TF200016: The following project does not exist: ProjectFirstPartOfTheName. Verify that the name of the project is correct and that the project exists - azure-devops

I configuring repository permissions by usin tf git permission tool in this way:
tf git permission /deny:CreateBranch /group:"[%1]\Contributors" /collection:<CompanyName>/ /teamproject:"%2" /repository:%3
It works fine but when the project has spaces in the name it fails with the error of the subject. I attempted with (for the first parameter, %1):
"Project Name"
Project%20Name and "Project%20Name" as it appears in the browser's address bar.
No matter what I do the error is the same, it only recognizes the first part before the blank:
"TF200016: The following project does not exist: Project. Verify that the name of the project is correct and that the project exists on the specified Azure DevOps Server."
I do not use spaces in the names of new projects but this one already existed and I would like to keep as the teams know it.
Thanks in advance.


how to give mercurial access through PPK key

When I try to clone the project on a formatted computer I get an error because I don't have access permission to the repositories. I try to clone to project using net beans "clone other" option. The problem arrises from the fact that the users involved in the project don't remeber how to process to grant permission was done. I know that the permission is given using a ppk file somehow. but I don't remeber how. I have the ppk from the old formatting.

Cound not check out svn with xcode 5 and Xcode Crashes if enable svn

I am not able to setup SVN in X-Code 5. Iv tried these steps:
1) Goto-Xcode-Preferences-Accounts-Add Repositories (clicking "+" sign).
2) Enter the url path of the project https://ipaddress:8578/svn/comapny_name/projectname/iphone/
3)Enter the credentials. At this point of time i get this error message
Xcode has modified the URL.
Xcode repository accounts represent the root of the repository.
Subpaths can be checked out from the checkout window.
the Repository was added successfully with the base path https://ipaddress:8578/svn/comapny_name/
When i checkout the project it shows authentication warning as i dont have the permission to access the base path https://ipaddress:8578/svn/comapny_name/
but i have permissions to access the project folder https://ipaddress:8578/svn/comapny_name/projectname/iphone/
My question
1) how can i checkout the project from the project folder
I tried to checkout from terminal by providing the full path of the folder and i got it successfully but the problem is when i open the project xcode crashes with out any warning
( i think its due to difference in the svn paths) i checked by disabling the svn then no crash
2) how can solve this
I have the same issue
I haven't fixed it directly
But there is an alternative to update your local working copy
Open the terminal
Navigate to your SVN directory
And type the command svn update
In my case, the output:
Updating '.':
Updated to revision 208064
And XCode 5 updates with the new file directly

Cannot create tag using Subclipse

I am using Subclipse, though my working copy is up to date I get the following error when creating a tag:
You should not be confused about the error message. the file part in file:/// does not mean that test is a file. It's an indication that the repository is located on the local storage support (file system).
However I have to admit That the error message isn't enough explicit in the part already exists. The solution to this issue is to create the tag into a non already existing folder.
In other words you should not create the folder that will hold your tag before this step (using New Remote Folder in view SVN Repositories). The folder should be created at the moment of the tag creation. This is done by adding the new folder (e.g tag-folder) to the URL i.e file:///C:/Users/tunnaruto/Dropbox/Studies/pfe/repository/fo/test/tag-folder and don't forget to check Create any intermediate folders that are missing.

Trying to share previously deleted project in SVN I get odd message

I erroneously shared a locally developed project into trunk. I deleted it in Eclipse SVN Repository Exploring view. It no longer appears in the repository view. Then I tried to share the project into the correct branch and I get this message:
The project "Project1" already exists in repository and has some
content. To connect the local project to the specified location, the
repository folder content should be checked out. Please consider that
applying local changes can cause resource conflicts. For example, if
the local file has the same name as the remote directory the working
copy of the file will be obstructed.
Do you wish to proceed ?
There is no project with that name in SVN that I can see.
After trying unsuccessfully to find any references to this message I chose yes for proceed. Then it looked like it was uploading multiple projects and files that didn't belong to this project -- the title on the dialog box was Share Projects rather than Share Project as well -- so I pressed cancel.
Anybody know what is happening here?

SVN authorization failure, trunk non-existent in head revision, getting a GIT repository working in Eclipse

To simplify things, I have one local SVN repository D:\folder\repo_name and I have svnserve running as a service with root set to the mentioned path. Subclipse and SmartSVN can connect to the repository, also displays the correct head revision number, but when I try to explore the trunk (the only branch) it gives the following error: URL 'svn://localhost/trunk' non-existent in that revision. This while I can check out the complete repository perfectly fine. But I don't need the all the branches, I need just the contents of the trunk.
When I try to commit I get the error Authentication failed. However my credentials were fine when checking out earlier.
When I try to get my stuff out of there and move to GIT (which I suppose would be best as everything is always kept local), the git svn clone process completes, I see all my revisions and files pass in GIT Bash, and then try to import it in Eclipse. I see that it tries to import the project into the repository directory itself (see Needless to say I get the error in the shape of D:\folder\repo_name_git overlaps the location of another project: 'repo_name_git' What I don't get is why I can't seem to find a single way to let me specify where I want the project to import into.
Alternatively, when I add the project in the git repository as an existing project into Eclipse, and then - through the Team > Share menu - try to get under version control, I get the error Can not move project to target location D:\folder\repo_name_git, as this location overlaps with location D:\folder\repo_name_git, which contains a .project file
I'm at a loss and these errors are to generic to give me an idea of how to tackle them. Any heads up would be appreciated.
2 points:
I was getting "Authentication failed" on "correct" credentials - except the plugin I used was forcing the first letter of my username to uppercase - check the case of your username (upper or lower).
I've just had a problem moving onto a Subversion 1.7 repository, which is not supported by my Subversive plugin, and I was getting some strange errors.
You need to check the credentials
make sure svnserve is not started with -R {readonly option}
Check if the following lines are commented in
anon-access = read
auth-access = write
password-db = passwd"