ElementPlusError: [props] [API] type.text is about to be deprecated in version 3.0.0, please use type.link instead - element-plus

How do I turn off this warning?
I know what it means, but I use "element plus": "^ 2.2.12", and I also use the automatic import plug-in. Does this plug-in automatically import the latest version of element plus


malformed record data: github.com/lib/pq#v1.1.0/go.mod

i'm trying to get the go package using command go get gorm.io/driver/postgres
but the result is always like this
go get: gorm.io/driver/postgres#none updating to
gorm.io/driver/postgres#v1.1.0 requires
github.com/jackc/pgx/v4#v4.11.0 requires
github.com/jackc/pgconn#v1.8.1 requires
github.com/jackc/pgmock#v0.0.0-20190831213851-13a1b77aafa2 requires
github.com/jackc/pgtype#v0.0.0-20190828014616-a8802b16cc59 requires
github.com/jackc/pgx/v4#v4.0.0-pre1.0.20190824185557-6972a5742186 requires
github.com/jackc/pgtype#v0.0.0-20190824184912-ab885b375b90 requires
github.com/lib/pq#v1.1.0: verifying go.mod: github.com/lib/pq#v1.1.0/go.mod: malformed record data
i have cleaned my cache and still getting the same error. what should i do? thanks
You have an indirect dependency to [https://github.com/lib/pq/tree/v1.0.0] which has a malformed go mod file. The go version is not mentioned in that. The latest release is v1.10.2. There is nothing to do in your code since its indirect, you can use a version of your direct dependecy gorm.io/driver/postgres which uses an updated version of this lib/pq/tree library or raise an issue in the git for lib/pq/tree.

Missing package product,

Here is a link to my package.
So after updating my Swift Package and its version tag,
I am getting the following errors when I try to update the package in my project that consumes the package.
Missing package product 'MyPackage1'
ā¯•Package resolution errors must be fixed before building
has no Package.swift manifest for version 1.0.1
1.0.0 is the original. 1.0.1 is my updated version.
Does this mean I need to create a new Package.swift for every single version? I don't even see a place in the Package.swift where I can signify the current version.
Things I've tried:
reseting the package cache in the consuming project.
"updating to latest package versions"
Deleting the Swift Package, and then trying to add it again. Before adding it completes, I get: "MyProject.git has no Package.swift manifest for version 1.0.1.
Package.swift is in the root directory.
In my case, the tag was updated on an incorrect remote branch which wasn't merged to yet, so the tag's corresponding commit didn't have the Package.swift file. It is a good practice to check the commit hash of the version you are trying to access to verify that it has the correct code.

ImportError: cannot import name 'escape' from 'cgi'

I'm getting the error message "ImportError: cannot import name 'escape' from 'cgi'" when I try to use following code in pycharm:
import nltk
parser = nltk.ChartParser(grammar, trace=0)
for tree in parser.parse(sent):
What should I do to correct it?
cgi.escape() has been removed in python 3.8. Quoting from here,
parse_qs, parse_qsl, and escape are removed from the cgi module. They
are deprecated in Python 3.2 or older. They should be imported from
the urllib.parse and html modules instead.
Since you are importing a third-party module, try using a lower python version.
I have updated the supervisor package version into:
[Fixed a Python 3.8 compatibility issue caused by the removal of cgi.escape(). Patch by Mattia Procopio.]
problem solved.
You can use html.escape instead of cgi.escape.
It worked for me

How to fix '[WARNING] The callable Microsoft.Quantum.Canon.InverseMod has been deprecated.' warning in Q#?

In IntegerFactorization Q# sample in Microsoft/Quantum repository, there isn't InverseMod function. But when I compile and run the code, it produces a number of warnings "The callable Microsoft.Quantum.Canon.InverseMod has been deprecated in favor of Microsoft.Quantum.Math.InverseModI.". How can I fix it?
There is no word InverseMod anywhere in Shor.qs file.
I expect warning is disappear. Plese help me TT
This was caused by the use of the deprecated function InverseMod in arithmetic libraries used by the IntegerFactorization project.
The project has dependencies on several NuGet packages, among them Microsoft.Quantum.Standard which provides standard library functions, including modular arithmetic. This package used the deprecated function in its version 0.6.1905.301, which caused this runtime warning. If you check the source code of the package in Microsoft/QuantumLibraries repository, you'll notice that this has been fixed two days ago, so with the next release of the NuGet package this warning will disappear.
Edit: This should be fixed in release 0.7.1905.3109. The samples repository has been updated to use the new release; if you get the latest version of the repository and try running the project again the warning should go away.

Meteor package (yogiben:admin) refuses to install, seems to be picking up wrong version from github?

I'm using aldeed:autoform#5. I also want to use yogiben's autoform-file, but I had trouble getting that to work with autoform#5 so I've used a fork by abdj:autoform-file.
Now I want to use yogiben:admin. According to the discussion on github and the latest master (https://github.com/yogiben/meteor-admin/blob/master/package.js), yogiben:admin#1.1.0 uses aldeed:autoform#4.2.2 || 5.0.0.
So why do I get this error?
C:\Webdev\koolaid>meteor add yogiben:admin#1.1.0
=> Errors while adding packages:
While selecting package versions:
error: Conflict: Constraint aldeed:autoform#4.2.2 is not satisfied by aldeed:autoform 5.1.2.
Constraints on package "aldeed:autoform":
* aldeed:autoform#5.0.2 <- abdj:autoform-file 0.2.0
* aldeed:autoform#4.2.2 <- yogiben:admin 1.1.0
Looks to me like Meteor is somehow picking up the wrong version from github? BTW I'm using Meteor WindowsPREVIEW#0.3.0.
How do I get all these packages to play nice together?