TestFlight "testers" VS App Store "users" - app-store

When we will upgrade our app from TestFlight to App Store
Our 87 testers will be translated to 87 downloads?

Yes they will, when testers install the final released app they will be counted as downloads.


Apple TestFlight (beta) app won't install

We have been using Apple's TestFlight facility to distribute a beta version of our app for a few months now (migrated from the older TestFlight service before it was merged into the AppStore). Things worked smoothly until today. After uploading a new beta build to TestFlight, the app no longer installs on the device (iPhone 6 with iOS 8.3).
When opening TestFlight app and tapping "Install" to install the latest beta version of the app, TestFlight downloads the app, but when the installation completes, the app icon vanishes. The button in TestFlight app changes back to "Install", but tapping on it shows an alert:
"Could not install [app name]. The app is currently downloading"
We've tried:
Restarting the phone
Resetting all settings on the phone (factory defaults)
Upload a new build to TestFlight.
This looks like an issue with iOS 8.3.
Installing on devices with earlier iOS version did succeed:
iPhone 6, iOS 8.1.2
iPhone 4S iOS 8.2
Has anyone encountered this issue and found a solution?
I just force killed the TestFlight App and launched it again. Then I was able to download it. I'm running iOS9 on iPhone5S
Deleting the TestFlight app and reinstalling it did the trick for me.
It's look like a temporary bug in TestFlight.
It is happening now to everyone.
I added a new tester, and it works. At the old does't work.
My steps:
Create new mail.
Add user (technical role)
Check mark at internal users at my app.
Uncheck/Check TestFlight Beta Testing switch.
Open testflight through mail link.
In some cases it may be a simple temporary malfunction of testflight. I suggest to try waiting a few hours before doing hard tests such as regeneration of certificates.
Simply quiting Testlfight and relaunching fixed it for me
The easiest solution is to set the flight mode for few seconds, reactivate connections and try to download again.
I've had this issue recently, I tried uninstalling testflight and downloading it again from the app store.
It wouldn't let me download, I turned my phone on and off and then I could download from the app store as well as testflight.
Tested Solution:
Update XCode.(If new beta XCode version available then use it to upload).
Update/Re-Install #TestFlight.
Delete previous app build and re-install.

Why are my testers not allowed to test my iphone app?

I'm using TestFlight so a few of my testers can test my new/first app. I went through the provisioning assistant to get all my certificates and profile info, followed their steps, used Build and Archive to create the .ipa, etc.
However, my testers are telling me their devices don't have permission. One of the devices is the iPhone 4S.
I'm using xcode 3 (newest version that my OS can have) and my base sdk is iOS 4.3.
the device which your tester have ... you need to add their Device Ids in your account add those device in your provisioning profile build your app using that provisioning profile and give them It will work ...

publish an app to cydia from appcelarator?

i'm trying to find a way to publish an app to cydia other than app store from titanium appcelarator so i can test the app before registration for the developer program.
are there any clear steps to build and publish the app to cydia and to the app store?
If you go into the build/iphone folder within your project you'll find the XCode project for the app generated by Appcelerator. You can open this into XCode and build the app in the same way you would any app for distribution to cydia.
If you are just after beta testing however, check out http://www.testflightapp.com/ it allows you to distribute and manage beta testing over the air and is all legit.

iphone app run on device

WHats the easy way to accomplish this ..??
I am developing an iphone app and have also got my app installed in my ipod touch. I showed it to a friend of mine and he wants me to install in his ipod touch. I loaded the xcode project in his mac and everything works fine. Now I need to make this app run on his device. How can I do this ..???
For some reason I don't have access to the my personal mac through which I installed on my device.
Also his device is not sync to his itunes and he does not want to sync it.
See Installing Apps Wirelessly. Don't worry about the enterprise account requirement, that's not necessary any more.
You'll need to register your friend's device in the Provisioning Portal and digitally sign the app with a provisioning profile that references that device.
Your friend's device needs to be added to your provisioning file. If your friend's device UDID is not registered with your developer account and not in the provisioning file, then it won't install.
You will need access to your personal Mac for your Developer certificate and/or the private key for your Developer certificate.
Then after you add your friend's iPhone's UDID in the iOS Developer Portal, you can create a mobileprovision that will allow you to build an app that can be be installed on this iPhone.
You can sync this app and the mobileprovision file to the iPhone via iTunes, or slightly more complicated if you don't want to sync, put on a server with the mobile provision packaged in an appropriate format for wireless installation.

The application is not installed on iphone because it is not signed

When I try to install my app. to client's iphone I got this type of error:The application is not installed on iphone because it is not signed.
Just try to change build target from Simulator to Device, it did helped me.
Unless you are a member of the enterprise development programme and deploying to 'in-house' devices then to download an app to a device you either need to..
1 - Submit it to App Store with a release profile and then download from there
or (and this sounds like what you are trying to to)
2 - Create either a development profile or ad-hoc distribution profile for the client's device, and download that to their phone, then try to download the app.
To create the profile for the client device you will of course need the UDID for the device which you will be able to find in the organizer or iTunes
See this page in the developer portal for details on assigning devices for provisioning
Set the target to Signing Savvy | iOS Device
Then in Xcode From the product menu=>Build For=> Build For Testing