Automatic Withdrawal Using PayPal in Freelancer Marketplace Website - paypal

I'm building a freelancer's marketplace and using PayPal for payments.
Need to know is there a way of automatic withdrawal in PayPal like when freelancer is requesting a withdrawal from admin, in current scenario admin has to do it manually. I Need to change it from manual to automatic. Like whenever freelancer request a withdraw, the amount should automatically transfer from admin PayPal's account to freelancer's PayPal account.
Is this possible? Please help.


PayPal Auto Payment without logging in

I want to make a payment system in which users can connect their PayPal account to a website. In this step, login required.
When transaction occurs, without having to log in again, users can pay to the site.
This would be quite different from PayPal subscriptions -- just auto payment like upwork client account.
What you are looking seems to be a "Reference Transactions" solution. It can be tested in sandbox, but to use it in live, the business account would need to be approved for this feature by PayPal. To do this the account owner would need to contact their PayPal account manager or PayPal's general customer support (not MTS), and explain the business need for this feature.
As far as implementing the solution, the only public documentation I'm aware of is for classic APIs: . Any newer API or vault solution does not appear to be publicly available at this time, but you could always contact PayPal's support and ask if there's something they'd rather you implement than those classic APIs. The more significant hurdle is the business approval for the feature mentioned earlier.

how to add paypal payment method in web project?

How are you.
I am building job site and I would like to handle payment between client and freelancer by paypal.
To do it, I think developer should attach their paypal to his account.
I have searched how to do it, but all the example are to make direct payment button.
There are 2 senarios to pay freelancer.
Direct payment from client to freelancer
when client approve work, he can release directly without admin side.
List item
Client first fund money to admin paypal and when job completed, admin paypal release money to freelancer account.
How can I solve this kinds of problem?

PayPal - Disable Create Account option

I'm using PayPal Website Payments Standard.
Once payment has been completed using credit/debit, consumer then prompted to create paypal account which is misleading. If they don’t want to, they have to select ‘no thanks’ to exit.
Is there any way to stop PayPal from offering this?
There is not a way to disable this feature with the Website Payments Standard flow.

Drupal Commerce - Paypal Payment

I'm looking for a explanation about how the Paypal Sandbox works. Let's say I have a real Paypal account through which I receive payments and I want to configure it on Drupal Commerce's Paypal module, but also I want to test the payment workflow first before making it live and let my customers use it, I see the Paypal configuration on Drupal has the following options under the "PayPal server" section:
Sandbox - use for testing, requires a PayPal Sandbox account
Live - use for processing real transactions
I assume that if I want to do "dummy" transactions I must enable the "Sandbox" option on the Drupal side so my question is
Is enabling the 'Sandbox' option the only thing I need to do in order to avoid real transactions being charged to my Paypal account? or do I have to create another Paypal account (the Sandbox account) and configure it on the Drupal side instead of my real account?
I was just wondering if the Paypal Payment plugin on Drupal needs a "Sandbox account" (different from my real Paypal account) or if by just enabling the Sandbox option it somehow signals Paypal about it and any transactions are just ignored while that option is enabled.
I'll apreciate if someone clarifies this a bit for me, I'm just starting to develop Paypal related stuff.
I recommend using a sandbox account from here
You cannot test a dummy transaction with a real PayPal account on PayPal Sandbox. It requires Sandbox account. So, you need a Sandbox account AND change the Drupal option to Sandbox for testing.

Paypay website payments standard API: pay without paypal account

we have set up Paypal as a hook into an e-commerce application, where users just enter their paypal account, and we link their clients through to their Paypal account when buying products.
This works great, and paypal asks you to login to pay for your purchases.
But we don't want clients to be forced to create a paypal account, just to make a purchase.
Does website payments standard API actually support paying without a paypal account?
At the moment this is a real showstopper for us.
Check out PayPal Adaptive Accounts. You can create PP accounts for your users. The only step they'll have to complete at PayPal is creating a password. Once the account is created you might need send the user back through a checkout flow.
Adaptive Accounts
Use the Adaptive Accounts API to build applications that create and manage PayPal accounts. Merchants and developers can use the API to create PayPal accounts, add payment methods to accounts, and verify a PayPal account status.
Paypal is a very useful payment service gateway, exactly because the customer does not need to enter a credit-card number.
What we do, is offer Paypal as an option. We allow credit-card entry as well. In order to evaluate the credit-card for validity etc., we interface with the bank that supports our account and let their system do the checks. Another option would be "Cash on Delivery".