sed finds a byte sequence that is not a valid UTF-8 character. That's another difference between BSD and GNU. Depending on the kind of files you are dealing with, you may not need it.
For some reason that is not clear to me, the grep version found more occurrences than the find one, which is why I recommend to use grep.
I know this is a really old question, but...
#vehomzzz's answer uses find and xargs when the questions says explicitly grep and sed only.
#EmployedRussian and #BrooksMoses tried to say it was a dup of awk and sed, but it's not - again, the question explicitly says grep and sed only.
So here is my solution, assuming you are using Bash as your shell:
for f in `grep -rl .` # Use -irl instead of -rl for case insensitive search
sed -i 's/a\.example\.com/' $f # Use /gi instead of /g for case insensitive search
If you are using a different shell, such as Unix SHell, let me know and I will try to find a syntax adjustment.
P.S.: Here's a one-liner:
OLDIFS=$IFS;IFS=$'\n';for f in `grep -rl .`;do sed -i 's/a\.example\.com/' $f;done;IFS=$OLDIFS
Bash: Iterating over lines in a variable
grep(1) - Linux man page
Official Grep Manual
sed(1) - Linux man page
Official sed Manual
For me works the next command:
find /path/to/dir -name "file.txt" | xargs sed -i 's/string_to_replace/new_string/g'
if string contains slash 'path/to/dir' it can be replace with another character to separate, like '#' instead '/'.
For example: 's#string/to/replace#new/string#g'
We can try using the more powerful ripgrep as
rg "BYE_BYE_TEXT" ./ --files-with-matches | xargs sed -i "s/BYE_BYE_TEXT/WELCOME_TEXT/g"
Because ripgrep is good at finding and sed is great at replacing.
it is much simpler than that.
for i in `find *` ; do sed -i -- 's/search string/target string/g' $i; done
find i => will iterate over all the files in the folder and in subfolders.
sed -i => will replace in the files the relevant string if exists.
Try this command:
/home/user/ directory - find ./ -type f \
-exec sed -i -e 's/' {} \;
The command below will search all the files recursively whose name matches the search pattern and will replace the string:
find /path/to/searchdir/ -name "serachpatter" -type f | xargs sed -i 's/stringone/StrIngTwo/g'
Also if you want to limit the depth of recursion you can put the limits as well:
find /path/to/searchdir/ -name "serachpatter" -type f -maxdepth 4 -mindepth 2 | xargs sed -i 's/stringone/StrIngTwo/g'

Using sed to grab filename from full path?

I'm new to sed, and need to grab just the filename from the output of find. I need to have find output the whole path for another part of my script, but I want to just print the filename without the path. I also need to match starting from the beginning of the line, not from the end. In english, I want to match, the first group of characters ending with ".txt" not containing a "/". Here's my attempt that doesn't work:
ryan#fizz:~$ find /home/ryan/Desktop/test/ -type f -name \*.txt
ryan#fizz:~$ find /home/ryan/Desktop/test/ -type f -name \*.txt | sed s:^.*/[^*.txt]::g
Here's the output I want:
Ok, so the solutions offered answered my original question, but I guess I asked it wrong. I don't want to kill the rest of the line past the file suffix i'm searching for.
So, to be more clear, if the following:
bash$ new_mp3s=\`find mp3Dir -type f -name \*.mp3\` && cp -rfv $new_mp3s dest
`/mp3Dir/one.mp3' -> `/dest/one.mp3'
`/mp3Dir/two.mp3' -> `/dest/two.mp3'
What I want is:
bash$ new_mp3s=\`find mp3Dir -type f -name \*.mp3\` && cp -rfv $new_mp3s dest | sed ???
`one.mp3' -> `/dest'
`two.mp3' -> `/dest'
Sorry for the confusion. My original question just covered the first part of what I'm trying to do.
2nd edit:
here's what I've come up with:
DEST=/tmp && cp -rfv `find /mp3Dir -type f -name \*.mp3` $DEST | sed -e 's:[^\`].*/::' -e "s:$: -> $DEST:"
This isn't quite what I want though. Instead of setting the destination directory as a shell variable, I would like to change the first sed operation so it only changes the cp output before the "->" on each line, so that I still have the 2nd part of the cp output to operate on with another '-e'.
3rd edit:
I haven't figured this out using only sed regex's yet, but the following does the job using Perl:
cp -rfv `find /mp3Dir -type f -name \*.mp3` /tmp | perl -pe "s:.*/(.*.mp3).*\`(.*/).*.mp3\'$:\$1 -> \$2:"
I'd like to do it in sed though.
Something like this should do the trick:
find yourdir -type f -name \*.txt | sed 's/.*\///'
or, slightly clearer,
find yourdir -type f -name \*.txt | sed 's:.*/::'
Why don't you use basename instead?
find /mydir | xargs -I{} basename {}
No need external tools if using GNU find
find /path -name "*.txt" -printf "%f\n"
I landed on the question based on the title: using sed to grab filename from fullpath.
So, using sed, the following is what worked for me...
FILENAME=$(echo $FULLPATH | sed -n 's/^\(.*\/\)*\(.*\)/\2/p')
The first group captures any directories from the path. This is discarded.
The second group capture is the text following the last slash (/). This is returned.
echo "/test/file.txt" | sed -n 's/^\(.*\/\)*\(.*\)/\2/p'
echo "/test/asd/asd/" | sed -n 's/^\(.*\/\)*\(.*\)/\2/p'
echo "/test/asd/asd/default.json" | sed -n 's/^\(.*\/\)*\(.*\)/\2/p'
find /mydir | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}'