Cannot create tag using Subclipse - eclipse

I am using Subclipse, though my working copy is up to date I get the following error when creating a tag:

You should not be confused about the error message. the file part in file:/// does not mean that test is a file. It's an indication that the repository is located on the local storage support (file system).
However I have to admit That the error message isn't enough explicit in the part already exists. The solution to this issue is to create the tag into a non already existing folder.
In other words you should not create the folder that will hold your tag before this step (using New Remote Folder in view SVN Repositories). The folder should be created at the moment of the tag creation. This is done by adding the new folder (e.g tag-folder) to the URL i.e file:///C:/Users/tunnaruto/Dropbox/Studies/pfe/repository/fo/test/tag-folder and don't forget to check Create any intermediate folders that are missing.


Github's "source code (zip)" is incomplete? (folder missing)

On Github repository I have one file ("changelog.txt") and one folder ("source") containing, as the name suggests, the source code of the zipped executable (the program). See Github Repository.
However, when I go to the release page - see Github Release - I can download the zipped executable, but when I try to download the source code - see Source Code (zip) - there is only "changelog.txt", and the entire "source" folder (containing the actual code) is missing.
I understand that Github's "Source Code (zip)" is auto-generated based on the content of the repository, so I deleted the old release, and created a new one + re-uploaded the zipped executable, but it doesn't seem to work and I still have only "changelog.txt" when I try to download the source.
It's not the end of the world since the source code is still accessible from the repository (see the first link), but such a problem could potentially annoy the people who would like to download the source from the release page.
Is there a solution ? Or did I do something the wrong way ?
Thanks for your answers, and sorry for my bad English (it is not my native tongue).

Adding files to GitHub does not update the Releases Assets source code

Using GitHub via a browser, I am failing to create the Releases assets source code zip and tar.gz files that contain my src/filename.php files.
Syncing to Packagist appears to work OK, but Composer then not unexpectedly fails to load my source files into the usual vendor/packagename/src/ subdirectory.
I have tried loading the source files themselves into the main part of the repository into subdirectory /src using Add file. I have also added a zipped and a tarballed version into Releases file upload.
GitHub documentation is somewhat light on this, so could someone kindly explain exactly what I am doing wrong.
My finger trouble somewhere...
I was indeed incrementing the tag version, but it seems as if the php code additions I did to the main branch (with file upload) had for some unfathomable reason be made AFTER the new tag (release). Packagist then synched to the new tagged version but this was obviously missing the code additions.
My remedy was simply to methodically update the code again, check the json for tag version, and then finally release with an incremented tag.
Incidentally, there was no error message - just a total absence of php modules in my myvendor/mypackagename/src !

Web API Edmx and Connection String in not cloned

I have a Web API project in TFS it contains all files including edmx files and
connection string in webConfig
When I cloned the project all files are exist in my local machine except the edmx files and connection string.
Why those files are not coming? I tried to get the latest again and they're still not cloned.
Shall I add the Data( manually? is it correct way to do it? and why it's not getting cloned?
Please check with the following things:
How did you clone the repository? Using VS, or git clone command, or other methods? Please try different methods to see if the problem still occurs.
Check whether the .edmx file was added into the .gitignore (if any). If yes, remove it from the .gitignore.
Whether the ADO.NET Entity Data Model project was created by you? If it was created by other people, you need to confirm if the creator has set blocking other user to check out the specific files.

Trying to share previously deleted project in SVN I get odd message

I erroneously shared a locally developed project into trunk. I deleted it in Eclipse SVN Repository Exploring view. It no longer appears in the repository view. Then I tried to share the project into the correct branch and I get this message:
The project "Project1" already exists in repository and has some
content. To connect the local project to the specified location, the
repository folder content should be checked out. Please consider that
applying local changes can cause resource conflicts. For example, if
the local file has the same name as the remote directory the working
copy of the file will be obstructed.
Do you wish to proceed ?
There is no project with that name in SVN that I can see.
After trying unsuccessfully to find any references to this message I chose yes for proceed. Then it looked like it was uploading multiple projects and files that didn't belong to this project -- the title on the dialog box was Share Projects rather than Share Project as well -- so I pressed cancel.
Anybody know what is happening here?

SVN - ignoring files already in repository

I have a configuration file in my project which needs to be in the repository (so new developers get it when they checkout the project). Each developer might change some values in the file locally - these changes should not be committed and I don't want them showing in the synchronization menu (I'm using eclipse and subversive if it matters).
Note that I can't just set the svn:ignore property since it only works on files that aren't under version control - but I do want to keep a base version of the file in the repository. How can I avoid the file showing in synchronization without deleting it from repository?
EDIT: A better description - what I actually need is to be able to set a "read-only" property on the config file, so it can't be changed in the repository as long as the property is on. Do you know anything like this?
I do this by having a base version of the file checked-in as foo.base, and svn lock this so that it's read-only on checkout. Then have each developer copy this file to their own personal foo file, which is ignored by svn-ignore.
You can't ignore files which are already under version control. The only way to ignore such files is first delete those files do a commit and after that change the svn:ignore property and do a second commit.
If you like to have a kind of Base-Version use a template which has a different name.
You can version template under different name
Read this answer
once u check out, u can lock it, and once it is locked, others will not be able to commit(make changes to svn) that file. see image below
My solution is that a compile time script creates a copy from the original template file if it does not exist. This copy can be put on the ignore list. I feel that locking a file for this purpose abuses the locking feature (it was not created for this).