Getting details from cloudtrail - aws-cloudformation

I must be missing something obvious. But I am not able to get the details of the error.
There is no way to know exact error returned by lambda.

Per this AWS blog post you should be able to use the "CloudWatch console, utilize Logs Insights to query platform logs that Lambda sends for each function execution."



I am using BinarySecurityToken for OTA_AirRulesRQ, but I am getting USG_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED. I used the same token for BargainFinderMaxRQ and it worked. Is it some problem with the SOAP request I am sending or access to this method is not authorized form my PCC ?
Also I am able to hold PNR and Issue ticket with same credentials
Please Suggest
You should contact the API helpdesk providing your credentials
Do you point it to the according endpoint. E.g. getting creds from prod/testing and using it in prod/testing?
Can you post the message you are trying to send including headers. You can block out Pcc information, but it would help to see the message. It may be something simple you are overlooking and at the very least I could duplicate the call on my test bench and try to to duplicate the issue.

Facebook API Lead Ad webhook lead retrieval

I have setup a webhook for Facebook Lead Ads
It is receiving data like this:
The next step is to retrieve the details.
The docs say
but if I use the leadgen_id (151977133461) this returns
"singular published story API is deprecated for versions v2.4 and higher"
I've also read that _ might work, but that returns a different error.
Answered my own question: subscribed_apps wasn't set up correctly
You just need page access token to retrive the values from the lead. You need to make a GET call on<leadgen_id>?access_token=<page_access_token>
For more info go through this link it will help you:

How to model different requests to same resource in api-blueprint/apiary

I'm writing some API definitions with apiary/api blueprint.
Is there a way that, for the same resource, I can use the mock endpoint to behave differently depending on input (or failing that, some kind of work around)?
For example, say I have an endpoint /login, to which you are supposed to post a username and password.
If I set up a request and response in the API that successfully logs me in, and subsequent requests and response that are error scenarios, only the first one gets triggered in the mock.
So for example, if I don't send in a username and password, I still get the logged in successfully response.
Is there any way to get the mock to do more validation or how do you work around this?
Yes, it is possible and thoroughly described in the documentation. See
That feature is not implemented yet, but is being worked on. Have a look at MSON, please.

Rest PayPal API Internal Service Error

Were getting a lot of #INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR's through the rest PayPal API. To get more details about the error we have been going the PayPal Tech Support. We've been able to fix some of the issues but it is taking us a lot longer than we would like. I was wondering if there was an API call that I could make that would give me the full details of the error or DebugID?
I am not sure how you are currently consuming the API, but specs the error object which has the debug_id, the PayPal internal identifier used for correlation purposes. The error object has information link and error_details object which has the detailed reasons for the error
If you are using an sdk to consume, it is possible to get the debug_id in your logs: and show ways to do that in Python and Node.
I myself am looking for the same information. But it appears the debug ID is only so Paypal support can correlate the error to a transaction event. Technically there is no other information associated with the Debug ID.

Error when reading from mailbox

My application, created today, runs fine when I use it with my account. On any other account however, the following error is sent back as a response:
message: "(#298) You must be a developer of the application"
type: "OAuthException"
The exact code I'm using to send the request is this:
FB.api('/me/threads', {limit: 1000}, function(response){ ....
I have found someone experiencing the same problem, but the response he accepted didn't really provide any useful information. ( Reading over inbox, I get error #298).
Anyone have a clue on how to solve this? Would be greatly appreciated!
I'm guessing you have the read_mailbox permission?
Try accessing the /me/inbox connection instead?
Facebook tells you (from
Please note: We are in the process of making the new messages system
available to all users, at which point this API will replace the
/inbox/ Graph API endpoint. We are providing early access to this API
for registered developer accounts only until the new messaging system
is broadly available. You should use the /inbox endpoint for
production applications at the current time.
That is, only the current apps developers will be able to use the threads-connection for now (but it will be available later).
It looks like your other account doesn't have a developer license/flag/attribute, thus failing the authentication check.