What is the difference between Hamming Code and Two-Dimentional Parity? - encoding

Hamming Code is able to correct one bit error(but detect multiple error),and Two-Dimentional Parity can also make this. I think the latter is easier, but the former is used in most conditions. These two is similar. What is the difference between Hamming Code and Two-Dimentional Parity?


scipy.linalg.lu() vs scipy.linalg.lu_factor()

Aside from lu() having the option to apply the permutation matrix to the lower triangular matrix, is there any difference between these two functions? I would appreciate insight as to which is the better, faster, and/or least likely to fail.
There is a functional difference. Suppose you just want to have an LU decomposition; then you use scipy.linalg.lu. However suppose you will solve a lot of linear systems with different right hand sides. Then you obtain the low level LAPACK representations via lu_factor and then you use this representation in scipy.linalg.lu_solve function without explicitly obtaining the same LU factorization over and over again.
That would save you one O(n^2) operation each time you want to use the factorization in another operation down the pipeline.

Matlab: Fit a custom function to xy-data with given x-y errors

I have been looking for a Matlab function that can do a nonlinear total least square fit, basically fit a custom function to data which has errors in all dimensions. The easiest case being x and y data-points with different given standard deviations in x and y, for every single point. This is a very common scenario in all natural sciences and just because most people only know how to do a least square fit with errors in y does not mean it wouldn't be extremely useful. I know the problem is far more complicated than a simple y-error, this is probably why most (not even physicists like myself) learned how to properly do this with multidimensional errors.
I would expect that a software like matlab could do it but unless I'm bad at reading the otherwise mostly useful help pages I think even a 'full' Matlab license doesn't provide such fitting functionality. Other tools like Origin, Igor, Scipy use the freely available fortran package "ODRPACK95", for instance. There are few contributions about total least square or deming fits on the file exchange, but they're for linear fits only, which is of little use to me.
I'd be happy for any hint that can help me out
kind regards
First I should point out that I haven't practiced MATLAB much since I graduated last year (also as a Physicist). That being said, I remember using
in MATLAB to perform non-linear curve fits. Now, this may, or may not work depending on what you mean by custom function? I'm assuming you want to fit some known expression similar to one of these,
y = A*sin(x)+B
y = A*e^(B*x) + C
It is extremely difficult to perform a fit without knowning the form, e.g. as above. Ultimately, all mathematical functions can be approximated by polynomials for small enough intervals. This is something you might want to consider, as MATLAB does have lots of tools for doing polynomial regression.
In the end, I would acutally reccomend you to write your own fit-function. There are tons of examples for this online. The idea is to know the true solution's form as above, and guess on the parameters, A,B,C.... Create an error- (or cost-) function, which produces an quantitative error (deviation) between your data and the guessed solution. The problem is then reduced to minimizing the error, for which MATLAB has lots of built-in functionality.

Complex inverse and complex pseudo-inverse in Scala?

I'm considering to learn Scala for my algorithm development, but first need to know if the language has implemented (or is implementing) complex inverse and pseudo-inverse functions. I looked at the documentation (here, here), and although it states these functions are for real matrices, in the code, I don't see why it wouldn't accept complex matrices.
There's also the following comment left in the code:
pinv for anything that can be transposed, multiplied with that transposed, and then solved
Is this just my wishful thinking, or will it not accept complex matrices?
Breeze implementer here:
I haven't implemented inv etc. for complex numbers yet, because I haven't figured out a good way to store complex numbers unboxed in a way that is compatible with blas and lapack and doesn't break the current API. You can set the call up yourself using netlib java following a similar recipe to the code you linked.

Can someone tell me about the kNN search algo that Matlab uses?

