Close Tag not working in Visual Studio Code - visual-studio-code

I am trying to close a tag in vscode but an error pops up that says command 'auto-close-tag.closeTag' not found. Anyone knows how to fix this?i am attaching the image for reference.

The issue comes from line 19. As you can see, you have:
That is a syntax error in HTML. All div tags must be closed.
You can fix it like this on line 19:


Is there a way to remove this feature on vscode?

Recently whenever I am coding specifically in Java and have a line of code like sysout, I keep getting the data type or variable before the actual code. Unable to backspace it as it seems to be an overlay without doing anything to the code. I've never had this picky issue before and am unsure if its been implented through vs code or its an extension I have. If anyone knows how I could get rid of the "x: " in line 4 of the image below then that would be great.
Thank you
Line 4 of code
This is a new vscode feature and has nothing to do with Java or any extensions. To get rid of it, put the following in your settings.json:
"editor.inlayHints.enabled": false
To open your settings.json, open the command palette and search for “settings” and click on Open user settings (JSON).

VS Code - Line in the middle of the screen

I'm a big fan of VS Code and i'm just learning to code. But when using dart language, there is a line in the middle of my screen the-line!!!. I don't have this trouble in html, css or any other language. I updated my graphics cards. What do you think could be the problem?
This isn't an issue with your graphics card. This is a Dart setting when you install the plugin via VS Code. You should be able to modify/remove this 'line' within the settings. It appears there is a fix here. The line is simply a formatting suggestion to where you are recommended to 'break' your code or start a new line.
Steps on getting rid of the line:
Go to your vs code and press on dart in the bottom of your screen
Then click on "Configure 'dart' language based settings..."
Find the line that says "editor.rulers": [80] and change the value to what ever you want or delete the "editor.rulers" line to get rid of that huge line on your vs code screen

Flutter - Is there a way to see which line of the code throws an error?

I am new to Flutter. So sorry if my question is silly...
In Flutter is there a way to see which line throws an error?
E.g. I have this in console.
And this in the stimulator.
Can I understand from it which line throws it?
You can see the line of code that has error in your screenshot bro, all you need to do is read it and we can see that the error is in #1.
it says that you story.dart has error on line 200
Using the console
See all the files in blue on the console? They represent all files (yours and those from the Flutter SDK and libraries) connected to the error message.
There is a high chance that the line that throws an/the error is not from the libraries but from your own code. So, what do you have to do?
Scan all files in blue that are from your own code and look for the one that has the strongest relationship with the error message.
For example, in your case, story.dart is your own code. Ctrl + click on story.dart files in blue to see the line that may have caused the error/exception. In your case, there is a high chance that you are trying to read or delete an element from an empty list.
You can also use the VSCode debugger to do this
I have had the same problem: VSCode opening flutter source files and pointing to an exception in them, instead of in mi code. After reading #user2740650 comment, a looked carefully to the bottom bar, and discovered the Debug my code + packages + SDK text in it.
Screen capture of bottom bar in VSCode
I clicked on it and switched to Debug my code, and my problem was solved!

VS Code - how to disable new line while closing html tags

Silly question but it constantly slowing me down,
In VS Code when I create div and press enter , it looks like that:
with new line and cursor in between.
It really doesn't help me in my workflow, since I find myself most of the time using shift+ctrl+arrow to move things around in html files and always deleting this line.
Editor should be a helpful tool, how do I disable this?
I've tried adding:
"html.format.contentUnformatted": "div",
and it doesn't have any effect.

resharper "cannot resolve symbol absmiddle"

I have resharper 5.1. When I analyze "Errors in Solution" I get a lot of the same error in my aspx files. The error is:
cannot resolve symbol 'absmiddle'
It occurs on a line of code like this:
<img src="image.png" align="absmiddle" />
How do I suppress this 'error' so it doesn't come back on when I restart Visual Studio?
In visual studio with resharper:
You should get a lightbulb in the left hand side of the screen when you click on one of these absmiddle attributes.
click on the lightbulb and select the Inspection Options for ... from the list.
In the dialog that comes up, select how you want to treat these errors.
In any case, you should not be using the align tag let alone a value of absmiddle with that tag. Instead, add this to your CSS:
img.absmiddle { vertical-align:middle; }
of couse, you'd need to set the class attribute for the images you want centred to absmiddle.