Failed to find TOC plugins that are customizable for a long list. Is there anyway to find short codes or convert templates? - plugins

I've got a glossary page on my website that contains a long list of contents, every TOC I use is not visually suitable, found some templates but there is no source for their codes. Is there any platform or plugin for a customizable or writable TOC for WordPress?
Link to wordpress troubleshooting


Is project summary supported in web site output?

First of all, SHFB rocks :-)
I use the Standalone Help File Builder and Tools to render a web based "help site".
However, the specified project summary seems to be omitted/ignored and never found in the resulting output web site files.
Can anyone tell me how to include the project summary in a SHFB rendered web site?
The short story - an project summary makes no sense when using conceptual topics only.
When documenting code libraries it is important that namespaces are described. XML documentation comments do not support the addition of summary information for namespaces. However, this extra information can be added using Sandcastle Help File Builder.
SHFB gets around the limitation by allowing you to manually add a summary to each namespace. This summary is stored within the SHFB project so that you do not need to recreate it each time you build the documentation.
Having some namespaces you may want to add a root namespace and comments as node into the resulting compiled help file.
As shown below, you need to set some options and add text:
The resulting CHM file:

Styling Help Framework

I've read the documentation and I can't figure out how to override the help system framework that eclipse generates (eg. Search Scope All Topics etc). It shows as a grey boring style, and the plugins seem to build it automatically. I can add css to the toc.xml which affects my pages, but not the frame that goes around it. Is there a guide for this?
The modernization of the help system which is still based on HTML frames and which is not responsive has not yet been implemented (see Eclipse bug 501718). Eclipse is open source and help is welcome. ;-)
However, it is possible to create your own responsive HTML 5 page with an iFrame for the content and which loads TOC elements, search results, etc. via JavaScript from the Eclipse help system as it is. In this way, I realized a search field with search suggestions and a preview (see my blog post: Like to pimp your help, eh?).

Glossary in Moodle: show overview of all terms on one page

I am a beginner in moodle-programming and would like to build a custom module which displays all terms and explanations of a given glossary on one page. Can someone point out, how to begin and accomplish this?
Moodle has a built-in glossary feature that allows glossaries to be added to courses -it's described in the user guide. You will see the ALL option to display all on a single page. They can also be imported from appopriately formatted files like CSV or XML files,search for import glossary from Excel in moodle on

Having trouble to getting typeaheadjs

I have gone through typeahead reference site . they given some examples. In that examples , they have not mention , what are the JS need to added to run the sample program. share some examples to understand . it will be very useful to us
I presume you are referring to the Bootstrap Typeahead plugin, and not the Twitter Typeahead.js, which has links to examples.
For Bootstrap Typeahead you need either the bootstrap.js file - which is already there if you downloaded the full version - or the bootstrap-typeahead.js which you can get from the Customize page. And of course the bootstrap.css.
Here are some example pages that I found useful:
The plugin doesn't support ajax, so go to Github and download one of the forks that enable ajax and also add some other functionality.

How to create an Export Plugin for Confluence

I'd like to create a plugin that exports into a custom document format similar to the way that export to PDF and export to Word currently work in Confluence.
Does anyone have experience creating a custom export plugin for Confluence? If so do you know of any resources or samples that describe what would be involved?
Here are the most useful resources that I've found so far:
Plugin Tutorial - Adding a custom action to Confluence - This shows how to add an action to the "Tools" menu that appears at the top of a confluence page. Additionally it shows how to interact with the Page object to get more info about the page.
Plugin Module Types - The second guide I found helpful was the list of general plugin module types. It was informative to discover that a "plugin" is really a collection of "modules" and seeing this list was helpful to understand how to apply that model to creating a plugin of the type I was looking for. Additionally the Confluence Plugin Guide was also helpful for a breakdown on Confluence specific plugin modules.
The Confluence Developer FAQ - Useful for information on how to convert wiki content from a page into HTML as well as a number of other hard-to-find gems.
Finally, it was hard to find, but in order to understand how to "target" a particular menu or area of the existing UI to extend, I found it very helpful to read about the guide for Creating your Plugin Descriptor.