Does Github Project Classic not exist anymore? - github

In my previous Github repos, I was able to create a project under the repo which was specific to the repo, but now I cannot see this option for the new repos.
I can still use Project (Classic) in my previous repos.
Github now push me to create a project under my account, and link to the repo, but I want to create a project just under the repo.
In my side, the problem is that, when I try to create an "Issue", the user can see all of my projects under my account, but I don't want that.
The user should only see the related project.
Can I somehow have the previous version of the projects?


IntelliJ & GitHub: How to create an organization-based repository

I am a noob at both GitHub and IntelliJ, please answer in that context and be patient.
I need to create a repository for my IntelliJ project in my organization, not my personal account, and be able to Admin it.
NOTE: I do NOT have admin rights for the organization, but I can create projects on it through the GitHub interface and setup a team for it with Admin rights. So, the goal should be feasible.
I am using IntelliJ (and its integrated GitHub support, not a separate windows github app install).
When I use the IntelliJ "Share the Project on GitHub" I am not given the option to choose whether to place the repository in the organization, it automatically places it in my account's list of repositories.
Then if in the GitHub website I try to transfer ownership from my account to the organization, it moves it but I lose all Admin rights. I tried to add a team I defined in the organization as collaborators to see if I could grant myself Admin rights through the team before I transfer ownership but the team does not appear.
2nd (related) PROBLEM:
Files committed from IntelliJ show as successful in IntelliJ but do not display in the Code section of the GitHub website. The message in that page mentions creating or uploading a file even though in theory IntelliJ did that.
Is IntelliJ's GitHub integration usable, especially for organization-based repositories? Or should I install the windows command-line GitHub app and do all of my version control from there?
If the first, is there a good tutorial for creating org-based repositories in IntelliJ?
SOLUTION (I figured it out):
Create the project repository inside the organization.
Click on the repository to open it. Copy the URL.
In IntelliJ create a new project from VCS. Past the URL and hit CLONE.
Add your project contents, commit and push.
Much simpler than I expected... once figured out.

Where to find GitHub project boards I have been added to as collaborator?

I have created a project board on Github and added another user as a collaborator to this private project. He can't find the project under his own project list but only if I give him the direct link.
Double-check the permission granted for that user for the project, using the GitHub API
But I suspect that, unless your project is an organization project (where you can add a collaborator), a collaborator would not see a private project in their own project list unless given a direct link.

what is the difference between github project and project inside repository?

I know this question sounds dumb, but I am unable to understand the difference between the main project and project option provided inside each repository.
Are they same? (But the URL differs)
I looked at
but it doesn't help.
I basically understand that for larger projects management, project inside repository is helpful.
on what uses cases, they provided the another project outside of repository and linking those repositories to it?
Is that for structuring?
There is a repository on github (sometimes called a "project") where you store your code. You change the code, make a git commit, and push those code changes to the github repository.
GitHub also has a feature called "projects" which provides you a method for managing the work that needs to be done on the code. GitHub also has "issues", an issue tracker. You can use the GitHub Project Board to organize your GitHub issues, giving you a way to see see where things are at in your effort on the code.
You can turn off the "projects" and "issues" features in the repository settings, you don't have to use them. The center of work is the code in the repository, which might be referred to as a project -- the Projects feature lets you manage your issues in GitHub in a more visual format.
The difference is in the scope. The "main project" (user-owned project board) can have issues and pull requests from multiple repositories whereas the "project in repository" (repository project board) can contain only the issues and pull requests belonging to that repository.
From the Project boards docs:
Types of project boards:
User-owned project boards can contain issues and pull requests from any personal repository.
Organization-wide project boards can contain issues and pull requests from any repository that belongs to an organization. You can link up to twenty-five repositories to your organization or user-owned project board...
Repository project boards are scoped to issues and pull requests within a single repository. They can also include notes that reference issues and pull requests in other repositories.

Sync GitHub Pages Configuration Between Projects and Organization

I have a GitHub organization where I publish a webpage from the repository Of course, I have several project repositories where I'd like to host documentation about those projects. This is all possible through GitHub Pages.
However, I'm not sure how to synchronize the configuration of the organization page with the project pages. I want the website to look the same whether I'm at or if I'm at
What can I do to keep the Jekyll-based configuration in sync?
This is the solution we've come up with:
Create a repository to contain the Jekyll configuration, jekyll-website.
Fork/copy the repository to the repository <orgname>
In every project, create a git subtree as the docs directory.
Whenever you need to make change to the look/design of the webpage, do it in jekyll-website, then pull those changes into <orgname> and all the project subtrees. This is a little bit of work whenever you need to make changes to the website, but it gets the job done.
Since the Github pages sites are hosted in the gh-pages branch of their respective repos, they are independent from each other and the project pages.
I'm assuming your content will be unique for each repo, so you're asking about syncing the theme/structure etc, which as far as I know that cannot be synced. I would recommend choosing a Jekyll theme for all of your sites and stick to editing content.

Need some help setting up Git/EGit/GitHub for the first time

I am creating a totally new OSS project for my organisation and I want to host it on GitHub. The project will be developed using Eclipse and I am using EGit. I have no prior experience with Git, as I've previously only used SVN.
Here's what I did so far:
Created a new account for my organisation on GitHub. (I already had a personal account.)
Created a new repository under my organisation's GitHub account for this project.
Under the new repository's "Collaborators" section, added my personal account. (I verified this in my personal account.)
Installed EGit into my Eclipse. (I am using Eclipse 4.2 with EGit 2.0.0)
Created a new Eclipse project in a new Eclipse workspace. (It's a Maven project so I created it through m2e but that shouldn't make a difference.)
Added the new Eclipse project to a new Git local repository (via Team -> Share Project).
Created the .gitignore (ignores Eclipse-specific files and directories).
Added source to the project (via Team -> Add to Index).
Committed local changes to my local repository.
Copied the HTTPS URL from GitHub.
Team -> Remote -> Push
The URL from the clipboard was already taken and most fields populated.
Entered username and password for my GitHub personal account, clicked Next, data was fetched successfully.
Selected "refs/head/master" from the Source ref dropdown (I didn't understand this entire page, maybe I've put something wrong?)
Clicked "Add Spec" and then Next
At this point, I got the error "master: master [rejected - non-fast-forward]"
I searched on Google, but the suggested resolution was to do a Pull. I tried "Team -> Pull", but got the error "The current branch is not configured for pull; No value for key branch.master.merge found in configuration"
Can anyone help me? My remote repo is still empty (save for the .gitignore and the I want to get files from my local into that remote repo!!
That looks like there is already committed content in your Github repository. I don't exactly know what is going wrong, but I would do it different:
First install Mylyn and the Mylyn GitHub connector in Eclipse. That way you can access github repositories much easier.
Use the Mylyn Github connector to clone your existing (assumed to be empty) Github repository into a new local repository (File->Import->Git->From Github). That is the easiest way to verify your login credentials, ssh keys and so on.
During the previous cloning step, the github repository was automatically added as "upstream" repository reference to your local repository. So if you now add files to your local repository, you can commit them and afterwards use "Push to upstream" to make them available on Github. No configuration of the remotes and refspecs is necessary in that case.
Now create your new Eclipse project and share it using the Team -> Share, where you select your existing local repository.
Everything beyond that would be as you already described.