I wrote a basic O(n^2) algorithm for a nearest neighbor search. As usual Matlab 2013a's knnsearch(..) method works a lot faster.
Can someone tell me what kind of optimization they used in their implementation?
I am okay with reading any documentation or paper that you may point me to.
PS: I understand the documentation on the site mentions the paper on kd trees as a reference. But as far as I understand kd trees are the default option when column number is less than 10. Mine is 21. Correct me if I'm wrong about it.
The biggest optimization MathWorks have made in implementing nearest-neighbors search is that all the hard stuff is implemented in a MEX file, as compiled C, rather than MATLAB.
With an algorithm such as kNN that (in my limited understanding) is quite recursive and difficult to vectorize, that's likely to give such an improvement that the O() analysis will only be relevant at pretty high n.
In more detail, under the hood the knnsearch command uses createns to create a NeighborSearcher object. By default, when X has less than 10 columns, this will be a KDTreeSearcher object, and when X has more than 10 columns it will be an ExhaustiveSearcher object (both KDTreeSearcher and ExhaustiveSearcher are subclasses of NeighborSearcher).
All objects of class NeighbourSearcher have a method knnsearch (which you would rarely call directly, using instead the convenience command knnsearch rather than this method). The knnsearch method of KDTreeSearcher calls straight out to a MEX file for all the hard work. This lives in matlabroot\toolbox\stats\stats\#KDTreeSearcher\private\knnsearchmex.mexw64.
As far as I know, this MEX file performs pretty much the algorithm described in the paper by Friedman, Bentely, and Finkel referenced in the documentation page, with no structural changes. As the title of the paper suggests, this algorithm is O(log(n)) rather than O(n^2). Unfortunately, the contents of the MEX file are not available for inspection to confirm that.
The code builds a KD-tree space-partitioning structure to speed up nearest neighbor search, think of it like building indexes commonly used in RDBMS to speed up lookup operations.
In addition to nearest neighbor(s) searches, this structure also speeds up range-searches, which finds all points that are within a distance r from a query point.
As pointed by #SamRoberts, the core of the code is implemented in C/C++ as a MEX-function.
Note that knnsearch chooses to build a KD-tree only under certain conditions, and falls back to an exhaustive search otherwise (by naively searching all points for the nearest one).
Keep in mind that in cases of very high-dimensional data (and few instances), the algorithm degenerates and is no better than an exhaustive search. In general as you go with dimensions d>30, the cost of searching KD-trees will increase to searching almost all the points, and could even become worse than a brute force search due to the overhead involved in building the tree.
There are other variations to the algorithm that deals with high dimensions such as the ball trees which partitions the data in a series of nesting hyper-spheres (as opposed to partitioning the data along Cartesian axes like KD-trees). Unfortunately those are not implemented in the official Statistics toolbox. If you are interested, here is a paper which presents a survey of available kNN algorithms.
(The above is an illustration of searching a kd-tree partitioned 2d space, borrowed from the docs)

Multi-parametric regression in MATLAB?

I have a curve which looks roughly / qualitative like the curves displayed in those 3 images.
The only thing I know is that the first part of the curve is hardware-specific supposed to be a linear curve and the second part is some sort of logarithmic part (might be a combination of two logarithmic curves), i.e. linlog camera. But I couldn't tell the mathematic structure of the equation, e.g. wether it looks like a*log(b)+c or a*(log(c+b))^2 etc. Is there a way to best fit/find out a good regression for this type of curve and is there a certain way to do this specifically in MATLAB? :-) I've got the student version, i.e. all toolboxes etc.
fminsearch is a very general way to find best-fit parameters once you have decided on a parametric equation. And the optimization toolbox has a range of more-sophisticated ways.
Comparing the merits of one parametric equation against another, however, is a deep topic. The main thing to be aware of is that you can always tweak the equation, adding another term or parameter or whatever, and get a better fit in terms of lower sum-squared-error or whatever other goodness-of-fit metric you decide is appropriate. That doesn't mean it's a good thing to keep adding parameters: your solution might be becoming overly complex. In the end the most reliable way to compare how well two different parametric models are doing is to cross-validate: optimize the parameters on a subset of the data, and evaluate only on data that the optimization procedure has not yet seen.
You can try the "function finder" on my curve fitting web site zunzun.com and see what it comes up with - it is free. If you have any trouble please email me directly and I'll do my best to help.
James Phillips