I want to replace $APP_DIR with APP/DIR using sed command (replace "$" with "/") - sed

I want to replace $APP_DIR with APP/DIR using sed command
tried this
sed -e 's/$APP_DIR /APP/DIR/g'
But it is giving error


Replacing the test with sed

I'm trying to replace the text using the sed, but it's showing some error. Not getting where I'm getting wrong.
sed -i 's/process.env.REDIRECT_URI/http:\/\/test-domain.apps.io/\callback/g' input.txt
Have this :
Replace this with :
sed -i 's/process.env.REDIRECT_URI/http:\/\/test-domain.apps.io/g' input.txt
The original command has a spurious string /\callback. All that was needed to make the code work was to remove it.
. is a wildcard. If you want to be sure that you are matching periods, they should be escaped:
sed -i 's/process\.env\.REDIRECT_URI/http:\/\/test-domain.apps.io/g' input.txt
Sometimes, its clearer if one doesn't have to escape /. One can use a separator of one's choice. For example, use #:
sed -i 's#process\.env\.REDIRECT_URI#http://test-domain.apps.io#g' input.txt
If you did want /callback in the output, use:
sed -i 's/process\.env\.REDIRECT_URI/http:\/\/test-domain.apps.io\/callback/g' input.txt
sed -i 's#process\.env\.REDIRECT_URI#http://test-domain.apps.io/callback#g' input.txt

sed to copy part of line to end

I'm trying to copy part of a line to append to the end:
I have tried:
sed 's/\(.*(GCA_\)\(.*\))/\1\2\2)'
$ f1=$'ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/900/169/985/GCA_900169985.1_IonXpress_024_genomic.fna.gz'
$ echo "$f1"
$ sed -E 's/(.*)(GCA_.[^.]*)(.[^_]*)(.*)/\1\2\3\/\2\4/' <<<"$f1"
sed -E (or -r in some systems) enables extended regex support in sed , so you don't need to escape the group parenthesis ( ).
The format (GCA_.[^.]*) equals to "get from GCA_ all chars up and excluding the first found dot" :
$ sed -E 's/(.*)(GCA_.[^.]*)(.[^_]*)(.*)/\2/' <<<"$f1"
Similarly (.[^_]*) means get all chars up to first found _ (excluding _ char). This is the regex way to perform a non greedy/lazy capture (in perl regex this would have been written something like as .*_?)
$ sed -E 's/(.*)(GCA_.[^.]*)(.[^_]*)(.*)/\3/' <<<"$f1"
Short sed approach:
sed -E 's/(GCA_[^._]+)\.([^_]+)/\1.\2\/\1/' <<< "$s"
The output:

Trying to overwrite a string that has single quotes using Perl or sed in the terminal

I have the following line in a file:
I am trying to use sed in the terminal to overwrite that line to read as follows:
I have tried the following but it does not work:
sed -i \'\' -e \'s/app-assets:"/assets/"/app-assets:"http://www.example.com/assets/"/g\' myfile.txt
I am fine using Perl if easier.
Use the following sed approach:
sed -i 's~\(\$app-assets:"\)\(/assets/\)"~\1http://www.example.com\2"~' myfile.txt
~ here is treated as sed subcommand separator
sed 's/app-assets:\"\/assets\/\";/app-assets:\"http:\/\/www\.example\.com\/assets\/\";/g' filename

Better way to fix mocha lcov output using sed

Due to the know prob of mocha-lcov-mocha breaking file paths, I need to fix the current output paths that looks like this:
I'm not very good with sed, but I got it to work using:
mocha -R mocha-lcov-reporter _coverage/test --recursive | sed 's,SF:,SF:src/,' | sed s',SF.*test.*,SF:test//&,' | sed s',/SF:,,' | sed s',test/src,test,' | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js
which is basically doing 4 sed commands in sequence
sed 's,SF:,SF:src/,'
sed s',SF.*test.*,SF:test//&,'
sed s',/SF:,,'
sed s',test/src,test,'
my question is if there is a way to do with this one sed command, or use another osx/linux command line tool
Initially put "src/" after every ":" and then if "test" is found on the line replace "src" with "test":
$ sed 's,:,:src/,;/test/s,src,test,' file
You could put all the sed commands in a file, one line per command, and just use "sed -e script". But if you just want it on a single command-line, separate with semicolons. This works for me:
sed 's,SF:,SF:src/,;s,SF.*test.*,SF:test//&,;s,SF:,,;s,test/src/,test,'
sed command
sed '\#test#!{s#SF:Vis/#SF:src/Vis/#g};\#SF:Vis/test#{s#SF:Vis/test#SF:test/Vis/test#g};' my_file
Here is an awk version:
awk -F: '/SF/ {$0=$1FS (/test/?"test/":"src/")$2}1' file
How it works:
awk -F: ' # Set field separator to ":"
/SF/{ # Does line start with "SF"?
$0=$1FS (/test/?"test/":"src/")$2 # Recreat String by adding "test" if line contains "test", else "src"
1 # Print all lines
' file # read the file

how to find replace value with whitespace using sed in a bash script

I have values in a file like this ' value-to-remove '(without the ' characters). I want to use sed to run through the file and replace the values including the space before and after. I am running this via a bash script.
How can I do this?
The sed command I'm using at the moment replaces the values but leaves behind the two spaces.
sed -i 's/ '$value' / /g' test.conf
In script I have
sed -i -e 's/\s'$DOMAIN'-'$SITE'\s/\s/g' gitosis.conf
echoed as
sed -i -e s/\sffff.com-eeee\s/\s/g test.conf
Not working though.
IMHO your sed does not know '\s', so use [ \t], and use double quotes, otherwise your variables will not expand. e.g.:
sed -i -e "s/[ \t]'$DOMAIN'-'$SITE'[ \t]/ /g" gitosis.conf
Let me know if this is what you need
echo 'Some values to remove value-to-remove and more' | sed -e 's/\svalue-to-remove\s/CHANGED/g'
output: Some values to removeCHANGEDand more