How to pass the certicate when runs the container in the azure container apps? - azure-container-apps

My application needs a certificate to comunicate with database. It not clear for me, but I can manage the certificates using key vault and there is a manner to mount a secret volume too.
I would like to know how can i pass the database certificate into the docker container runs in the azure container apps. Is it possible do it?
Thank you very much!


External Vault Authentication Permission denied

I am a beginner in vault and I am trying to set up an external vault for the Kubernetes application using It is working completely fine if everything is on a local machine same as a tutorial but In my case, I have setup vault HA on AWS EC2 and I have a separate Kubernetes cluster in which I have set up sidecar container using Helm chart as mentioned in the tutorial. I already set up Kubernetes configuration, roles, and policy on vault server but when my application starts with annotation to get secret from vault I am getting error permisson denied from vault init container.
Does anyone please help with this? Thank you in advance.

How to setup GKE Cluster and GKE pods has to communicate with cloud sql and cloud sql password stored on google cloud secret manager

I am trying to setup google kubernetes engine and its pods has to communicate with cloud sql database. The cloud sql database credentials are stored on google cloud secret manger. How pods will fetch credentials from secret manager and if secret manager credentials are updated than how pod will get update the new secret?
How to setup above requirement? Can you someone please help on the same?
You can make your deployed application get the secret (password) programmatically, from Google Cloud Secret Manager. You can find and example in many languages in the following link:
But before make sure that your GKE setup, more specifically your application is able to authenticate to Google Cloud Secret Manager. The following links can help you to choose the appropriate approche:
You can find information regarding that particular solution in this doc.
There are also good examples on medium here and here.
To answer your question regarding updating the secrets:
Usually secrets are pulled when the container is being created, but if you expect the credentials to change often (or for the pods to stick around for very long) you can adjust the code to update the secrets on every execution.

How to add cert in Pod?

How to add another root-certificate to this file /var/run/secrets/ (in pod fs) that signed the kubernetes root-certificate ?
That is, there should always be two certificates when mounting the Pod.
Thank you.
There a multiple ways to do this.
Use Init-Containers - Init containers run before your actually containers start. You can use this to Place a file (e.g. a certificate) inside your "real" container using a emptyDir-Volume. I would prefer this method. Many kubernetes applications that can be installed using helm support this out of the box.
Share your certs across all your nodes and mount them into the containers. This method is only feasible if you have full control over your nodes (e.g. When you use an On-Premise installation).
Add the certificates at build time. But you could only do this if the software that needs your certificates is built by yourself.

backup Hashicorp Vault server and use the backup to build new server

We are using Hashicorp Vault with Consul as storage, we want to implement a robust backup and recovery strategy for vault.
we are particularly looking to backup all the Vault data and use that file as storage while building new vault server.
I did enough research, not able to find a convincing solution:(
Please provide any suggestions.
This is what we followed in our production environment for the high availability of the Vault server.
As your using Consul as backend, make sure Consul/backend is highly available as all the data/secrets are stored in it.
Just to check the behavior, try running vault server with two instances but pointing to same backend, consul. Observe that both the instances, when UI opened from the browser, points the same data as the backend is same.
When Vault is backed by a persistent/high available storage, Vault can be considered just as front-end/UI service which display data/secrets/policies.
Vault High Availability with Consul that is what was Here_2_learn talking about.
Also, if you using Consul as a storage backend for Vault, you can use the consul snapshot for backing up our data.

How can I use Google Cloud Storage in a container deployed to the Google Container Engine?

I have a Java-Servlet application that runs in tomcat, which runs in a docker container, which runs on the Google Container Engine. It is no big deal to extend the docker image so that it also fetches and refreshes the certificates (there is only a single pod per domain, so no inter-pod-communication is required). However certbot needs to save it's credentials and certificates somewhere and the pod's filesystem seems like a bad idea because it is ephemeral and won't survive a pod restart. According to the table with storage options. Google Cloud storage seems like a good idea, because it is very cheap, the volume is auto sized and I can also access it from multiple locations (I don't need to create one disk for each individual pod which will be pretty much empty) including the web-UI (the later may be useful for debugging) and throuput and latency are really no issue for this usecase.
I created a bucket and now I want to access that bucket from a container. Google describes here and yet again here that I can mount the buckets using FUSE. What they don't mention is that you need to make the container privileged to use FUSE which does not feel quite right for me. Additionally I need to install the whole google cloud SDK and set up authentication (which I am going to store... where?). But actually I don't really need fuse access. Just downloading the config on startup and uploading the config after each refresh would be enough. So something that works similar to SCP would do...
There is gcloud which can access files from command line without the need for FUSE, but it still needs to be initialized somehow with credentials.
Here user326502 mentions
It won't work with zero configuration if the App Engine SDK is installed [..] As long as the container lives on a Google Compute Engine instance you can access any bucket in the same project.
He explains further that I magically don't need any credentials when I just use the library. I guess I could write my own copy application with those libraries, but it feels like the fact that I did not find something like this from anyone on the net makes me feel that I am completely on the wrong track.
So how would one actually access a google cloud storage bucket from within a container (as simple as possible)?
You can use gsutil to copy from the bucket to the local disk when the container starts up.
If you are running in Google Container Engine, gsutil will use the service account of the cluster's nodes (to do this, you'll need to specify the storage-ro scope when you create your cluster).
Alternatively, you can create a new service account, generating a JSON key. In Container Engine, you can store that key as a Kubernetes secret, and then mount the secret in the pod that needs to use it. From that pod, you'd configure gsutil to use the service account by calling gcloud auth activate-service-account--key-file /path/to/my/mounted/secret-key.json